Just been pointed to this compilation from Nicole King (a brilliant professor at Berkeley): Lists of Women Speakers | The King Lab.
She has put together a collection of a few links:
As a resource for those who are interested in increasing the number of female speakers at their scientific conferences, seminar series, etc., I offer here a compendium of female speakers from diverse fields. I've started with lists that I could find easily, but if you know of additional lists, please feel free to send along the links. I would also be happy to maintain similar lists for underrepresented minorities if any such lists exist.These are the lists she maintained:
- University of Minnesota, Distinguished Scientists and Engineers from Underrepresented Groups
- Women scientists that give awesome seminars
- Celebrating Women in Science Symposium
- Indiana University Joan Wood Lecture Series
Field-specific lists
- American Society of Cell Biology WICB Speaker Referral Service
- Neuroscience: Annie's List
- Theoretical/computational chemistry, material science, and biochemistry
- Synthetic Biology
- Prominent ecologists
- Geoscientists
- American Physical Society Women Speakers List
Are people aware of any other relevant lists like this? Please share I will compile ...
@duffy_ma @phylogenomics a few months ago I (& many others) sent in some suggestions to @kejames who I think was compiling a similar list.
— Opposing Thumb (@OpposingThumb) December 18, 2014
@jkpfeiff @phylogenomics Are female plant virologists included? I know two and they aren't on the list... Hélène Sanfaçon and D'Ann Rochon.
— David Joly (@idjoly) December 18, 2014
@idjoly @phylogenomics Yes, we want plant virologists for sure! I just added them. Thanks!
— Julie Pfeiffer (@jkpfeiff) December 18, 2014
@phylogenomics Came across @EMBOcomm Women in Life Sciences database the other day. Covers 17 disciplines: http://t.co/Ul7sshqxdj @duffy_ma
— Rachel Brenchley (@rachelcwalton) December 18, 2014
@OpposingThumb @duffy_ma @phylogenomics Here is my working list of top women of color in biology: http://t.co/QsvMpGKVvM
— Karen James (@kejames) December 18, 2014
@phylogenomics We're working on a project in this area too https://t.co/uHmfBMLkLi
— Innovation Women (@WomenInno) December 19, 2014
@OpposingThumb @duffy_ma @phylogenomics Another 1, @kejames Diana Bautista frm @Cal, fresh off #SfN Young Invest awrd http://t.co/gU5hW8P6C4
— Sam Diaz-Munoz (@evolcoop) December 19, 2014