Crosspost from microBEnet: Some interesting new papers on functional analysius of metagenomics

Crosspost from microBEnet: Collection of papers on "The Science of Science Communication"

Crossposting this from microBEnet 

 Just got pointed to this by Sharon Strauss, the chair of the Evolution and Ecology department here at UC Davis: The Science of Science Communication II Sackler Colloquium.  This is a collection of papers from a colloquium held in Septment 2013.  Slides and videos of the talks are available online. The papers and links (copied from the PNAS site) are listed below.  There are many papers here of relevance to work done at microBEnet and are also likely of general interest to many:

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الأربعاء، 1 أكتوبر 2014

Crosspost from microBEnet: Some interesting new papers on functional analysius of metagenomics

Crossposting from microBEnet:

Some new papers that may be of interest to people:

Crosspost from microBEnet: Collection of papers on "The Science of Science Communication"

Crossposting this from microBEnet 

 Just got pointed to this by Sharon Strauss, the chair of the Evolution and Ecology department here at UC Davis: The Science of Science Communication II Sackler Colloquium.  This is a collection of papers from a colloquium held in Septment 2013.  Slides and videos of the talks are available online. The papers and links (copied from the PNAS site) are listed below.  There are many papers here of relevance to work done at microBEnet and are also likely of general interest to many: