What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Two Cups Of Coffee Every Day?

Between a cup of coffee and a red bull, is it the red bull that is really giving you wings? Not exactly because the main ingredient in red bull is caffeine. 

Caffeine is such an ingredient that it is also used in certain headache medication simply because of its cognitive properties that stimulate the brain helping you stay awake, focus and concentrate. 

The morning cup of coffee is so very important for people around the world without which not many would be able to function. But coffee is simply taken for granted and we never question how good or bad is it. How much should we drink and how much we shouldn’t. So let’s find out.

1The main ingredients in coffee

Caffeine is the main stimulant in coffee. Theobromine the active ingredient in cocoa is also found in coffee and increases metabolism. Theophylline is also a stimulant found both in coffee and cocoa. Chlorogenic acid is an active compound in coffee that decreases the absorption of carbs.
The main ingredients in coffee
Image Source: www.worldatlas.com

Caffeine is also found in food items

There are a number of food items that contain caffeine like soft drinks, chocolate and tea. But there is nothing that can compare to coffee where caffeine is concerned. Coffee remains on top of the list as the primary source of caffeine.
Caffeine is also found in food items
Image Source: amazonaws.com

3Here’s the type of nutrients coffee contains

Did you even once think if there is any nutrition in coffee or not. Many coffee drinkers have been led to believe that by default coffee may be bad but yet they just have to drink it. You’ll be surprised to know that coffee too has its fair share of vitamins and minerals, more than you could ever contemplate. The below mentioned ingredients are contained in one cup of coffee which will give you more antioxidants than fruits and veggies.
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): RDA 2% (RDA means recommended dietary allowance)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): RDA 11%
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): RDA 2%
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): RDA 6%
  • Folate: RDA 1%
  • Manganese: RDA 3%
  • Potassium: RDA 3%
  • Magnesium: RDA 2%
  • Phosphorus: RDA 1%
Type of nutrients coffee contains
Image Source: menshealthsecrets.com

4Coffee increases metabolism

Coffee has several health benefits. Given the fact that too much of a good thing is bad, drinking in moderation will give you all of its health advantages such as an improved metabolism. The rate at which your body burns calories is your resting metabolic rate. Studies have proved that caffeine increases this rate by 3 to 11%. What is interesting to note is that the increase is mostly related to fat burning in the body. However, the same study also found the effect was less pronounced in obese people.
Coffee increases metabolism
Image Source: www.g4physio.co.uk

5Coffee can help you burn fat

As you read above, coffee increases the fat burning process in the body. It is also a nerve stimulant that signals fat cells to start breaking down fat. It first increases the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline) in the blood which then reaches fat tissues to inform them to start breaking down and releasing fat into the blood. However, if you consume more calories by eating, this process may not help you lose fat. Studies found that caffeine increased fat burn by 29% in lean people and just 10% in overweight people. Its effect also decreases with age.

But be warned. Do not think by drinking excess coffee, you may burn more fat by increasing this process. Instead, your body may be overstimulated which is why you may have observed why you feel hyperactive, possibly irritable and a bunch of nerves after consuming too much coffee without activity.
Coffee can help you burn fat
Image Source: ytimg.com

10 Incredible Facts That Will Tell You Your Body Is Full Of Weird Surprises

The human body is a marvel of creation. Even till today, science is discovering more and more new facts about the human body.

 How it responds to disease, metabolism, and its triggers of emotional distress. There are several facts about the human body that will astonish you. Although many were known long ago, we take our bodies for granted without realizing, it could be the world’s most amazing machine working in perfect order to ensure you live and breathe every day.

 There is nothing more unique than your own body because without it, you would never experience the world as it is nor will you experience the wonders of the world you marvel at. Here is a compilation of unique facts about your body that will surprise you.

