How to celebrate St. Patrick's Day the authentic way

Early Irish-American immigrants couldn't foresee the St. Patrick's Day celebrations of today: Hoards of drunken people elbowing their way to the bar for another green Bud Light.

After all, 19th Century immigrants celebrated St. Patrick's Day — always March 17 on the Feast of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland — as a way to honor their heritage while embracing their new homeland. It often came with parades, food and a little bit of partying.
It wasn't until later on that St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in Ireland. There it's a national holiday with schools and government buildings closed. Eamonn McGrath, a native Irishman and executive director of the Irish Cultural Center of New England, equates the day to the Fourth of July, where people spend time with family, attend a special Catholic mass, drink, eat and go to a parade.
McGrath claims St. Patrick's Day is "more raucously and widely" celebrated outside of Ireland than inside, a phenomenon he said makes sense. All people with Irish heritage, he said, long for home."
"You have to really leave it to know what you've left," he said. "It makes sense that it's more poignant and more expressive."
Plus, he adds, Ireland is "a nice country to be associated with."
Sure, many would concede their annual bar crawl doesn't fit traditional Irish norms, but there is a way to have your fun, fill your belly and celebrate St. Patrick's Day the authentic way.
"Pub culture was never about getting drunk," said Professor Christopher Dowd of the University of New Haven, "It was about socializing, usually around music or storytelling."
That means any St. Patrick's Day revelry should be kept social and celebratory. Here are other ways to celebrate St. Patrick's Day the right way.

Eat Irish 

It's peasant food, but a perfect meat and potato base for your celebration.
Shepherd's Pie is made with beef and vegetables and topped with mashed potatoes. There's colcannon, mashed potatoes mixed with a type of green, often cabbage. Irish soda bread is a simple, dense, not-too-sweet bread that goes well with corned beef and cabbage.  That dish, it turns out, may be more American than Irish. McGrath said Irish immigrants ate bacon and cabbage in the homeland. But they couldn't afford bacon in America, so they opted for the cheaper corned beef.
Don't forget about Irish boxty, a potato pancake, and Dublin coddle, a mixture of potatoes, onions and sausage topped with bacon.

Drink Irish

The Irish are known for their Guinness, but there's plenty of other beer options such as Harp, Murphy's, Smithwick's and Beamish & Crawford. If it's in the cards, Irish whiskey is always popular. Try Jameson, Bushmills and Tullamore D.E.W. For those early starters, Bailey's Irish Creme goes well in coffee.
The raucous nature of today's St. Patrick's Day celebrations, McGrath explained, doesn't rattle the Irish.
"I think people want to feel Irish for the day and feel part of the Irish diaspora," he said, but added, "it kind of feeds that old stereotype that the Irish are drunks. That's probably not a good thing."

Jam Irish

Upbeat traditional Irish music is crucial, McGrath said, to a proper St. Patrick's Day. Some Irish classics to consider: "Skibbereen," "Finnegan's Wake," and "The Fields of Athenry." Crank up the Clancy Brothers, The Dubliners and The Wolf Tones. When the fiddle and banjos wear off, there's always other Irish artists Van Morrison, The Pogues, U2 and The Cranberries.

Watch an Irish movie classic

Dowd suggests people pay homage by watching a movie rooted or set in the Emerald Isle, such as The Quiet Man, which according to IMDB, features John Wayne as a boxer who returns home to Ireland, where he falls in love. Dowd, who teaches Irish literature, also recommends The Commitments, about a Dublin soul band, andThe Wind that Shakes the Barley, a story of two brothers during the Irish War of Independence.

Read like the Irish

Dig up some Irish poetry or gothic literature. There's always James Joyce, the author of great Irish novels such as Dubliners and Finnegans Wake. There's also Bram Stoker, who brought us Dracula.

Watch Gaelic hurling and football

The two sports unique to Ireland, Gaelic hurling and Gaelic football, host championship games on St. Patrick's Day.
If you can, watch as the Irish do.

Remember Irish contributions to society

The Irish helped build canals, railroads, cities and infrastructure despite being disenfranchised and subject to prejudice.
Ideally, Dowd said, this is how most people would celebrate the day.
"Reflect on what the incredible contributions this immigrant group made to the country," he said. "Look at how an immigrant group benefited the United States in pretty profound ways."
Follow Sean Rossman on Twitter: @SeanRossman
The residents of Dublin, Georgia don't just celebrate St. Patrick's Day, one day a year, or even one month out of the year, they celebrate their Irish roots all year long. Kelly Jordan, USA TODAY

How to Get Job through the new Facebook Job section

In this post you learn how you can apply for Jobs through Facebook job section. Good news for job seekers, it is now possible to apply for jobs directly on Facebook. This is a new Facebook features which was activated on Wednesday, 2017.

