A long (and I think good) listen: Tim Ferriss podcast on "the microbiome"


So - I have been travelling a lot lately.  On one of my trips - to Las Vegas and neighboring areas - I was interviewed by Tim Ferriss for his blog.  Jessica Richman of uBiome was also interviewed - she was in SF, Ferriss was somewhere else, and I was on the phone in Vegas.  As soon as it was over I got caught up in the work I was doing there (field work for a new NSF Funded Project on "microbial dark matter".  Anyway - the interview was entertaining and I think interesting.  And then it came out while I was on the road again for another trip.  So I am just getting around to posting about it now.  Anway - here are some links for the podcast.

Ferriss' blog post about it: Are We Really 10% Human and 90% Bacteria? Exploring The Microbiome…

Direct links

I note - I have never done such a long interview for a show before (it was about two hours) but Ferriss was remarkably adept at making it relaxing and fun (for me at least).  Even the part about Jim Watson ...


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الخميس، 15 يناير 2015

A long (and I think good) listen: Tim Ferriss podcast on "the microbiome"

So - I have been travelling a lot lately.  On one of my trips - to Las Vegas and neighboring areas - I was interviewed by Tim Ferriss for his blog.  Jessica Richman of uBiome was also interviewed - she was in SF, Ferriss was somewhere else, and I was on the phone in Vegas.  As soon as it was over I got caught up in the work I was doing there (field work for a new NSF Funded Project on "microbial dark matter".  Anyway - the interview was entertaining and I think interesting.  And then it came out while I was on the road again for another trip.  So I am just getting around to posting about it now.  Anway - here are some links for the podcast.

Ferriss' blog post about it: Are We Really 10% Human and 90% Bacteria? Exploring The Microbiome…

Direct links
I note - I have never done such a long interview for a show before (it was about two hours) but Ferriss was remarkably adept at making it relaxing and fun (for me at least).  Even the part about Jim Watson ...

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