1The power of the acid in your body

Stomach acid is so powerful that even if you swallowed a razor blade and it went straight into your stomach, it would dissolve completely. But please don’t go trying to prove that. However, lead is most resistant to stomach acid.
The power of the acid in your body
Image Source: amorq.com

2You can live without a stomach

But where would the food go? Well according to science, you can live without 75% of your liver, live with kidney; go without 80% of your intestines, a spleen, one lung, and any organ in the location of the groin. Doesn’t seem like a very comfortable way to live but it is entirely possible.
You can live without a stomach
Image Source: theconversation.com

3The strength of your epidermis and bones

Your epidermis or outer layer of skin regenerates every two to four weeks. In a year you will be shedding 700 grams of dead skin. As for your bones, they are so strong that even as an average person, you will be able to withstand 16,000 people standing on you. If they jump, its an entirely different matter.
The strength of your epidermis and bones
Image Source: publicbroadcasting.net

4Your eye color

The color of your eyes changes as you age. This generally happens to almost 15% of Caucasian people. But, if your eyes color changes drastically, or if you find one eye changing from brown to green, rush to a doctor. Rapid changing of eye color can be a sign of some underlying disease like Fuch’s heterochromic iridocyclitis, pigmentary glaucoma or Horner’s syndrome.
Your eye color
Image Source: amorq.com

15 Unexpected Facts Every Coffee Drinker Should Know

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages around the world. At least 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed on a daily basis clearly indicating its popularity. 

Coffee in case you didn’t know can be a great source of instant energy as it stimulates the body. It can even be a remedy for headache as many headache formulations contain anhydrous caffeine. But if you’re one of those coffee fans who have to have this caffeinated beverage every morning as part of your morning routine habits, then you should know these unexpected facts about this all-time popular drink:

1There is no such thing as strong coffee

There is no sure way to definitively evaluate how strong coffee can actually be. With that being the case, you cannot exactly determine if your coffee is strong or just the same as usual. This is also due to the fact that various different parameters can only evaluate coffee.
There is no such thing as strong coffee
Image Source: baomoi.com

2How Coffee is produced

Harvesting 2 coffee trees can produce 2 lbs. of coffee. But, the coffee tree can only be harvested after it has grown for 3 years. Now that’s definitely something you didn’t know about coffee.
Ground Coffee Lives for 15 Minutes
Image Source: true.gr

3Interactions with Medications

People turn to OTC medication for pain and headaches. Some advocate consuming caffeine along with analgesics. Certain headache medications also contain caffeine. German research has found how the effects of caffeine, can enhance the efficiency of analgesics.
Interactions with Medications
Image Source: true.gr

4The Duration of the Effect

Drinking coffee in the morning say around 8 A.M. or 9 A.M., will have a lasting effect in your body till noon. By around 12P.M. or 1 P.M., 100 mg of coffee is still left in your system. In fact, drinking coffee after 3 P.M. can keep you fresh till night.
The Duration of the Effect
Image Source: true.gr

5Ground Coffee Lives for 15 Minutes

After grinding fresh coffee beans, instead of leaving them as they are, use them to make a nice hot cup of coffee and drink it. Make the coffee and drink it within 15 minutes. If 15 minutes go by with the ground beans just sitting there, the taste and the flavor will be lost and it will be hardly distinguishable from other varieties of coffee.
Ground Coffee Lives for 15 Minutes

The Right Time for Coffee

Deciding when to drink coffee is best determined by the level of cortisol in your body. Normally, cortisol levels increase between 8 A.M. and 9 A.M for most people. The next one which occurs is around 12 P.M and 1 P.M. The final rise happens at 5:30 P.M. and lasts till 6:30 P.M. Thus, in accordance with this, it would be best to have a good cup of coffee when your energy levels are low. However, after the final cortisol level spike, it is not advisable to consume coffee thereafter, as it could prevent you from sleeping anytime soon at night. Remember, if you want to have a good refreshing cup of coffee, always choose the right time.
The Right Time for Coffee
Image Source: baomoi.com

7The Valve on the Package

A valve on the package indicates that the coffee has been packed immediately after being ground and roasted. While not being the main function, the valve can be pushed to check the coffee’s flavor and to tell if it’s fresh or not. Frying a pound of coffee will emit a lot of carbon dioxide once it’s done and this may cause it to explode. Hence, the valve is there on the pack to prevent this.
The Valve on the Package
Image Source: brightside.me

8Coffee Influences the Results of Doing Sports

Drinking coffee before working out or training can help you power through your program.