Facebook users in the U.S and Canada are the first to benefit from this new feature on Facebook. Users can search and apply for jobs directly from Facebook’s website and mobile app. Facebook now gives Jobs advertiser the opportunity to post job opening directly into their Facebook page and Job seekers can now apply directly by clicking apply for jobs.
Facebook is a social media community that connects billion of people around the world but it seems the social network is not resting in its laurels to take on LinkedIn in the job listing industry.

How to apply for jobs through Facebook Job section

Like I said earlier on, the new Facebook job listing is only available for U.S and Canada users for now but the feature will be available to other countries when Facebook will roll it out globally.
Firstly, For those that want to apply for jobs through Facebook job section, You can do so by checking your company of choice Facebook Page- New job listing will be posted and displayed on their page so if you have been following them on Facebook, you can now apply for job directly on their Facebook page by clicking on Apply Now Button
Secondly, you can head over to Facebook new jobs section where you will find the link to all available jobs, since the feature is not officially available in Nigeria I check the new Job section on Facebook and I found about three companies already showing job listings. Facebook has said that the new job listing feature will enable company to drive traffic to their page and also able to pay Facebook when the feature is fully operational.
apply for jobs through facebook job section
If you see a posting you like, you can click an “apply now” button that leads them to a pre-populated page with your name and any education or employment history that you’ve made public on the site; you can then either send the info as it is or make changes before submitting. There’s no place to upload a resume, but a 1,000-character text box allows for a cover letter-style note.

Features of the new Facebook Job listing

When you visit the  Facebook jobs section, you will find features like
  • The Location of the job
  • Job Industry
  • Job types and Apply Now button

What you must know about Facebook New job Listing

If your Facebook profile hasn’t been well curated and organized, it’s time to package your Facebook Page to reflect all your achievements just like we have it on LinkedIn. Though, through privacy settings on Facebook you can hide some information you don’t want employers and Hiring Managers to see but nothing stop you from making your Facebook Profile your resume
So guys if you have been following a particular employer, it might be helpful if you like their page so that when they post a job Vacancy, it will appear on your newsfeed.
Those are the steps you must take to apply for jobs through Facebook Job section. If you have any questions and comments about how to apply for jobs through Facebook Job section, feel free to leave them below.

Facebook Messenger Day is yet another take on Snapchat stories, see how to use it

Facebook messenger day;another clone of Snapchat Stories. If you think Facebook is done with the cloning of Snapchat stories then you may be in for a shocker as the social network giant has introduced yet another Snapchat and Instagram like ‘stories’ on Messenger and is called Facebook Messenger Day. The new feature allows users to post stories which expire after 24 hours.
Facebook messenger day
According to Stan Chudnovksy, head of product for Messenger, he said the Facebook Mesenger Day would be launching globally on Android and Apple devices
At the end of last year, we launched Messenger’s new fast, powerful built-in camera to help make your conversations better than ever,” Chudnovsky wrote.
At the same time, we also began testing a way for you to share these photos and videos as they happen, by adding to your Messenger Day, where many of your friends can view and reply to them.”
Facebook Messenger Day is also similar to WhatSapp and Instagram stories which were launched recently and Messenger Day’s photos and videos also disappear after 24 hours.

How to use Facebook Messenger Day 

  1. First make sure you’ve updated your Messenger app so you have the latest version.
  2. Open Messenger, and tap on the camera highlighted with a sun to celebrate this launch. Doing so drops you right into the full-screen camera. Or, tap the “Add to your day” button at the top of your inbox to get started.
  3. Snap a quick selfie or take a photo or video of what’s around you.
  4. To add art and effects, tap the smiley face icon in the top right and then tap to add to your photo or video. You can also add text over your images by tapping the “Aa” icon, and you can overlay a drawing by tapping the squiggly line in the top right corner.
  5. Once you have your photo or video the way you want it, tap the arrow in the bottom right corner. You can then add directly to your day, save it to your phone’s camera roll, and/or you can choose to send it to a specific person or group of people. The photo or video that you add to your day will be viewable for 24 hours.
You can also add to your day from a conversation you’re having with a friend or group of people. After you send a photo or video, you’ll see the option to “add to your day.” Simply tap that text, and you’ll be asked to confirm you’d like to add it to your day.
While you’re messaging with someone, you’ll see if they have anything new from their day, too

Holi 2017 Here's What You Should Know About the Hindu Festival of Holi

Every year millions of people in India, Nepal, and around the world celebrate the Hindu festival of Holi under clouds of technicolored powder.

