This Policeman Tried To Help A Fifth-Grader With Her Math Homework And It Got Tough

Remember fifth-grade math? Yeah… Neither did police Lt. B.J. Gruber, but he still responded to the call of duty when a 10-year-old girl asked for help on Facebook.

Remember fifth-grade math? Yeah... Neither did police Lt. B.J. Gruber, but he still responded to the call of duty when a 10-year-old girl asked for help on Facebook.
Marion Ohio Police Department

Lena Draper had been struggling with the order of operations (PEMDAS), so she reached out to the people she thought could solve the problem — the police department of Marion, Ohio.

Lena Draper had been struggling with the order of operations (PEMDAS), so she reached out to the people she thought could solve the problem — the police department of Marion, Ohio.
Molly Draper
At first, she received a standard automated response, but then Gruber replied, “What’s up?”

Lena shared the problem she’d been struggling with: “Well I don’t understand (8+29)x15.”

Lena shared the problem she’d been struggling with: “Well I don’t understand (8+29)x15.”

A tough one, but Gruber nailed it.

The lieutenant has four kids of his own, ranging in age from a third-grader to college-aged, and is no stranger to homework queries. Math, however, is not his strong suit.
“My wife usually does the math homework and I take the other stuff because I don’t remember how to do it,” he told BuzzFeed News.

Molly Draper, Lena’s mom, couldn’t believe her daughter had messaged the police about a math question. “We never truly thought they’d respond,” she told BuzzFeed News. Thankful and surprised, Draper shared the exchange on Facebook, and it’s since gone viral.

Lena enjoys math, but “new concepts are always overwhelming,” Draper said. Stumped by this lesson, the fifth-grader got resourceful.

And seeing that Gruber was committed to the cause, Lena asked another question.

And seeing that Gruber was committed to the cause, Lena asked another question.

Here’s where Gruber wishes he remembered the helpful mnemonic device “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” (parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction). He told Lena to add first before multiplying. But still, valiant effort.

“Maybe should have mentioned that history was my favorite subject before answering,” he joked.

The two math wizards continued to exchange messages after the semi-successful tutoring session and recently met in person. Gruber stopped by Lena’s school for lunch and says the experience exemplifies his department’s commitment to community policing.

The two math wizards continued to exchange messages after the semi-successful tutoring session and recently met in person. Gruber stopped by Lena's school for lunch and says the experience exemplifies his department's commitment to community policing.

“We really try to increase trust and show kids we are approachable,” he said. “This time it was homework, but hopefully next time if a kid is in trouble they will also reach out.”

This Mom's Heartbreaking Photo Of Her Son's Battle With Cancer Is Going Viral

For many people, their first reaction when looking at this gut-wrenching photo would be: “why would on earth any parent in their right mind share this image to the world?”
The powerful picture shows a 10-year-old boy called Drake, in the bathroom wearing a pull-up nappy. He is standing over the toilet clearly in excruciating pain as he battles the insidious disease that is cancer.

This may seem intrusive to some, but when his mother who captured the heartbreaking moment explains why she decided to share the photo, it all makes sense.
“For anyone battling cancer or enduring chemotherapy, for anyone going through this horrible disease - it is about to get real, real hard and real quick, she says on her post that was picked up by Love What Matters.
“The picture I’m posting is from this morning, and before you scream and cry ‘why would she post a picture of him in a pull up, the indecency’, well….
  1. It doesn’t show more than swimming jammers would
  2. Because life is not always politically correct and pretty, it is real Life isn’t pretty, and cancer destroys a person.”

nappy boy
The heartbreaking photo of Drake has truly touched people all over the world. Source: Love What Matters

“This was this morning after carrying Drake to the bathroom”

She goes on to describe how truly devastating it is to have your child going through a cancerous hell.
“Yes, he is in a pull up because 75 per cent of the time he can’t control his bathroom habits. This is skin and bones, because I have to beg him to eat ONE green bean for supper, or drink a cup of water throughout the day,” she says.
“This is having your son sleep with you at night because he is afraid of something happening and being alone, and by something I mean dying. This is having middle of the night conversations with a ten year old, asking if he dies will he go to heaven and will he see his dad there and be able to talk and play with him.”