 The caffeine in coffee can potentially boost adrenaline levels and even frees the fatty acids that are blocked by adipose tissues. Coffee can also help you burn fat by increasing metabolism.
Coffee Influences the Results of Doing Sports
Image Source: tinnhanh.dkn.tv

9Coffee used to be eaten

It’s interesting to know that since coffee was produced from a fruit, it used to be eaten instead of drunk. People in Africa would make a paste by grinding coffee berries and mixing it with animal fat that would eventually form a ball, which they would then eat for energy.
Coffee used to be eaten
Image Source: tinnhanh.dkn.tv

10Making Coffee

Roasting coffee to make it appear darker and stronger in flavor doesn’t necessarily affect the caffeine levels in it. Roasting coffee beans only makes them larger in appearance owing to the fact that the moisture contained in the bean totally evaporates.
Making Coffee

Too much coffee can have disadvantages

While drinking coffee can have a lot of advantages in terms of health, there are still few drawbacks. For example, drinking too much coffee can make you gain weight. The cortisol hormone gets stressed out by excessive coffee consumption and makes you then have uncontrollable sugar and sweet cravings.
Too much coffee can have disadvantages
Image Source: www.worldatlas.com

12Excess caffeine can disrupt sleep cycles

Caffeine can even cause disruptions in your sleep cycles, which makes you feel lethargic the morning after and even tempt you to consume junk foods and treats. Therefore, drink coffee, but drink it in moderation.
Excess caffeine can disrupt sleep cycles
Image Source: sustainablebalance.ca

13It could help your liver

Coffee drunk in moderation up to 3 cups of coffee can actually help the liver. Research studieshave found that there is an ingredient in coffee that can actually protect the liver against liver cirrhosis.
It could help your liver
Image Source: www.stethnews.com

14It can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a common neurodegenerative disease that is the leading cause of dementia around the world. Although there is no cure for dementia, research studies have found that coffee drinkers decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s by 65%.
It can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s
Image Source: www.saludohiggins.cl

15Coffee helps fight depression and makes you happier

Depression is a mental problem that is slowly growing as a cause for concern. It reduces your quality of life considerably. Harvard studies have found that women who drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee decreased the risk of depression by 20%.
Coffee helps fight depression and makes you happier
Image Source: guardianlv.com 

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الخميس، 23 أغسطس 2018

What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Two Cups Of Coffee Every Day?

Between a cup of coffee and a red bull, is it the red bull that is really giving you wings? Not exactly because the main ingredient in red bull is caffeine. 

Caffeine is such an ingredient that it is also used in certain headache medication simply because of its cognitive properties that stimulate the brain helping you stay awake, focus and concentrate. 

The morning cup of coffee is so very important for people around the world without which not many would be able to function. But coffee is simply taken for granted and we never question how good or bad is it. How much should we drink and how much we shouldn’t. So let’s find out.

1The main ingredients in coffee

Caffeine is the main stimulant in coffee. Theobromine the active ingredient in cocoa is also found in coffee and increases metabolism. Theophylline is also a stimulant found both in coffee and cocoa. Chlorogenic acid is an active compound in coffee that decreases the absorption of carbs.
The main ingredients in coffee
Image Source: www.worldatlas.com

Caffeine is also found in food items

There are a number of food items that contain caffeine like soft drinks, chocolate and tea. But there is nothing that can compare to coffee where caffeine is concerned. Coffee remains on top of the list as the primary source of caffeine.
Caffeine is also found in food items
Image Source: amazonaws.com

3Here’s the type of nutrients coffee contains

Did you even once think if there is any nutrition in coffee or not. Many coffee drinkers have been led to believe that by default coffee may be bad but yet they just have to drink it. You’ll be surprised to know that coffee too has its fair share of vitamins and minerals, more than you could ever contemplate. The below mentioned ingredients are contained in one cup of coffee which will give you more antioxidants than fruits and veggies.
  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): RDA 2% (RDA means recommended dietary allowance)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin): RDA 11%
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin): RDA 2%
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid): RDA 6%
  • Folate: RDA 1%
  • Manganese: RDA 3%
  • Potassium: RDA 3%
  • Magnesium: RDA 2%
  • Phosphorus: RDA 1%
Type of nutrients coffee contains
Image Source: menshealthsecrets.com

4Coffee increases metabolism

Coffee has several health benefits. Given the fact that too much of a good thing is bad, drinking in moderation will give you all of its health advantages such as an improved metabolism. The rate at which your body burns calories is your resting metabolic rate. Studies have proved that caffeine increases this rate by 3 to 11%. What is interesting to note is that the increase is mostly related to fat burning in the body. However, the same study also found the effect was less pronounced in obese people.
Coffee increases metabolism
Image Source: www.g4physio.co.uk