The raucous Festival of Colors — a celebration of the vibrancy of spring, fertility, love and the triumph of good over evil — has inspired movies, music, and a plethora of whitewashed imitations. Here are some facts behind the ancient festival.

When is Holi?

Holi takes place on the last full moon of the Hindu lunar month Phalguna. This means it can fall anywhere between late February and late March on the Gregorian calendar — this year it's March 13 and 14 — and coincides with Indian winter's transitions into pre-monsoon or summer season.

Spring isn't one of the four seasonal designations of the Indian Meteorological Department but Holi celebrates many of its traditional associations: youth, fertility, playfulness and vigor.

It’s not clear exactly when Holi celebrations first began but they're reportedly referenced in the Puranas, or ancient Indian texts, in 4th century poetry, and in the 7th century play Ratnaval.

Why is it celebrated?

Appropriately for a festival of many colors, Holi has no singular significance. Instead it's tied to an array of stories from Indian mythology. One of the most popular is that of good overcoming evil in the guises of Prince Prahlad and the demon Holika.

Here's the short version: Enraged that his son Prahlad worshiped Lord Vishnu instead of the god he claimed to be, a powerful king named Hiranyakshyap conspired to have his wayward progeny killed by fire. The deal was that Prahlad would sit on the lap of the King's sister, the demon Holika, who had a boon to protect her from flames — in some versions a magic sari. But when the pyre was lit, Prahlad recited the name of Vishnu and emerged unscathed. Holika, on the other hand, was eaten up by the flames.

There are cuter stories associated with Holi too, like that of Krishna and his beloved Radha. Krishna — whose skin was blue — loves Radha. But he's embarrassed by his different skin color. On the advice of his mother, he smears his crush’s face with paint so they look alike. And it works: Krishna enchants the world, the saying goes, but Radha "enchants even Him."

What actually goes down?

Although in some regions the festival is drawn out for longer, Holi is normally spread over two days — pretty short by Indian standards where some religious festivals, like the Kumbh Mela, last almost two months.

On the evening of the first day, Holika Dahan, wood and dung pyres are burned to symbolize the triumph of good over evil. The second day, known as Rangwali Holi, is the carnival of color. Millions take to the streets to throw fistfuls of colored powder and soak each other with water guns. Traditionally, people were doused with turmeric and flower extracts and smeared with sandalwood paste but these days synthetic powders and dyed water are common: locals recommend you moisturize beforehand so the powder is easy to remove. Leave your iPhone at home. Maybe don't wear your best sari.

Holi is purportedly a time when people can celebrate together unbound by caste or ethnicity. It’s also traditionally an occasion for scoffing marijuana-infused goodies such as bhang lassi, a yogurt drink mixed with cannabis paste. The cultivation, sale, and purchase of cannabis is technically illegal in India, but various loopholes mean that consuming bhang, especially during Holi, is allowed. A more serious issue however is harassment during the festival. There have been numerous reports of men using the permissive atmosphere as a justification to sexually assault women over Holi.

Facebook Celebrates International Women’s Day

Facebook will celebrate International Women’s Day with a 24-hour around-the-world live broadcast, celebratory artwork that people may see in News Feed directing them to the experience, as well as many other ways to support the day.