Drake spending Christmas in hospital. Source: YouCaring

“This is him, throwing up every medication I give him”

Drake’s broken mother goes on to paint an even more heartbreaking reality of the torture that her beloved boy endures every second of the day.
“This is him being too weak to get out of bed or walk and needing to be carried or in a wheelchair. This is him falling asleep as someone is talking to him, because he is too exhausted. This is him, throwing up every medication I give him and him dry heaving because his stomach is empty except for the spoonful of yogurt I just gave him with his pills. This is having to take 44 chemo pills last week in a matter of 24 hours,” she says.
“This is him telling me, ‘mummy, I’m not going to make it.’ This is him not wanting to be touched, because it hurts too much, and using morphine to get through his day. This is him telling me he is scared and thinks he won’t see his 11th birthday. This is him and me, telling him that I will continue to fight for him when he can’t. This is him and me, and our world.”

50 50
Drake means the world to his mother. Source: YouCaring

“He is my smile, my love, my heartbeat”

Drake is very lucky to have a mother who will love him – no matter how tough life can be.
“This is him, Drake, Stinky Joe, my whole world. From the moment I found out I was pregnant till future forever, he has been my reason for life. He is my smile, my love, my heartbeat. He is also my tears, my heart ache, my frowns. He is my life.”

Outpouring of love and support

The post has resonated with hundreds of thousands of people with 155,000 reactions and more than 17,000 comments:
“I’m sitting here at work, tears just rolling down my face. There is nothing in this world I could say that would even express how much my heart goes out to your family and families like yours.”
“Your little man is EXACTLY the reason I am running the London marathon in the UK In 9 weeks to raise money for Children with Cancer U.K in the hope it will help to find a cure and further research into childhood cancer. Sending lots and lots of love and cuddles to you, your boy and your family x.”
“No one knows unless they have taken one step in your shoes, slept one minute in your bed or spent one minute holding that head. Post your pictures and tell your story. No one will know unless you show them as some people need pictures to get it in their head. Cancer is not glamorous. It’s mean and ugly and hateful and it doesn’t care if you’re old or young. Tell them everything. You go Drake!”
If you would like to donate to Drake and his family go to Help Drake Medinger and Jessica kick cancer

Expert Warns North Korea Planning A ‘9/11 Style’ Attack

A Korean expert has claimed that North Korea is planning a September 11 style attack on the US early into Trump’s administration.

The communist regime, headed by Kim Jong-un, is delaying an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test and a nuclear test until the political turmoil in the south of the country settles down.
Victor Cha explained that Pyongyang is building a strong nuclear arsenal ‘to field a modern nuclear force that has the proven ability to threaten first US territories in the Pacific — including Guam and Hawaii — then the achievement of a capability to reach the US homeland, starting with the West Coast’.
36092UNILAD imageoptim Donald web Expert Warns North Korea Planning A 9/11 Style AttackGetty
Speaking at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Tuesday, Victor Cha, a Georgetown University professor and Korea chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said:
Pyongyang carried out two (failed) medium-range ballistic missiles tests prior to President Trump’s election on October 15 and 20, 2016. The only reason they have not followed the election with an action, we believe, is because of the domestic political crisis in South Korea,
However, once this crisis of leadership in the South is resolved (or even before then), ballistic missile and nuclear tests are sure to follow.
Very soon North Korea will be able to target all 50 states, and our allies.
With hundreds of thousands of North Korean laborers abroad — sending as much as $2bn (£1.6bn) a year back to the regime in hard currency — we should look at targeting this expatriate labor.
Loopholes in our sanctions on North Korea’s shipping and financial sectors must be closed. And when we discover that foreign banks have helped Kim Jong-un skirt sanctions – as those in China have repeatedly done – we must give those banks and businesses a stark choice: do business with Kim Jong-un or the US” he reportedly said.
14908UNILAD imageoptim kim1 504x350 Expert Warns North Korea Planning A 9/11 Style AttackPA
Cha is urging to US government to take out strict measures against North Korea in terms of closing loopholes and enforcing tighter sanctions.
The US has approved plans to move ahead with the THAAD missile defence system to South Korea, which has the capability to shoot any nuclear missile detonated from the North out of the sky.
Just as September 11 was the defining event of Bush’s term, a potential attack from North Korea would define Donald Trump’s tenure.

NASA Live Feed Cuts As ‘Six UFOs’ Fly By International Space Station

Some UFO hunters decided they wanted to see some UFOs, so examined footage from the space station and branded six orbs of light as signs of alien life.
The footage from NASA’s live feed was spotted by UFO spotter Streetcap1 who shared it with the ‘experts’ SecureTeam10.
After some very serious and reliable investigations, the secure team shared their findings online.
674 NASA1 NASA Live Feed Cuts As Six UFOs Fly By International Space StationYoutube
Tyler from SecureTeam said:
He has discovered what some are calling a fleet of unidentified flying objects moving in the distance behind the International Space Station.
We have about six UFOs passing behind, and judging from the distance, I would guess that the size of these objects, whatever they are, would be fairly large.
Much larger than Nasa’s typical excuse of ice particles, we must be looking at icebergs.
Tyler claimed that NASA was trying to cover up the suspicious feed by cutting to a scene from inside the briefing room.
Yes six lights do pass across the screen, and they are unidentified. Not sure where the link to extra-terrestrial life comes in though.