5Coffee can help you burn fat

As you read above, coffee increases the fat burning process in the body. It is also a nerve stimulant that signals fat cells to start breaking down fat. It first increases the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline) in the blood which then reaches fat tissues to inform them to start breaking down and releasing fat into the blood. However, if you consume more calories by eating, this process may not help you lose fat. Studies found that caffeine increased fat burn by 29% in lean people and just 10% in overweight people. Its effect also decreases with age.

But be warned. Do not think by drinking excess coffee, you may burn more fat by increasing this process. Instead, your body may be overstimulated which is why you may have observed why you feel hyperactive, possibly irritable and a bunch of nerves after consuming too much coffee without activity.
Coffee can help you burn fat
Image Source: ytimg.com

الثلاثاء، 21 أغسطس 2018

10 Incredible Facts That Will Tell You Your Body Is Full Of Weird Surprises

The human body is a marvel of creation. Even till today, science is discovering more and more new facts about the human body.

 How it responds to disease, metabolism, and its triggers of emotional distress. There are several facts about the human body that will astonish you. Although many were known long ago, we take our bodies for granted without realizing, it could be the world’s most amazing machine working in perfect order to ensure you live and breathe every day.

 There is nothing more unique than your own body because without it, you would never experience the world as it is nor will you experience the wonders of the world you marvel at. Here is a compilation of unique facts about your body that will surprise you.

1The power of the acid in your body

Stomach acid is so powerful that even if you swallowed a razor blade and it went straight into your stomach, it would dissolve completely. But please don’t go trying to prove that. However, lead is most resistant to stomach acid.
The power of the acid in your body
Image Source: amorq.com

2You can live without a stomach

But where would the food go? Well according to science, you can live without 75% of your liver, live with kidney; go without 80% of your intestines, a spleen, one lung, and any organ in the location of the groin. Doesn’t seem like a very comfortable way to live but it is entirely possible.
You can live without a stomach
Image Source: theconversation.com

3The strength of your epidermis and bones

Your epidermis or outer layer of skin regenerates every two to four weeks. In a year you will be shedding 700 grams of dead skin. As for your bones, they are so strong that even as an average person, you will be able to withstand 16,000 people standing on you. If they jump, its an entirely different matter.
The strength of your epidermis and bones
Image Source: publicbroadcasting.net

4Your eye color

The color of your eyes changes as you age. This generally happens to almost 15% of Caucasian people. But, if your eyes color changes drastically, or if you find one eye changing from brown to green, rush to a doctor. Rapid changing of eye color can be a sign of some underlying disease like Fuch’s heterochromic iridocyclitis, pigmentary glaucoma or Horner’s syndrome.
Your eye color
Image Source: amorq.com

السبت، 18 أغسطس 2018

15 Unexpected Facts Every Coffee Drinker Should Know

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages around the world. At least 2.25 billion cups of coffee are consumed on a daily basis clearly indicating its popularity. 

Coffee in case you didn’t know can be a great source of instant energy as it stimulates the body. It can even be a remedy for headache as many headache formulations contain anhydrous caffeine. But if you’re one of those coffee fans who have to have this caffeinated beverage every morning as part of your morning routine habits, then you should know these unexpected facts about this all-time popular drink:

1There is no such thing as strong coffee

There is no sure way to definitively evaluate how strong coffee can actually be. With that being the case, you cannot exactly determine if your coffee is strong or just the same as usual. This is also due to the fact that various different parameters can only evaluate coffee.
There is no such thing as strong coffee
Image Source: baomoi.com

2How Coffee is produced

Harvesting 2 coffee trees can produce 2 lbs. of coffee. But, the coffee tree can only be harvested after it has grown for 3 years. Now that’s definitely something you didn’t know about coffee.
Ground Coffee Lives for 15 Minutes
Image Source: true.gr

3Interactions with Medications

People turn to OTC medication for pain and headaches. Some advocate consuming caffeine along with analgesics. Certain headache medications also contain caffeine. German research has found how the effects of caffeine, can enhance the efficiency of analgesics.
Interactions with Medications
Image Source: true.gr

