Today's gender biased meeting-GlycoCom2015-sponsored by @generalelectric @ualberta #YAMMM

Got pointed to this via a Tweet:
The Tweet pointed to this meeting: Home - Glycomics Official Website of GlycoCom Conference 2015 in Banff, Alberta, Canada.  Lame.  14:1 ratio of men: women speakers.  Just completewly lame.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Richard Cummings, Emory University School of Medicine
  • Paul DeAngelis, University of Oklahoma and Caisson Biotech LLC
  • Donald Jarvis, University of Wyoming and GlycoBac LLC
  • Nicole Koropatkin, University of Michigan Medical School
  • Mario Feldman, Washington University, St. Louis and VaxAlta Inc.
  • Gordon Lauc, University of Zagreb
  • Todd Lowary, Alberta Glycomics Centre and University of Alberta
  • John Magnani, GlycoMimetics Inc.
  • Glenn Prestwich, University of Utah and GlycoMira Therapeutics Inc.
  • Peter Seeberger, Max Plank Institute
  • Tadashi Suzuki, RIKEN Global Research Cluster
  • Ajit Varki, University of California, San Diego
  • David Vocadlo, Simon Fraser University and Alectos Therapeutics Inc.
  • Michael Wacker, GlycoVaxyn AG
  • Robert Woods, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center & Glycosensors & Diagnostics, LLC
The University of Alberta and GE and the other sponsors should be embarassed by this.  


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الاثنين، 9 مارس 2015

Today's gender biased meeting-GlycoCom2015-sponsored by @generalelectric @ualberta #YAMMM

Got pointed to this via a Tweet:
The Tweet pointed to this meeting: Home - Glycomics Official Website of GlycoCom Conference 2015 in Banff, Alberta, Canada.  Lame.  14:1 ratio of men: women speakers.  Just completewly lame.

Confirmed Speakers

  • Richard Cummings, Emory University School of Medicine
  • Paul DeAngelis, University of Oklahoma and Caisson Biotech LLC
  • Donald Jarvis, University of Wyoming and GlycoBac LLC
  • Nicole Koropatkin, University of Michigan Medical School
  • Mario Feldman, Washington University, St. Louis and VaxAlta Inc.
  • Gordon Lauc, University of Zagreb
  • Todd Lowary, Alberta Glycomics Centre and University of Alberta
  • John Magnani, GlycoMimetics Inc.
  • Glenn Prestwich, University of Utah and GlycoMira Therapeutics Inc.
  • Peter Seeberger, Max Plank Institute
  • Tadashi Suzuki, RIKEN Global Research Cluster
  • Ajit Varki, University of California, San Diego
  • David Vocadlo, Simon Fraser University and Alectos Therapeutics Inc.
  • Michael Wacker, GlycoVaxyn AG
  • Robert Woods, Complex Carbohydrate Research Center & Glycosensors & Diagnostics, LLC
The University of Alberta and GE and the other sponsors should be embarassed by this.  

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