‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات life. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات life. إظهار كافة الرسائل

By the Bay

Over the weekend we took a nice little two day trip to the Texas coast with Matt's parents... it was a perfect little getaway, and of course I snapped a few photos while we were there.  

I am busy getting work done before an out of town friend arrives this week, so I'll keep this short and sweet today. I have missed blogging lately. Oftentimes while driving in the car or soaking in the bath or working on other things, the urge to write and be creative will hit me, but what's lacking now is the time or perhaps just the desire to make the time. I'm happy to have this space still here for me, though, like an old friend available for a chat over coffee whenever life permits.

Hope you're all having an excellent week...

Back at the Ranch (+A Wildflower Study)

This past weekend was my first time back at the ranch in over a year... I missed the place, I really did.  Spring is my favorite time there, and I really enjoyed scavenging for wildflowers and documenting each kind I found. Things were a little sparse due to lack of rain in the area lately, but in another couple weeks I bet the place will be overrun with life.

I've learned to put my camera down lately and just enjoy moments for the most part (or, rather, I've had to adopt this practice lately to save myself even more editing than what's on my plate regularly for my business!), but here's just a few more shots from our weekend...

^ sifting dirt for arrowheads (we didn't find any... bummer) ^

^ do you spy anything slithery in this picture...? ^

^ these antlers are exactly where the buck that shed them left 'em! ^

"Blackie" the friendly piggie and her babies

Redefining Style

Shirt & Skirt: Urban Outfitters

I haven't really bought clothes in ages. We're in the home stretch before Matthew gets his bar results and hopefully gets a job, and there just isn't any extra to spend on non-essentials for a little while. You kind of get out of the habit of non-essential shopping, and I'm so busy with work that I haven't really had much time to think about what I'm missing. 

As this blog has changed from profitable to more just-for-fun, I've stopped accepting new advertisers, and the less-committed feel which I'm sure now comes across has slowed down offers for courtesy-of clothes, too. Meaning, if I want new clothes, I'm going to have to buy them myself (welcome to the rest of the world, right?). Not complaining. In fact, it's actually really refreshing. I'm redefining my own personal style, and I have the opportunity to wear only what I really love.

I think you'll probably notice a bit of a difference from now on, at least in the images that appear on this blog. I feel like so much of who I am is changing and maturing and just undergoing a bit of a redefine. And that's healthy. I don't think humans are supposed to stay the same. It's aaaallll good. 

Shirt & Skirt: Urban Outfitters

follow: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bloglovin | Pinterest | Photography

The beginnings of our garden

I still want to talk about the food revolution we experienced after watching those documentaries, but I just haven't quite had time to formulate my thoughts yet. I can say, though, that said "revolution" invoked a desire to grow our own food (or, more accurately, our stupidly high grocery bills have done the invoking), and we have now started our very first backyard garden. We don't really know what we're doing and so we're crossing our fingers we don't kill everything we've planted, but so far it's been a really fun thing to do together as a couple and we are so excited to eat food that we grew from babies and feel more of a connection to. 

This nursery in the photos is called It's About Thyme, and we've really, really enjoyed the couple of trips we've made there so far. Everyone is so helpful and the plants are actually cheaper than at places like Lowe's or Home Depot. We thought it would be the other way around. It's also a really fun place to snap some gorgeous photos.  I am falling more and more in love with plants and gardening and all things pure and given to us by the earth. We all really need to rekindle our connection with our planet, and I think for us, it's starting with reconnecting to the food we eat. So far it's been a nice journey. 

And in our own backyard.... if all goes well, we'll have tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, squash, zucchini, arugula, some kind of fancy lettuce, turnips, strawberries, basil, parsley, and mint. :)

Thoughts on parenting

Last week I had the opportunity to photograph a birth, and it was the most beautiful thing and has absolutely left me changed - to have witnessed such a monumental thing and also such a basic thing of life. Wow. I can now say I have seen someone be born and I have also seen someone die. Someone entering this world and someone leaving it. Weird and amazing and full circle and certainly makes you think about mortality. Anyway.

Back in December I reached the ripe old age of 27, and as of last month, Matthew is 34. And we are childless. Not due to infertility, though I know that could potentially be an issue down the road, especially since my eggs aren’t getting any younger and all that. Nay, we are childless because, up until now, we have not been ready for a child, for various reasons that I will not delve into here today.