America Might Be Gearing Up For A Big War That No One’s Talking About

In his new film The Coming War On China, award winning journalist John Pilger makes the case that the United States military is gearing up for the war to end all wars, against the world’s second biggest economic power – China.

Pilger has been at the forefront of journalism for more than five decades, and this film is the latest in a long line which has often taken aim at the American military machine, the largest to ever grace the earth.
To see how his claims stand up, I caught up with Professor Scott Lucas from the University of Birmingham. Lucas is an expert in U.S. foreign policy and international relations and has also worked as a journalist since the late seventies, with a particular emphasis on world affairs.
The film opens with a number of harrowing images of war, as the American national anthem plays out in the background. Media reports of China’s apparent expansion in the South China Sea follow, as Pilger’s narration proclaims that ‘the media is beating the drums of war’.
52950UNILAD imageoptim Wikimedia SCU Media Students America Might Be Gearing Up For A Big War That No Ones Talking AboutWikimedia/SCU Media Students
China is building airstrips and military bases on islands constructed in the South China Sea, what is not news, he says, is the fact that the country is surrounded by a massive amount of U.S. bases in what is termed by the military as a ‘perfect noose’. The majority of U.S. naval forces are now deployed to the region in what the military, and former President Barack Obama, calls ‘the pivot to Asia’.
These facts are true, but does that necessarily mean that America is preparing for a war against its largest trading partner? Yes, China is encircled by a staggering number of military bases, but the majority of these have been in operation for decades, many of them since the end of World War II, why now is there concern for war?
Dr Lucas doesn’t see it as inevitable:
The fact is that the Chinese are setting up artificial islands, which are military positions, it doesn’t mean that I think America is threatened by those islands in any way but it does mean that I think, and I think this is something Pilger sort of ignores, that this isn’t just a U.S. and China question. There are others who are concerned about China’s military power such as the Japanese, Philippines, Indonesia and South Korea, and those countries aren’t just American puppets. So I would differ from Pilger in thinking that this is just a bipolar U.S.-China confrontation that’s going to lead us to war.
10376UNILAD imageoptim Wikimedia HobeHolger Behr America Might Be Gearing Up For A Big War That No Ones Talking AboutWikimedia/Hobe/Holger Behr
Pilger begins to outline his case in his explanation of the U.S. occupation of the Marshall Islands, with particular reference to Bikini island, in the segment of his film ‘The secret of the Marshall Islands’.
The islands are located smack bang in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, between the west coast of North America and Japan. Bikini is just one of a network of 23 islands which, in the 1940s and ’50s, having been captured from the Japanese at the end of the war, were used to test the new doomsday weapon instrumental in bringing about the surrender of the Japanese empire and demonstrating American military might – the atomic bomb.
In 1946, 87 U.S. warships were assembled in Bikini, complete with animals that were strapped to them as Pilger says ‘Like a perverse Noah’s ark’. A nuclear weapon was then detonated, destroying the fleet and obliterating Bikini. The native population were moved to surrounding islands to live in slums abandoned by their occupiers, while the rest of the islands were used to test weapons.
Over the next 12 years, the equivalent of one Hiroshima bomb was detonated in the islands every day. In 1958 the islanders were told it was safe to return – it was of course not as they remain some of the most irradiated places on the planet.
23545UNILAD imageoptim Wikimedia U.S. Army America Might Be Gearing Up For A Big War That No Ones Talking AboutWikimedia/U.S. Army
The islands are still occupied by the U.S. military and a large installation, The Ronald Reagan Test Site, is situated on one of the non-irradiated islands. It serves as a perfect strategic point between the home continent and Asia, and is one of the key bases in the impending war, according to Pilger.
He then goes on to demonstrate the animosity and paranoia the U.S. has felt about China, ever since Mao seized power in a communist revolution in 1949, after a century of colonial rule. In the late 1970s, and with the Chinese Communist party under the control of Deng Xiaoping, capitalism returned, and it is an unbridled success.
Since then over 500 million people have been lifted out of poverty. It is this that Pilger says is a game changer, China has matched America in its pursuit of capitalism and that is unforgivable. That China has become a global economic superpower is seen as the greatest threat to American hegemony, and therefore they must be stopped at any cost.
However China depends on America and vice versa. China’s largest trading partner is the USA; they hold the largest amount of U.S. bonds. Professor Lucas believes herein lies the truth: both sides have an awful lot to lose from a military conflict and as such the prospect of an all-out nuclear conflict is unlikely, despite both superpowers posturing in the region.
44055UNILAD imageoptim Wikimedia White House Photographer America Might Be Gearing Up For A Big War That No Ones Talking AboutWikimedia/White House Photographer
“With Nixon’s opening to China in the 1970s, the Americans basically said they were going to pursue a relationship where there is dialogue rather than a confrontation first strategy,” Lucas tells me. “And then in the eighties, when the Chinese opened themselves up to the West, that again changed the nature of the relationship because the starting point is that both sides have a lot to lose from a military confrontation”.
Furthermore, there have been incidents in the recent past which could have served as a spark that would ignite conflict, but which Pilger neglects to mention in the film, such as the shooting down of a U.S. spy plane by the Chinese in 2001.
As Lucas explains:
When that plane was clipped and crashed, the crew was held for something like two weeks, there were some very loud voices, like Rumsfeld, who were saying “We’ve got to show them, we’ve got to go in and use force”. American business interests went to the state department and basically said “don’t do this, do not ruin our business relationship with this type of posturing”. Colin Powell wins the argument over Rumsfeld, and possibly over Dick Cheney, and the Americans all but apologise for running spy operations. That shows me how much the Americans are averse to going to the wall, the Chinese give the crew back and give the plane back, but in many pieces and many boxes having stripped it for intelligence.
13107UNILAD imageoptim Wikimedia U.S. Navy Kyle D. Gahlau America Might Be Gearing Up For A Big War That No Ones Talking AboutWikimedia/U.S. Navy/Kyle D. Gahlau
However, the U.S. maintains a network of military bases in the region that any nation trying to exert influence there should be wary of. Okinawa Island in Japan is occupied by 32 American installations and is according to Pilger ‘the frontline of a beckoning war with China’.
It is not without precedent that he says this; from here the U.S. has attacked Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and a host of other nations, and throughout the fifties and sixties the island was used to position nuclear missiles at every major Chinese city.
Similarly, on Jeju Island in South Korea, which is less than 400 miles from Shanghai, the U.S. is busy constructing a massive new military base. This island is located in a stretch of sea which is key to Chinese shipping, if America wanted to form a blockade, which they practised in 2015, they could strangle crucial Chinese imports. This is another reason Pilger asserts that ‘the danger of confrontation grows by the day.
With almost 1000 bases spread across the world, and 50,000 troops stationed in Japan alone, no ocean has ever been dominated like the U.S. has dominated the Pacific. However it is not necessarily in preparation for war, it seems it is more posturing from the United States – neither side wants a war, there is too much at stake.
Though with a build up like this and President Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric war is always a danger, just not the inevitability Pilger outlines.