Women everywhere give their all to build and support a global community that works for everyone. This is especially true when it comes to women who run businesses. We’re proud that 40% of business Pages on Facebook are women-owned, a number that has increased 60% from 2015 to 2016*When women do better, communities and economies do better. Hear more from Sheryl on the importance of the day to celebrate women’s progress and achievements.
Facebook stands for bringing us closer together and aims to build, strengthen and empower a global community. We have several ways the community can show their solidarity through the many women-led and supported activities happening on Facebook Live, Pages, Groups, Events and Fundraisers.
#SheMeansBusiness 24-Hour Around-The-World Facebook Live Broadcast
Through #SheMeansBusiness, a program that Facebook launched last year to support, celebrate and empower women entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses, we will host a global Facebook Live event. For 24 consecutive hours, policy makers, female business owners, entrepreneurs, NGOs and leaders around the world will use Facebook Live to share inspiration, impart knowledge and discuss topics of women in business. The first conversation will go live on March 7 at 7:30AM PST and go around the world for a full day.
Everyone can join and start their own conversation on Facebook to celebrate female leaders, entrepreneurs, industry role models or business owners. Use the #SheMeansBusiness hashtag in all Live conversations or posts that celebrate women in business.
More Ways To Celebrate International Women’s Day Facebook
In addition to tuning into this 24-hour event, people on Facebook can show their solidarity for International Women’s Day by going live on their own, checking out a local women-led group or event, writing a supportive post, or by sharing a related video or photo.
  • Show support for the day by sharing the celebratory artwork you may see at the top of News Feed, or by clicking on the “Explore Inspiring Stories” button to visit the #SheMeansBusiness site.
  • Share a conversation on Facebook Live to celebrate women’s progress and achievements.
  • Write a post, share a video or photo about women making a difference in all communities around the world.
  • Find a local International Women’s Day event or discover a women-focused group that’s relevant to issues close to your heart and get involved. People in over 100 countries around the world have already taken to Facebook to organize thousands of events related to International Women’s Day.
  • In the US, start a Facebook fundraiser for a favorite nonprofit on behalf of female empowerment or add a donate button to a live video.
Thank you for joining the global conversation.
Source: Facebook Internal Data, January-December 2015 compared to January-December 2016

Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logan’s Never Been Better

Like a weary cowboy Logan is back for one final adventure before riding off into the sunset, and what an adventure it is. 
Set in the near future the film follows an older alcoholic Logan (Hugh Jackman) who’s trying to keep the wolverines from the door as he ekes out a living as a chauffeur on the US/Mexican border.

Destiny comes a knocking however when Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart), now well into his nineties and suffering from dementia, introduces Logan to a young mutant called Laura who needs our healing hero’s help.
Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logans Never Been Better 630 Logan20th Century Fox
From the moment I saw the first trailer, with Johnny Cash’s haunting Nine Inch Nails cover, I knew Logan was going to be different from normal superhero films, I just didn’t realise how different.
Logan is a marvellous mutant of a film, perfectly balancing elements from classic westerns, action films and of course superhero films. I laughed, I gasped and I even welled up at one point.
Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logans Never Been Better 394 screen shot 2016 10 20 at 9 11 31 am20th Century Fox
Of course it wouldn’t be a Wolverine film without a liberal dose of ultra-violence and both the action scenes and fight choreography are blisteringly frantic, frightening and bloody, leaving me opened mouthed at the blood letting on screen.
Seriously, gone are the days of Wolverine’s claws being as sharp as butter knives, they’re now deadly weapons that dice and slice their way through just about anyone in the film leaving a trail of bloody carnage behind.
The violence would have felt a bit over the top had it not been off-set by the surprising amount of pathos in the film. You see for all the typical Wolverine tropes the hero of this film is not the same man we last saw in Days of Future Past.
Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logans Never Been Better 1166 fox was concerned about logan intensity 696x46420th Century Fox
Jackman portrays Logan as a broken man, both emotionally and physically. A man who’s trying to outrun both his past while refusing to acknowledge that there may be a future for him.
There’s a real sadness in seeing a man who was once so strong brought so low that you can’t help but become invested in his story and see where he goes.
It’s apt that the film chose the title Logan, as opposed to Wolverine III: Old Man Logan, because at the start of the film the Wolverine as we knew him is dead and the movie’s really about Laura and Xavier forcing Logan to become the Wolverine once again.
Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logans Never Been Better 1451 logan villains20th Century Fox
For all the praise though Logan is not a perfect film, it’s flawed just like its main character, and my biggest problem was with the film’s central antagonists which stopped it from completely transcending its comic book origins.
While both Richard E. Grant and Boyd Holbrook did sterling work as the film’s fiendish bad guys they felt oddly vestigial as though the film had evolved past this sort of antagonist.
At its heart though Logan succeeds in what it sets out to do because it’s the perfect love letter to the character Mr Jackman’s been playing for nearly two decades. It’s violent, sad and exciting.
If this is really the last time that Mr Jackman will pop the adamantium claws that made his name he can rest easy knowing that he’s justice to the Wolverine.