Family members have been reasonably patient and non-pressuring in regards to our child-free-status, until recently when Matthew’s grandmother expressed what has likely been on everyone else’s mind. We were at Christmas, and I was holding a cousin’s baby while Matthew sat beside me watching it cautiously. His grandma walked by, stopped short, raised her eyebrows, and said, “Do you need instructions on how to make one of those?” Our anniversary card from her this year also contained similar sentiments. A spitfire, that woman, gotta love her.

The truth of the matter, though, is that we are both so torn about children and parenthood and all that it entails. Having a child involves a certain amount of dying to self, which means that at some point in the process I, for one, would likely have to relinquish my status as the most selfish person I know.

Also, I already have trouble completing all my tasks for the day, between running my business and running a home and running a meager  social life, and if we were to add a child into that mix, I know something would have to give. It would most likely be my business, which makes me really, really sad. Because it fulfills me and gives me so much joy and confidence as a human being.  Everything I read about motherhood seems to say that your children become your everything. You live them and breath them from dawn to dusk and then all throughout dusk, too, until it’s dawn again. There seems to be such little time for anything else outside of parenting, and that prospect has just not been attractive to us so far.

I guess I just want to be comfortable and at peace with how my role will change when we become parents. There is nothing wrong with being a mom without much time for anything else. It’s natural and normal and good. But is it good for me? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.

Truth is, I have baby fever something fierce, and if I got pregnant tomorrow, I’d be beyond excited. But that dying to self part? Not too excited about it. And I wonder… can you be a mom, and a good one, and still have time for your own interests? And still maintain a strong identity outside of your children? And still run a successful business? Or is it one of those things where there’s like three categories but you can only pick two?  You can’t have all three without making major sacrifices in each department?

All I know is that I’m happier now than I have ever been. More sure of my direction and, well, myself. My relationship with my husband has finally come to a place of peace and evening out, and we kind of just want to enjoy that for a while. So for now, we remain childless. And a bit terrified of being parents. But I think we both know that our family is missing someone, or multiple someones. We know we’re on the edge of some vast precipice, but just haven’t quite gotten to the part where you take the leap.

Life Lately

Life has just been so nice lately. The other day, after Matthew finished the bar, we had a weekend all to ourselves, and it was just pure bliss. One of the days was absolutely beautiful... the perfect 72 degrees with a breeze and not a cloud in the sky. So we all went outside, my little family of two humans and two fur babies, and we sat under the tree in our yard and painted pots to put my succulents in. I know, I know... succulents are oh-so-trendy and I am usually annoyed, by default, with oh-so-trendy things, but oftentimes things are trendy because they're wonderful, and in this case, I feel that succulents are just wonderful.  They are such beautiful little plants, and there's so much variety, and they are hard to kill. Massive bonus points for being hard to kill. 

Anyway, I sat on a towel under that tree, with my husband and my babies and my cardboard box to paint our pots on, and it wasn't Pinterest-worthy or necessarily even blog worthy, but it was perfect and I think I've done so much growing up lately, to be able to see and fully appreciate the beauty of my own life, and to be fully present in the moment without having to Instagram something or blog it immediately as if its existence on social media makes it somehow more valid. Lord knows, I don't judge anyone who loves to share on social media. Been there, done that, still doing it. All I'm saying is, for me, I've found quite a bit of peace lately, in just living my life a little more quietly, and enjoying the things and people put before me a little more fully. 

Here's a couple more photos from our sunny day. Happy Wednesday... :) 


Hello, March

^^proof I'm still alive. This was taken on a walk this morning, during the March Arctic Blast of 2014 here in Texas. Giant puffy winter coat not shown. Vest from Stitchfix.

Woah. March came quickly, y’all! I’ve missed you, I really have, but it’s been so nice to wake up in the morning without that panicky “what the bleep am I going to blog about today?!” feeling. Other more responsible bloggers have their posts planned and scheduled days in advance, but that has never been me. I require a sense of slightly frenzied urgency to get things done in life, for the most part. For example, I had an entire month to pre-blog things for March, and I’m writing this on Thursday afternoon, February 27th. Which I actually feel is a small triumph considering it isn’t Monday morning, March 3rd, when I plan to post this. :)

Anyway. February was a busy month! Let’s see. There was Matthew’s birthday and our anniversary and Valentine’s Day and the law Bar exam for Matthew, which is obviously a huge deal and signifies the end of the end of law school, assuming he passes. Now the poor guy has two months of solid freaking out before exam results are released in May.  It should be really fantastic.