‘Evidence’ Found In Bible That The World Will End In 2017

Two weeks ago we saw a lunar eclipse, snow moon and New Year comet grace our skies. Depending on who you ask, it was either a dazzling celestial light show, or a grim warning that the world is coming to an end.

According to the Bible, it’s time to make your peace with Jesus – the three events were a clear warning that the human race’s time on Earth is almost up. And there’s more ‘evidence’ to back up the theory.
Christian website Signs of the End Times says the recent spike in natural disasters, earthquakes and mass animal deaths are all clues that foretell our impending doom.
797 nuclearbomb Evidence Found In Bible That The World Will End In 2017Giphy
The website writes:
Never has there been a time before when all these events were evident in so many diverse places and with such frequency and intensity.
Our generation is the first generation to fulfil all the biblical signs.
Without doubt we are living in the final year.
The Biblical chapter of Hosea, chapter 4 verse 3, says one sign will be the mass loss of life on Earth. Pointing out the sudden deaths of species of bats, fish and honey bees, the website says this is clear evidence the world is going to end.
50 GettyImages 56468547 Evidence Found In Bible That The World Will End In 2017Getty
The mass death of fish, however, actually has everything to do with red tide – a harmful algal bloom that depletes oxygen and releases toxins into the water – and almost certainly nothing to do with the end of the world.
But Biblical fundamentalists still have points to prove.
Believing that the world was created only a few thousand years ago, they say this points to evidence that our time is nearly up. The Reverend Donna Larson claims that the number 6,000 is bad news – as the Bible predicts that man will rule the Earth for 6,000 years, ending in 2017.