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الخميس، 16 مارس 2017

How to celebrate St. Patrick's Day the authentic way

Early Irish-American immigrants couldn't foresee the St. Patrick's Day celebrations of today: Hoards of drunken people elbowing their way to the bar for another green Bud Light.

After all, 19th Century immigrants celebrated St. Patrick's Day — always March 17 on the Feast of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland — as a way to honor their heritage while embracing their new homeland. It often came with parades, food and a little bit of partying.
It wasn't until later on that St. Patrick's Day was celebrated in Ireland. There it's a national holiday with schools and government buildings closed. Eamonn McGrath, a native Irishman and executive director of the Irish Cultural Center of New England, equates the day to the Fourth of July, where people spend time with family, attend a special Catholic mass, drink, eat and go to a parade.
McGrath claims St. Patrick's Day is "more raucously and widely" celebrated outside of Ireland than inside, a phenomenon he said makes sense. All people with Irish heritage, he said, long for home."
"You have to really leave it to know what you've left," he said. "It makes sense that it's more poignant and more expressive."
Plus, he adds, Ireland is "a nice country to be associated with."
Sure, many would concede their annual bar crawl doesn't fit traditional Irish norms, but there is a way to have your fun, fill your belly and celebrate St. Patrick's Day the authentic way.
"Pub culture was never about getting drunk," said Professor Christopher Dowd of the University of New Haven, "It was about socializing, usually around music or storytelling."
That means any St. Patrick's Day revelry should be kept social and celebratory. Here are other ways to celebrate St. Patrick's Day the right way.

Eat Irish 

It's peasant food, but a perfect meat and potato base for your celebration.
Shepherd's Pie is made with beef and vegetables and topped with mashed potatoes. There's colcannon, mashed potatoes mixed with a type of green, often cabbage. Irish soda bread is a simple, dense, not-too-sweet bread that goes well with corned beef and cabbage.  That dish, it turns out, may be more American than Irish. McGrath said Irish immigrants ate bacon and cabbage in the homeland. But they couldn't afford bacon in America, so they opted for the cheaper corned beef.
Don't forget about Irish boxty, a potato pancake, and Dublin coddle, a mixture of potatoes, onions and sausage topped with bacon.

Drink Irish

The Irish are known for their Guinness, but there's plenty of other beer options such as Harp, Murphy's, Smithwick's and Beamish & Crawford. If it's in the cards, Irish whiskey is always popular. Try Jameson, Bushmills and Tullamore D.E.W. For those early starters, Bailey's Irish Creme goes well in coffee.
The raucous nature of today's St. Patrick's Day celebrations, McGrath explained, doesn't rattle the Irish.
"I think people want to feel Irish for the day and feel part of the Irish diaspora," he said, but added, "it kind of feeds that old stereotype that the Irish are drunks. That's probably not a good thing."

Jam Irish

Upbeat traditional Irish music is crucial, McGrath said, to a proper St. Patrick's Day. Some Irish classics to consider: "Skibbereen," "Finnegan's Wake," and "The Fields of Athenry." Crank up the Clancy Brothers, The Dubliners and The Wolf Tones. When the fiddle and banjos wear off, there's always other Irish artists Van Morrison, The Pogues, U2 and The Cranberries.

Watch an Irish movie classic

Dowd suggests people pay homage by watching a movie rooted or set in the Emerald Isle, such as The Quiet Man, which according to IMDB, features John Wayne as a boxer who returns home to Ireland, where he falls in love. Dowd, who teaches Irish literature, also recommends The Commitments, about a Dublin soul band, andThe Wind that Shakes the Barley, a story of two brothers during the Irish War of Independence.

Read like the Irish

Dig up some Irish poetry or gothic literature. There's always James Joyce, the author of great Irish novels such as Dubliners and Finnegans Wake. There's also Bram Stoker, who brought us Dracula.

Watch Gaelic hurling and football

The two sports unique to Ireland, Gaelic hurling and Gaelic football, host championship games on St. Patrick's Day.
If you can, watch as the Irish do.

Remember Irish contributions to society

The Irish helped build canals, railroads, cities and infrastructure despite being disenfranchised and subject to prejudice.
Ideally, Dowd said, this is how most people would celebrate the day.
"Reflect on what the incredible contributions this immigrant group made to the country," he said. "Look at how an immigrant group benefited the United States in pretty profound ways."
Follow Sean Rossman on Twitter: @SeanRossman
The residents of Dublin, Georgia don't just celebrate St. Patrick's Day, one day a year, or even one month out of the year, they celebrate their Irish roots all year long. Kelly Jordan, USA TODAY

الأربعاء، 15 مارس 2017

How to Get Job through the new Facebook Job section

In this post you learn how you can apply for Jobs through Facebook job section. Good news for job seekers, it is now possible to apply for jobs directly on Facebook. This is a new Facebook features which was activated on Wednesday, 2017.