4The Duration of the Effect

Drinking coffee in the morning say around 8 A.M. or 9 A.M., will have a lasting effect in your body till noon. By around 12P.M. or 1 P.M., 100 mg of coffee is still left in your system. In fact, drinking coffee after 3 P.M. can keep you fresh till night.
The Duration of the Effect
Image Source: true.gr

5Ground Coffee Lives for 15 Minutes

After grinding fresh coffee beans, instead of leaving them as they are, use them to make a nice hot cup of coffee and drink it. Make the coffee and drink it within 15 minutes. If 15 minutes go by with the ground beans just sitting there, the taste and the flavor will be lost and it will be hardly distinguishable from other varieties of coffee.
Ground Coffee Lives for 15 Minutes

The Right Time for Coffee

Deciding when to drink coffee is best determined by the level of cortisol in your body. Normally, cortisol levels increase between 8 A.M. and 9 A.M for most people. The next one which occurs is around 12 P.M and 1 P.M. The final rise happens at 5:30 P.M. and lasts till 6:30 P.M. Thus, in accordance with this, it would be best to have a good cup of coffee when your energy levels are low. However, after the final cortisol level spike, it is not advisable to consume coffee thereafter, as it could prevent you from sleeping anytime soon at night. Remember, if you want to have a good refreshing cup of coffee, always choose the right time.
The Right Time for Coffee
Image Source: baomoi.com

7The Valve on the Package

A valve on the package indicates that the coffee has been packed immediately after being ground and roasted. While not being the main function, the valve can be pushed to check the coffee’s flavor and to tell if it’s fresh or not. Frying a pound of coffee will emit a lot of carbon dioxide once it’s done and this may cause it to explode. Hence, the valve is there on the pack to prevent this.
The Valve on the Package
Image Source: brightside.me

8Coffee Influences the Results of Doing Sports

Drinking coffee before working out or training can help you power through your program.

 The caffeine in coffee can potentially boost adrenaline levels and even frees the fatty acids that are blocked by adipose tissues. Coffee can also help you burn fat by increasing metabolism.
Coffee Influences the Results of Doing Sports
Image Source: tinnhanh.dkn.tv

9Coffee used to be eaten

It’s interesting to know that since coffee was produced from a fruit, it used to be eaten instead of drunk. People in Africa would make a paste by grinding coffee berries and mixing it with animal fat that would eventually form a ball, which they would then eat for energy.
Coffee used to be eaten
Image Source: tinnhanh.dkn.tv

10Making Coffee

Roasting coffee to make it appear darker and stronger in flavor doesn’t necessarily affect the caffeine levels in it. Roasting coffee beans only makes them larger in appearance owing to the fact that the moisture contained in the bean totally evaporates.
Making Coffee

Too much coffee can have disadvantages

While drinking coffee can have a lot of advantages in terms of health, there are still few drawbacks. For example, drinking too much coffee can make you gain weight. The cortisol hormone gets stressed out by excessive coffee consumption and makes you then have uncontrollable sugar and sweet cravings.
Too much coffee can have disadvantages
Image Source: www.worldatlas.com

12Excess caffeine can disrupt sleep cycles

Caffeine can even cause disruptions in your sleep cycles, which makes you feel lethargic the morning after and even tempt you to consume junk foods and treats. Therefore, drink coffee, but drink it in moderation.
Excess caffeine can disrupt sleep cycles
Image Source: sustainablebalance.ca

13It could help your liver

Coffee drunk in moderation up to 3 cups of coffee can actually help the liver. Research studieshave found that there is an ingredient in coffee that can actually protect the liver against liver cirrhosis.
It could help your liver
Image Source: www.stethnews.com

14It can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s is a common neurodegenerative disease that is the leading cause of dementia around the world. Although there is no cure for dementia, research studies have found that coffee drinkers decrease the risk of Alzheimer’s by 65%.
It can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s
Image Source: www.saludohiggins.cl

15Coffee helps fight depression and makes you happier

Depression is a mental problem that is slowly growing as a cause for concern. It reduces your quality of life considerably. Harvard studies have found that women who drink 3 to 4 cups of coffee decreased the risk of depression by 20%.
Coffee helps fight depression and makes you happier
Image Source: guardianlv.com