Nothing too terribly exciting happend in the last several weeks - though I did experience several eye-opening revelations regarding food, spurred by a couple documentaries Matthew and I stumbled into watching out of sheer lack of other options on Netflix. I can say that these revelations are actually quite immense in nature and will forever change how I eat and how I view food. Post on this to come, you can bet your bum on it. A wise friend (the lovely Ashley) said to me the other day, “once your eyes have been opened and you've walked out of the cave, you dont go back unless you are trying to get others out, too.”

In terms of social media this last month, I have actually done some purging and cleansing of my accounts, specifically on Instagram. I unfollowed a lot of people, not because I hate them or even dislike them, but because I think everyone has the right to filter what they fill their minds with every day. Some people’s Instagram feeds just didn’t interest me anymore, and many of them were ladies with new babies, which are of course wonderful and adorable, but when you’re scrolling through your Instagram and you see Baby, Baby, Baby, Pregnancy Announcement, Bump Pic, Baby, Baby, Bump Pic, Baby, Pregnancy Announcement, Baby… and then you start it all over again on Facebook... and you are not in that stage of life yet and possibly disgruntled and/or confused on that topic, it can cause needless negative feelings, and I am just all about minimizing the negative feelings I feel.  Know what I’m sayin’?

Oh, how’s the photography biz going, you ask? Why, fantastically, thank you. I expected January and February to be very slow months, and February was more so, but I’ve managed to maintain a steady flow of clients and sessions, and I have even taken on an intern starting this week to help me out with tasks in the next couple months! Sweet.

And maybe that’s all for now. Just a general overview of some things going on round these parts, to ease us back into March. Thanks for reading, loves, and for coming back again even after this month-long hiatus. You deserve a medal. Happy Monday. :)

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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات life. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات life. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الأربعاء، 16 أبريل 2014

By the Bay

Over the weekend we took a nice little two day trip to the Texas coast with Matt's parents... it was a perfect little getaway, and of course I snapped a few photos while we were there.  

I am busy getting work done before an out of town friend arrives this week, so I'll keep this short and sweet today. I have missed blogging lately. Oftentimes while driving in the car or soaking in the bath or working on other things, the urge to write and be creative will hit me, but what's lacking now is the time or perhaps just the desire to make the time. I'm happy to have this space still here for me, though, like an old friend available for a chat over coffee whenever life permits.

Hope you're all having an excellent week...

الثلاثاء، 8 أبريل 2014

Back at the Ranch (+A Wildflower Study)

This past weekend was my first time back at the ranch in over a year... I missed the place, I really did.  Spring is my favorite time there, and I really enjoyed scavenging for wildflowers and documenting each kind I found. Things were a little sparse due to lack of rain in the area lately, but in another couple weeks I bet the place will be overrun with life.

I've learned to put my camera down lately and just enjoy moments for the most part (or, rather, I've had to adopt this practice lately to save myself even more editing than what's on my plate regularly for my business!), but here's just a few more shots from our weekend...

^ sifting dirt for arrowheads (we didn't find any... bummer) ^

^ do you spy anything slithery in this picture...? ^

^ these antlers are exactly where the buck that shed them left 'em! ^

"Blackie" the friendly piggie and her babies

الاثنين، 31 مارس 2014

Redefining Style

Shirt & Skirt: Urban Outfitters

I haven't really bought clothes in ages. We're in the home stretch before Matthew gets his bar results and hopefully gets a job, and there just isn't any extra to spend on non-essentials for a little while. You kind of get out of the habit of non-essential shopping, and I'm so busy with work that I haven't really had much time to think about what I'm missing. 

As this blog has changed from profitable to more just-for-fun, I've stopped accepting new advertisers, and the less-committed feel which I'm sure now comes across has slowed down offers for courtesy-of clothes, too. Meaning, if I want new clothes, I'm going to have to buy them myself (welcome to the rest of the world, right?). Not complaining. In fact, it's actually really refreshing. I'm redefining my own personal style, and I have the opportunity to wear only what I really love.