Flickr/James Shepard
She also claims that 2017 marks 70 years since the UN established Israel and 50 years since the unification of Jerusalem, saying: “All these numbers have Biblical significance.
But just like the world was supposed to end in 2012 (and 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016), there’s a good chance we all won’t meet our impending doom this year. So don’t worry, guys.

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الثلاثاء، 21 فبراير 2017

This Policeman Tried To Help A Fifth-Grader With Her Math Homework And It Got Tough

Remember fifth-grade math? Yeah… Neither did police Lt. B.J. Gruber, but he still responded to the call of duty when a 10-year-old girl asked for help on Facebook.

Remember fifth-grade math? Yeah... Neither did police Lt. B.J. Gruber, but he still responded to the call of duty when a 10-year-old girl asked for help on Facebook.
Marion Ohio Police Department

Lena Draper had been struggling with the order of operations (PEMDAS), so she reached out to the people she thought could solve the problem — the police department of Marion, Ohio.

Lena Draper had been struggling with the order of operations (PEMDAS), so she reached out to the people she thought could solve the problem — the police department of Marion, Ohio.
Molly Draper
At first, she received a standard automated response, but then Gruber replied, “What’s up?”

Lena shared the problem she’d been struggling with: “Well I don’t understand (8+29)x15.”

Lena shared the problem she’d been struggling with: “Well I don’t understand (8+29)x15.”

A tough one, but Gruber nailed it.

The lieutenant has four kids of his own, ranging in age from a third-grader to college-aged, and is no stranger to homework queries. Math, however, is not his strong suit.
“My wife usually does the math homework and I take the other stuff because I don’t remember how to do it,” he told BuzzFeed News.

Molly Draper, Lena’s mom, couldn’t believe her daughter had messaged the police about a math question. “We never truly thought they’d respond,” she told BuzzFeed News. Thankful and surprised, Draper shared the exchange on Facebook, and it’s since gone viral.

Lena enjoys math, but “new concepts are always overwhelming,” Draper said. Stumped by this lesson, the fifth-grader got resourceful.

And seeing that Gruber was committed to the cause, Lena asked another question.

And seeing that Gruber was committed to the cause, Lena asked another question.

Here’s where Gruber wishes he remembered the helpful mnemonic device “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” (parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction). He told Lena to add first before multiplying. But still, valiant effort.

“Maybe should have mentioned that history was my favorite subject before answering,” he joked.

The two math wizards continued to exchange messages after the semi-successful tutoring session and recently met in person. Gruber stopped by Lena’s school for lunch and says the experience exemplifies his department’s commitment to community policing.

The two math wizards continued to exchange messages after the semi-successful tutoring session and recently met in person. Gruber stopped by Lena's school for lunch and says the experience exemplifies his department's commitment to community policing.

“We really try to increase trust and show kids we are approachable,” he said. “This time it was homework, but hopefully next time if a kid is in trouble they will also reach out.”

This Mom's Heartbreaking Photo Of Her Son's Battle With Cancer Is Going Viral

For many people, their first reaction when looking at this gut-wrenching photo would be: “why would on earth any parent in their right mind share this image to the world?”
The powerful picture shows a 10-year-old boy called Drake, in the bathroom wearing a pull-up nappy. He is standing over the toilet clearly in excruciating pain as he battles the insidious disease that is cancer.

This may seem intrusive to some, but when his mother who captured the heartbreaking moment explains why she decided to share the photo, it all makes sense.
“For anyone battling cancer or enduring chemotherapy, for anyone going through this horrible disease - it is about to get real, real hard and real quick, she says on her post that was picked up by Love What Matters.
“The picture I’m posting is from this morning, and before you scream and cry ‘why would she post a picture of him in a pull up, the indecency’, well….
  1. It doesn’t show more than swimming jammers would
  2. Because life is not always politically correct and pretty, it is real Life isn’t pretty, and cancer destroys a person.”

nappy boy
The heartbreaking photo of Drake has truly touched people all over the world. Source: Love What Matters

“This was this morning after carrying Drake to the bathroom”

She goes on to describe how truly devastating it is to have your child going through a cancerous hell.
“Yes, he is in a pull up because 75 per cent of the time he can’t control his bathroom habits. This is skin and bones, because I have to beg him to eat ONE green bean for supper, or drink a cup of water throughout the day,” she says.
“This is having your son sleep with you at night because he is afraid of something happening and being alone, and by something I mean dying. This is having middle of the night conversations with a ten year old, asking if he dies will he go to heaven and will he see his dad there and be able to talk and play with him.”