Facebook users in the U.S and Canada are the first to benefit from this new feature on Facebook. Users can search and apply for jobs directly from Facebook’s website and mobile app. Facebook now gives Jobs advertiser the opportunity to post job opening directly into their Facebook page and Job seekers can now apply directly by clicking apply for jobs.
Facebook is a social media community that connects billion of people around the world but it seems the social network is not resting in its laurels to take on LinkedIn in the job listing industry.

How to apply for jobs through Facebook Job section

Like I said earlier on, the new Facebook job listing is only available for U.S and Canada users for now but the feature will be available to other countries when Facebook will roll it out globally.
Firstly, For those that want to apply for jobs through Facebook job section, You can do so by checking your company of choice Facebook Page- New job listing will be posted and displayed on their page so if you have been following them on Facebook, you can now apply for job directly on their Facebook page by clicking on Apply Now Button
Secondly, you can head over to Facebook new jobs section where you will find the link to all available jobs, since the feature is not officially available in Nigeria I check the new Job section on Facebook and I found about three companies already showing job listings. Facebook has said that the new job listing feature will enable company to drive traffic to their page and also able to pay Facebook when the feature is fully operational.
apply for jobs through facebook job section
If you see a posting you like, you can click an “apply now” button that leads them to a pre-populated page with your name and any education or employment history that you’ve made public on the site; you can then either send the info as it is or make changes before submitting. There’s no place to upload a resume, but a 1,000-character text box allows for a cover letter-style note.

Features of the new Facebook Job listing

When you visit the  Facebook jobs section, you will find features like
  • The Location of the job
  • Job Industry
  • Job types and Apply Now button

What you must know about Facebook New job Listing

If your Facebook profile hasn’t been well curated and organized, it’s time to package your Facebook Page to reflect all your achievements just like we have it on LinkedIn. Though, through privacy settings on Facebook you can hide some information you don’t want employers and Hiring Managers to see but nothing stop you from making your Facebook Profile your resume
So guys if you have been following a particular employer, it might be helpful if you like their page so that when they post a job Vacancy, it will appear on your newsfeed.
Those are the steps you must take to apply for jobs through Facebook Job section. If you have any questions and comments about how to apply for jobs through Facebook Job section, feel free to leave them below.

Facebook Messenger Day is yet another take on Snapchat stories, see how to use it

Facebook messenger day;another clone of Snapchat Stories. If you think Facebook is done with the cloning of Snapchat stories then you may be in for a shocker as the social network giant has introduced yet another Snapchat and Instagram like ‘stories’ on Messenger and is called Facebook Messenger Day. The new feature allows users to post stories which expire after 24 hours.
Facebook messenger day
According to Stan Chudnovksy, head of product for Messenger, he said the Facebook Mesenger Day would be launching globally on Android and Apple devices
At the end of last year, we launched Messenger’s new fast, powerful built-in camera to help make your conversations better than ever,” Chudnovsky wrote.
At the same time, we also began testing a way for you to share these photos and videos as they happen, by adding to your Messenger Day, where many of your friends can view and reply to them.”
Facebook Messenger Day is also similar to WhatSapp and Instagram stories which were launched recently and Messenger Day’s photos and videos also disappear after 24 hours.

How to use Facebook Messenger Day 

  1. First make sure you’ve updated your Messenger app so you have the latest version.
  2. Open Messenger, and tap on the camera highlighted with a sun to celebrate this launch. Doing so drops you right into the full-screen camera. Or, tap the “Add to your day” button at the top of your inbox to get started.
  3. Snap a quick selfie or take a photo or video of what’s around you.
  4. To add art and effects, tap the smiley face icon in the top right and then tap to add to your photo or video. You can also add text over your images by tapping the “Aa” icon, and you can overlay a drawing by tapping the squiggly line in the top right corner.
  5. Once you have your photo or video the way you want it, tap the arrow in the bottom right corner. You can then add directly to your day, save it to your phone’s camera roll, and/or you can choose to send it to a specific person or group of people. The photo or video that you add to your day will be viewable for 24 hours.
You can also add to your day from a conversation you’re having with a friend or group of people. After you send a photo or video, you’ll see the option to “add to your day.” Simply tap that text, and you’ll be asked to confirm you’d like to add it to your day.
While you’re messaging with someone, you’ll see if they have anything new from their day, too

الاثنين، 13 مارس 2017

Holi 2017 Here's What You Should Know About the Hindu Festival of Holi

Every year millions of people in India, Nepal, and around the world celebrate the Hindu festival of Holi under clouds of technicolored powder.