I think you'll probably notice a bit of a difference from now on, at least in the images that appear on this blog. I feel like so much of who I am is changing and maturing and just undergoing a bit of a redefine. And that's healthy. I don't think humans are supposed to stay the same. It's aaaallll good. 

Shirt & Skirt: Urban Outfitters

follow: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Bloglovin | Pinterest | Photography

الخميس، 20 مارس 2014

The beginnings of our garden

I still want to talk about the food revolution we experienced after watching those documentaries, but I just haven't quite had time to formulate my thoughts yet. I can say, though, that said "revolution" invoked a desire to grow our own food (or, more accurately, our stupidly high grocery bills have done the invoking), and we have now started our very first backyard garden. We don't really know what we're doing and so we're crossing our fingers we don't kill everything we've planted, but so far it's been a really fun thing to do together as a couple and we are so excited to eat food that we grew from babies and feel more of a connection to. 

This nursery in the photos is called It's About Thyme, and we've really, really enjoyed the couple of trips we've made there so far. Everyone is so helpful and the plants are actually cheaper than at places like Lowe's or Home Depot. We thought it would be the other way around. It's also a really fun place to snap some gorgeous photos.  I am falling more and more in love with plants and gardening and all things pure and given to us by the earth. We all really need to rekindle our connection with our planet, and I think for us, it's starting with reconnecting to the food we eat. So far it's been a nice journey. 

And in our own backyard.... if all goes well, we'll have tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, squash, zucchini, arugula, some kind of fancy lettuce, turnips, strawberries, basil, parsley, and mint. :)

الاثنين، 17 مارس 2014

Thoughts on parenting

Last week I had the opportunity to photograph a birth, and it was the most beautiful thing and has absolutely left me changed - to have witnessed such a monumental thing and also such a basic thing of life. Wow. I can now say I have seen someone be born and I have also seen someone die. Someone entering this world and someone leaving it. Weird and amazing and full circle and certainly makes you think about mortality. Anyway.

Back in December I reached the ripe old age of 27, and as of last month, Matthew is 34. And we are childless. Not due to infertility, though I know that could potentially be an issue down the road, especially since my eggs aren’t getting any younger and all that. Nay, we are childless because, up until now, we have not been ready for a child, for various reasons that I will not delve into here today.

Family members have been reasonably patient and non-pressuring in regards to our child-free-status, until recently when Matthew’s grandmother expressed what has likely been on everyone else’s mind. We were at Christmas, and I was holding a cousin’s baby while Matthew sat beside me watching it cautiously. His grandma walked by, stopped short, raised her eyebrows, and said, “Do you need instructions on how to make one of those?” Our anniversary card from her this year also contained similar sentiments. A spitfire, that woman, gotta love her.

The truth of the matter, though, is that we are both so torn about children and parenthood and all that it entails. Having a child involves a certain amount of dying to self, which means that at some point in the process I, for one, would likely have to relinquish my status as the most selfish person I know.

Also, I already have trouble completing all my tasks for the day, between running my business and running a home and running a meager  social life, and if we were to add a child into that mix, I know something would have to give. It would most likely be my business, which makes me really, really sad. Because it fulfills me and gives me so much joy and confidence as a human being.  Everything I read about motherhood seems to say that your children become your everything. You live them and breath them from dawn to dusk and then all throughout dusk, too, until it’s dawn again. There seems to be such little time for anything else outside of parenting, and that prospect has just not been attractive to us so far.

I guess I just want to be comfortable and at peace with how my role will change when we become parents. There is nothing wrong with being a mom without much time for anything else. It’s natural and normal and good. But is it good for me? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.

Truth is, I have baby fever something fierce, and if I got pregnant tomorrow, I’d be beyond excited. But that dying to self part? Not too excited about it. And I wonder… can you be a mom, and a good one, and still have time for your own interests? And still maintain a strong identity outside of your children? And still run a successful business? Or is it one of those things where there’s like three categories but you can only pick two?  You can’t have all three without making major sacrifices in each department?

All I know is that I’m happier now than I have ever been. More sure of my direction and, well, myself. My relationship with my husband has finally come to a place of peace and evening out, and we kind of just want to enjoy that for a while. So for now, we remain childless. And a bit terrified of being parents. But I think we both know that our family is missing someone, or multiple someones. We know we’re on the edge of some vast precipice, but just haven’t quite gotten to the part where you take the leap.