Drake spending Christmas in hospital. Source: YouCaring

“This is him, throwing up every medication I give him”

Drake’s broken mother goes on to paint an even more heartbreaking reality of the torture that her beloved boy endures every second of the day.
“This is him being too weak to get out of bed or walk and needing to be carried or in a wheelchair. This is him falling asleep as someone is talking to him, because he is too exhausted. This is him, throwing up every medication I give him and him dry heaving because his stomach is empty except for the spoonful of yogurt I just gave him with his pills. This is having to take 44 chemo pills last week in a matter of 24 hours,” she says.
“This is him telling me, ‘mummy, I’m not going to make it.’ This is him not wanting to be touched, because it hurts too much, and using morphine to get through his day. This is him telling me he is scared and thinks he won’t see his 11th birthday. This is him and me, telling him that I will continue to fight for him when he can’t. This is him and me, and our world.”

50 50
Drake means the world to his mother. Source: YouCaring

“He is my smile, my love, my heartbeat”

Drake is very lucky to have a mother who will love him – no matter how tough life can be.
“This is him, Drake, Stinky Joe, my whole world. From the moment I found out I was pregnant till future forever, he has been my reason for life. He is my smile, my love, my heartbeat. He is also my tears, my heart ache, my frowns. He is my life.”

Outpouring of love and support

The post has resonated with hundreds of thousands of people with 155,000 reactions and more than 17,000 comments:
“I’m sitting here at work, tears just rolling down my face. There is nothing in this world I could say that would even express how much my heart goes out to your family and families like yours.”
“Your little man is EXACTLY the reason I am running the London marathon in the UK In 9 weeks to raise money for Children with Cancer U.K in the hope it will help to find a cure and further research into childhood cancer. Sending lots and lots of love and cuddles to you, your boy and your family x.”
“No one knows unless they have taken one step in your shoes, slept one minute in your bed or spent one minute holding that head. Post your pictures and tell your story. No one will know unless you show them as some people need pictures to get it in their head. Cancer is not glamorous. It’s mean and ugly and hateful and it doesn’t care if you’re old or young. Tell them everything. You go Drake!”
If you would like to donate to Drake and his family go to Help Drake Medinger and Jessica kick cancer

الاثنين، 20 فبراير 2017

Expert Warns North Korea Planning A ‘9/11 Style’ Attack

A Korean expert has claimed that North Korea is planning a September 11 style attack on the US early into Trump’s administration.

The communist regime, headed by Kim Jong-un, is delaying an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) test and a nuclear test until the political turmoil in the south of the country settles down.
Victor Cha explained that Pyongyang is building a strong nuclear arsenal ‘to field a modern nuclear force that has the proven ability to threaten first US territories in the Pacific — including Guam and Hawaii — then the achievement of a capability to reach the US homeland, starting with the West Coast’.
36092UNILAD imageoptim Donald web Expert Warns North Korea Planning A 9/11 Style AttackGetty
Speaking at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Tuesday, Victor Cha, a Georgetown University professor and Korea chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said:
Pyongyang carried out two (failed) medium-range ballistic missiles tests prior to President Trump’s election on October 15 and 20, 2016. The only reason they have not followed the election with an action, we believe, is because of the domestic political crisis in South Korea,
However, once this crisis of leadership in the South is resolved (or even before then), ballistic missile and nuclear tests are sure to follow.
Very soon North Korea will be able to target all 50 states, and our allies.
With hundreds of thousands of North Korean laborers abroad — sending as much as $2bn (£1.6bn) a year back to the regime in hard currency — we should look at targeting this expatriate labor.
Loopholes in our sanctions on North Korea’s shipping and financial sectors must be closed. And when we discover that foreign banks have helped Kim Jong-un skirt sanctions – as those in China have repeatedly done – we must give those banks and businesses a stark choice: do business with Kim Jong-un or the US” he reportedly said.
14908UNILAD imageoptim kim1 504x350 Expert Warns North Korea Planning A 9/11 Style AttackPA
Cha is urging to US government to take out strict measures against North Korea in terms of closing loopholes and enforcing tighter sanctions.
The US has approved plans to move ahead with the THAAD missile defence system to South Korea, which has the capability to shoot any nuclear missile detonated from the North out of the sky.
Just as September 11 was the defining event of Bush’s term, a potential attack from North Korea would define Donald Trump’s tenure.