The raucous Festival of Colors — a celebration of the vibrancy of spring, fertility, love and the triumph of good over evil — has inspired movies, music, and a plethora of whitewashed imitations. Here are some facts behind the ancient festival.

When is Holi?

Holi takes place on the last full moon of the Hindu lunar month Phalguna. This means it can fall anywhere between late February and late March on the Gregorian calendar — this year it's March 13 and 14 — and coincides with Indian winter's transitions into pre-monsoon or summer season.

Spring isn't one of the four seasonal designations of the Indian Meteorological Department but Holi celebrates many of its traditional associations: youth, fertility, playfulness and vigor.

It’s not clear exactly when Holi celebrations first began but they're reportedly referenced in the Puranas, or ancient Indian texts, in 4th century poetry, and in the 7th century play Ratnaval.

Why is it celebrated?

Appropriately for a festival of many colors, Holi has no singular significance. Instead it's tied to an array of stories from Indian mythology. One of the most popular is that of good overcoming evil in the guises of Prince Prahlad and the demon Holika.

Here's the short version: Enraged that his son Prahlad worshiped Lord Vishnu instead of the god he claimed to be, a powerful king named Hiranyakshyap conspired to have his wayward progeny killed by fire. The deal was that Prahlad would sit on the lap of the King's sister, the demon Holika, who had a boon to protect her from flames — in some versions a magic sari. But when the pyre was lit, Prahlad recited the name of Vishnu and emerged unscathed. Holika, on the other hand, was eaten up by the flames.

There are cuter stories associated with Holi too, like that of Krishna and his beloved Radha. Krishna — whose skin was blue — loves Radha. But he's embarrassed by his different skin color. On the advice of his mother, he smears his crush’s face with paint so they look alike. And it works: Krishna enchants the world, the saying goes, but Radha "enchants even Him."

What actually goes down?

Although in some regions the festival is drawn out for longer, Holi is normally spread over two days — pretty short by Indian standards where some religious festivals, like the Kumbh Mela, last almost two months.

On the evening of the first day, Holika Dahan, wood and dung pyres are burned to symbolize the triumph of good over evil. The second day, known as Rangwali Holi, is the carnival of color. Millions take to the streets to throw fistfuls of colored powder and soak each other with water guns. Traditionally, people were doused with turmeric and flower extracts and smeared with sandalwood paste but these days synthetic powders and dyed water are common: locals recommend you moisturize beforehand so the powder is easy to remove. Leave your iPhone at home. Maybe don't wear your best sari.

Holi is purportedly a time when people can celebrate together unbound by caste or ethnicity. It’s also traditionally an occasion for scoffing marijuana-infused goodies such as bhang lassi, a yogurt drink mixed with cannabis paste. The cultivation, sale, and purchase of cannabis is technically illegal in India, but various loopholes mean that consuming bhang, especially during Holi, is allowed. A more serious issue however is harassment during the festival. There have been numerous reports of men using the permissive atmosphere as a justification to sexually assault women over Holi.

الثلاثاء، 7 مارس 2017

Facebook Celebrates International Women’s Day

Facebook will celebrate International Women’s Day with a 24-hour around-the-world live broadcast, celebratory artwork that people may see in News Feed directing them to the experience, as well as many other ways to support the day.