الأربعاء، 12 مارس 2014

Life Lately

Life has just been so nice lately. The other day, after Matthew finished the bar, we had a weekend all to ourselves, and it was just pure bliss. One of the days was absolutely beautiful... the perfect 72 degrees with a breeze and not a cloud in the sky. So we all went outside, my little family of two humans and two fur babies, and we sat under the tree in our yard and painted pots to put my succulents in. I know, I know... succulents are oh-so-trendy and I am usually annoyed, by default, with oh-so-trendy things, but oftentimes things are trendy because they're wonderful, and in this case, I feel that succulents are just wonderful.  They are such beautiful little plants, and there's so much variety, and they are hard to kill. Massive bonus points for being hard to kill. 

Anyway, I sat on a towel under that tree, with my husband and my babies and my cardboard box to paint our pots on, and it wasn't Pinterest-worthy or necessarily even blog worthy, but it was perfect and I think I've done so much growing up lately, to be able to see and fully appreciate the beauty of my own life, and to be fully present in the moment without having to Instagram something or blog it immediately as if its existence on social media makes it somehow more valid. Lord knows, I don't judge anyone who loves to share on social media. Been there, done that, still doing it. All I'm saying is, for me, I've found quite a bit of peace lately, in just living my life a little more quietly, and enjoying the things and people put before me a little more fully. 

Here's a couple more photos from our sunny day. Happy Wednesday... :) 


الاثنين، 3 مارس 2014

Hello, March

^^proof I'm still alive. This was taken on a walk this morning, during the March Arctic Blast of 2014 here in Texas. Giant puffy winter coat not shown. Vest from Stitchfix.

Woah. March came quickly, y’all! I’ve missed you, I really have, but it’s been so nice to wake up in the morning without that panicky “what the bleep am I going to blog about today?!” feeling. Other more responsible bloggers have their posts planned and scheduled days in advance, but that has never been me. I require a sense of slightly frenzied urgency to get things done in life, for the most part. For example, I had an entire month to pre-blog things for March, and I’m writing this on Thursday afternoon, February 27th. Which I actually feel is a small triumph considering it isn’t Monday morning, March 3rd, when I plan to post this. :)

Anyway. February was a busy month! Let’s see. There was Matthew’s birthday and our anniversary and Valentine’s Day and the law Bar exam for Matthew, which is obviously a huge deal and signifies the end of the end of law school, assuming he passes. Now the poor guy has two months of solid freaking out before exam results are released in May.  It should be really fantastic.

Nothing too terribly exciting happend in the last several weeks - though I did experience several eye-opening revelations regarding food, spurred by a couple documentaries Matthew and I stumbled into watching out of sheer lack of other options on Netflix. I can say that these revelations are actually quite immense in nature and will forever change how I eat and how I view food. Post on this to come, you can bet your bum on it. A wise friend (the lovely Ashley) said to me the other day, “once your eyes have been opened and you've walked out of the cave, you dont go back unless you are trying to get others out, too.”

In terms of social media this last month, I have actually done some purging and cleansing of my accounts, specifically on Instagram. I unfollowed a lot of people, not because I hate them or even dislike them, but because I think everyone has the right to filter what they fill their minds with every day. Some people’s Instagram feeds just didn’t interest me anymore, and many of them were ladies with new babies, which are of course wonderful and adorable, but when you’re scrolling through your Instagram and you see Baby, Baby, Baby, Pregnancy Announcement, Bump Pic, Baby, Baby, Bump Pic, Baby, Pregnancy Announcement, Baby… and then you start it all over again on Facebook... and you are not in that stage of life yet and possibly disgruntled and/or confused on that topic, it can cause needless negative feelings, and I am just all about minimizing the negative feelings I feel.  Know what I’m sayin’?

Oh, how’s the photography biz going, you ask? Why, fantastically, thank you. I expected January and February to be very slow months, and February was more so, but I’ve managed to maintain a steady flow of clients and sessions, and I have even taken on an intern starting this week to help me out with tasks in the next couple months! Sweet.

And maybe that’s all for now. Just a general overview of some things going on round these parts, to ease us back into March. Thanks for reading, loves, and for coming back again even after this month-long hiatus. You deserve a medal. Happy Monday. :)