NASA Live Feed Cuts As ‘Six UFOs’ Fly By International Space Station

Some UFO hunters decided they wanted to see some UFOs, so examined footage from the space station and branded six orbs of light as signs of alien life.
The footage from NASA’s live feed was spotted by UFO spotter Streetcap1 who shared it with the ‘experts’ SecureTeam10.
After some very serious and reliable investigations, the secure team shared their findings online.
674 NASA1 NASA Live Feed Cuts As Six UFOs Fly By International Space StationYoutube
Tyler from SecureTeam said:
He has discovered what some are calling a fleet of unidentified flying objects moving in the distance behind the International Space Station.
We have about six UFOs passing behind, and judging from the distance, I would guess that the size of these objects, whatever they are, would be fairly large.
Much larger than Nasa’s typical excuse of ice particles, we must be looking at icebergs.
Tyler claimed that NASA was trying to cover up the suspicious feed by cutting to a scene from inside the briefing room.
Yes six lights do pass across the screen, and they are unidentified. Not sure where the link to extra-terrestrial life comes in though.

America Might Be Gearing Up For A Big War That No One’s Talking About

In his new film The Coming War On China, award winning journalist John Pilger makes the case that the United States military is gearing up for the war to end all wars, against the world’s second biggest economic power – China.

Pilger has been at the forefront of journalism for more than five decades, and this film is the latest in a long line which has often taken aim at the American military machine, the largest to ever grace the earth.
To see how his claims stand up, I caught up with Professor Scott Lucas from the University of Birmingham. Lucas is an expert in U.S. foreign policy and international relations and has also worked as a journalist since the late seventies, with a particular emphasis on world affairs.
The film opens with a number of harrowing images of war, as the American national anthem plays out in the background. Media reports of China’s apparent expansion in the South China Sea follow, as Pilger’s narration proclaims that ‘the media is beating the drums of war’.
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China is building airstrips and military bases on islands constructed in the South China Sea, what is not news, he says, is the fact that the country is surrounded by a massive amount of U.S. bases in what is termed by the military as a ‘perfect noose’. The majority of U.S. naval forces are now deployed to the region in what the military, and former President Barack Obama, calls ‘the pivot to Asia’.
These facts are true, but does that necessarily mean that America is preparing for a war against its largest trading partner? Yes, China is encircled by a staggering number of military bases, but the majority of these have been in operation for decades, many of them since the end of World War II, why now is there concern for war?
Dr Lucas doesn’t see it as inevitable:
The fact is that the Chinese are setting up artificial islands, which are military positions, it doesn’t mean that I think America is threatened by those islands in any way but it does mean that I think, and I think this is something Pilger sort of ignores, that this isn’t just a U.S. and China question. There are others who are concerned about China’s military power such as the Japanese, Philippines, Indonesia and South Korea, and those countries aren’t just American puppets. So I would differ from Pilger in thinking that this is just a bipolar U.S.-China confrontation that’s going to lead us to war.
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Pilger begins to outline his case in his explanation of the U.S. occupation of the Marshall Islands, with particular reference to Bikini island, in the segment of his film ‘The secret of the Marshall Islands’.
The islands are located smack bang in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, between the west coast of North America and Japan. Bikini is just one of a network of 23 islands which, in the 1940s and ’50s, having been captured from the Japanese at the end of the war, were used to test the new doomsday weapon instrumental in bringing about the surrender of the Japanese empire and demonstrating American military might – the atomic bomb.
In 1946, 87 U.S. warships were assembled in Bikini, complete with animals that were strapped to them as Pilger says ‘Like a perverse Noah’s ark’. A nuclear weapon was then detonated, destroying the fleet and obliterating Bikini. The native population were moved to surrounding islands to live in slums abandoned by their occupiers, while the rest of the islands were used to test weapons.
Over the next 12 years, the equivalent of one Hiroshima bomb was detonated in the islands every day. In 1958 the islanders were told it was safe to return – it was of course not as they remain some of the most irradiated places on the planet.
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The islands are still occupied by the U.S. military and a large installation, The Ronald Reagan Test Site, is situated on one of the non-irradiated islands. It serves as a perfect strategic point between the home continent and Asia, and is one of the key bases in the impending war, according to Pilger.
He then goes on to demonstrate the animosity and paranoia the U.S. has felt about China, ever since Mao seized power in a communist revolution in 1949, after a century of colonial rule. In the late 1970s, and with the Chinese Communist party under the control of Deng Xiaoping, capitalism returned, and it is an unbridled success.
Since then over 500 million people have been lifted out of poverty. It is this that Pilger says is a game changer, China has matched America in its pursuit of capitalism and that is unforgivable. That China has become a global economic superpower is seen as the greatest threat to American hegemony, and therefore they must be stopped at any cost.
However China depends on America and vice versa. China’s largest trading partner is the USA; they hold the largest amount of U.S. bonds. Professor Lucas believes herein lies the truth: both sides have an awful lot to lose from a military conflict and as such the prospect of an all-out nuclear conflict is unlikely, despite both superpowers posturing in the region.
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“With Nixon’s opening to China in the 1970s, the Americans basically said they were going to pursue a relationship where there is dialogue rather than a confrontation first strategy,” Lucas tells me. “And then in the eighties, when the Chinese opened themselves up to the West, that again changed the nature of the relationship because the starting point is that both sides have a lot to lose from a military confrontation”.
Furthermore, there have been incidents in the recent past which could have served as a spark that would ignite conflict, but which Pilger neglects to mention in the film, such as the shooting down of a U.S. spy plane by the Chinese in 2001.
As Lucas explains:
When that plane was clipped and crashed, the crew was held for something like two weeks, there were some very loud voices, like Rumsfeld, who were saying “We’ve got to show them, we’ve got to go in and use force”. American business interests went to the state department and basically said “don’t do this, do not ruin our business relationship with this type of posturing”. Colin Powell wins the argument over Rumsfeld, and possibly over Dick Cheney, and the Americans all but apologise for running spy operations. That shows me how much the Americans are averse to going to the wall, the Chinese give the crew back and give the plane back, but in many pieces and many boxes having stripped it for intelligence.
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However, the U.S. maintains a network of military bases in the region that any nation trying to exert influence there should be wary of. Okinawa Island in Japan is occupied by 32 American installations and is according to Pilger ‘the frontline of a beckoning war with China’.
It is not without precedent that he says this; from here the U.S. has attacked Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq and a host of other nations, and throughout the fifties and sixties the island was used to position nuclear missiles at every major Chinese city.
Similarly, on Jeju Island in South Korea, which is less than 400 miles from Shanghai, the U.S. is busy constructing a massive new military base. This island is located in a stretch of sea which is key to Chinese shipping, if America wanted to form a blockade, which they practised in 2015, they could strangle crucial Chinese imports. This is another reason Pilger asserts that ‘the danger of confrontation grows by the day.
With almost 1000 bases spread across the world, and 50,000 troops stationed in Japan alone, no ocean has ever been dominated like the U.S. has dominated the Pacific. However it is not necessarily in preparation for war, it seems it is more posturing from the United States – neither side wants a war, there is too much at stake.
Though with a build up like this and President Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric war is always a danger, just not the inevitability Pilger outlines.