Women everywhere give their all to build and support a global community that works for everyone. This is especially true when it comes to women who run businesses. We’re proud that 40% of business Pages on Facebook are women-owned, a number that has increased 60% from 2015 to 2016*When women do better, communities and economies do better. Hear more from Sheryl on the importance of the day to celebrate women’s progress and achievements.
Facebook stands for bringing us closer together and aims to build, strengthen and empower a global community. We have several ways the community can show their solidarity through the many women-led and supported activities happening on Facebook Live, Pages, Groups, Events and Fundraisers.
#SheMeansBusiness 24-Hour Around-The-World Facebook Live Broadcast
Through #SheMeansBusiness, a program that Facebook launched last year to support, celebrate and empower women entrepreneurs and women-owned businesses, we will host a global Facebook Live event. For 24 consecutive hours, policy makers, female business owners, entrepreneurs, NGOs and leaders around the world will use Facebook Live to share inspiration, impart knowledge and discuss topics of women in business. The first conversation will go live on March 7 at 7:30AM PST and go around the world for a full day.
Everyone can join and start their own conversation on Facebook to celebrate female leaders, entrepreneurs, industry role models or business owners. Use the #SheMeansBusiness hashtag in all Live conversations or posts that celebrate women in business.
More Ways To Celebrate International Women’s Day Facebook
In addition to tuning into this 24-hour event, people on Facebook can show their solidarity for International Women’s Day by going live on their own, checking out a local women-led group or event, writing a supportive post, or by sharing a related video or photo.
  • Show support for the day by sharing the celebratory artwork you may see at the top of News Feed, or by clicking on the “Explore Inspiring Stories” button to visit the #SheMeansBusiness site.
  • Share a conversation on Facebook Live to celebrate women’s progress and achievements.
  • Write a post, share a video or photo about women making a difference in all communities around the world.
  • Find a local International Women’s Day event or discover a women-focused group that’s relevant to issues close to your heart and get involved. People in over 100 countries around the world have already taken to Facebook to organize thousands of events related to International Women’s Day.
  • In the US, start a Facebook fundraiser for a favorite nonprofit on behalf of female empowerment or add a donate button to a live video.
Thank you for joining the global conversation.
Source: Facebook Internal Data, January-December 2015 compared to January-December 2016

Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logan’s Never Been Better

Like a weary cowboy Logan is back for one final adventure before riding off into the sunset, and what an adventure it is. 
Set in the near future the film follows an older alcoholic Logan (Hugh Jackman) who’s trying to keep the wolverines from the door as he ekes out a living as a chauffeur on the US/Mexican border.

Destiny comes a knocking however when Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart), now well into his nineties and suffering from dementia, introduces Logan to a young mutant called Laura who needs our healing hero’s help.
Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logans Never Been Better 630 Logan20th Century Fox
From the moment I saw the first trailer, with Johnny Cash’s haunting Nine Inch Nails cover, I knew Logan was going to be different from normal superhero films, I just didn’t realise how different.
Logan is a marvellous mutant of a film, perfectly balancing elements from classic westerns, action films and of course superhero films. I laughed, I gasped and I even welled up at one point.
Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logans Never Been Better 394 screen shot 2016 10 20 at 9 11 31 am20th Century Fox
Of course it wouldn’t be a Wolverine film without a liberal dose of ultra-violence and both the action scenes and fight choreography are blisteringly frantic, frightening and bloody, leaving me opened mouthed at the blood letting on screen.
Seriously, gone are the days of Wolverine’s claws being as sharp as butter knives, they’re now deadly weapons that dice and slice their way through just about anyone in the film leaving a trail of bloody carnage behind.
The violence would have felt a bit over the top had it not been off-set by the surprising amount of pathos in the film. You see for all the typical Wolverine tropes the hero of this film is not the same man we last saw in Days of Future Past.
Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logans Never Been Better 1166 fox was concerned about logan intensity 696x46420th Century Fox
Jackman portrays Logan as a broken man, both emotionally and physically. A man who’s trying to outrun both his past while refusing to acknowledge that there may be a future for him.
There’s a real sadness in seeing a man who was once so strong brought so low that you can’t help but become invested in his story and see where he goes.
It’s apt that the film chose the title Logan, as opposed to Wolverine III: Old Man Logan, because at the start of the film the Wolverine as we knew him is dead and the movie’s really about Laura and Xavier forcing Logan to become the Wolverine once again.
Battered, Scarred And Broken But Logans Never Been Better 1451 logan villains20th Century Fox
For all the praise though Logan is not a perfect film, it’s flawed just like its main character, and my biggest problem was with the film’s central antagonists which stopped it from completely transcending its comic book origins.
While both Richard E. Grant and Boyd Holbrook did sterling work as the film’s fiendish bad guys they felt oddly vestigial as though the film had evolved past this sort of antagonist.
At its heart though Logan succeeds in what it sets out to do because it’s the perfect love letter to the character Mr Jackman’s been playing for nearly two decades. It’s violent, sad and exciting.
If this is really the last time that Mr Jackman will pop the adamantium claws that made his name he can rest easy knowing that he’s justice to the Wolverine.