‘Evidence’ Found In Bible That The World Will End In 2017

Two weeks ago we saw a lunar eclipse, snow moon and New Year comet grace our skies. Depending on who you ask, it was either a dazzling celestial light show, or a grim warning that the world is coming to an end.

According to the Bible, it’s time to make your peace with Jesus – the three events were a clear warning that the human race’s time on Earth is almost up. And there’s more ‘evidence’ to back up the theory.
Christian website Signs of the End Times says the recent spike in natural disasters, earthquakes and mass animal deaths are all clues that foretell our impending doom.
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The website writes:
Never has there been a time before when all these events were evident in so many diverse places and with such frequency and intensity.
Our generation is the first generation to fulfil all the biblical signs.
Without doubt we are living in the final year.
The Biblical chapter of Hosea, chapter 4 verse 3, says one sign will be the mass loss of life on Earth. Pointing out the sudden deaths of species of bats, fish and honey bees, the website says this is clear evidence the world is going to end.
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The mass death of fish, however, actually has everything to do with red tide – a harmful algal bloom that depletes oxygen and releases toxins into the water – and almost certainly nothing to do with the end of the world.
But Biblical fundamentalists still have points to prove.
Believing that the world was created only a few thousand years ago, they say this points to evidence that our time is nearly up. The Reverend Donna Larson claims that the number 6,000 is bad news – as the Bible predicts that man will rule the Earth for 6,000 years, ending in 2017.

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She also claims that 2017 marks 70 years since the UN established Israel and 50 years since the unification of Jerusalem, saying: “All these numbers have Biblical significance.
But just like the world was supposed to end in 2012 (and 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016), there’s a good chance we all won’t meet our impending doom this year. So don’t worry, guys.