Happy Monday, my friends! I just wanted to drop in and let you know I've decided to take the rest of the week off blogging and focus on getting photos back to all my clients and, of course, enjoying the holiday with my family. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you're in a part of the world that celebrates it, and I'll see you back here next week! HAPPY TURKEY DAY!! :)
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Archives for نوفمبر 2013
See you next week!
Happy Monday, my friends! I just wanted to drop in and let you know I've decided to take the rest of the week off blogging and focus on getting photos back to all my clients and, of course, enjoying the holiday with my family. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you're in a part of the world that celebrates it, and I'll see you back here next week! HAPPY TURKEY DAY!! :)
Photography Concentrate Black Friday SALE!
Go on over here and peek through the tutorials offered (amazing giveaway going on over there, too!), and if you've considered getting serious about learning photography, whether for professional use or just so that you can take better photos for your blog or of your family or for fun, NOW IS THE TIME! :) Enjoy!
PS - I learned on Extremely Essential Camera Skills and Super Photo Editing Skills. Both are fantastic.
So close but yet...
This past week there has been incredible progress on our house... they completed all flooring, put in the master vanity, put in toilets, fixtures, and lights, and the electricity and water are on! It's so exciting to go over there now, but we're still weeks away from closing. Supposedly this last stretch of inspections and last minute fixes can really drag out, so... that should be fun. ;) It's nice to finally see some real progress though. It's starting to feel like a bonafide HOME over there. It's hard to leave when we go visit. I'll be posting more pics on Instagram, if you're interested!
Hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend to follow. The forecast is super rainy here, so I might finally get a much-needed weekend off from shooting. Doing a happy dance over here. ;)
Check out today's (fabulous) featured SOML sponsor, and have yourself a great day...
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Hi everyone! I’m Chelsea and I blog over at Lost in Travels, a blog to spark the adventure in your own life. After getting hitched to my man three years ago, we both started getting cold sweats at the thought of ‘settling down’ in our hometown. Ya know, mini me's, mortgages, full time jobs. We wanted something different, something exciting, something adventurous. So we did the only logical thing; sold all of our belongings and moved half way around the world to teach English in South Korea. Makes sense right? I write about our daily life as expats (where charades is our form of exercise), our world adventures, tips on traveling, and how to not break the bank while taking those dream trips. Stop by and follow along on our world travel adventures as we try to figure out newlywed expat life in the land of kimchi and rice.
Oh look, it's me in a field again. (5 Days of Giveaways, Day 5: Free ShoeMint shoes!)
Howdy friends! How are you liking all the fabulous giveaways the past few days? Some pretty good ones, eh? I have been working like an abused pack mule this week, trying to stay caught up on photo editing/biz running and content for this blog simultaneously, and I'm proud to say that I am KILLING IT. It is absolutely amazing what one can accomplish when one has zero time with which to procrastinate. I work better under the gun, and that's just the way it is. Speaking of procrastinating, did anyone see this hilarious article? I relate, I really do. Or, at least I USED to. Muhahaha.
*side note: if you wrote me an email in the last 30 days, you will receive a reply. Eventually. I've put my SOML inbox on hold until I get all my clients' photos out to them. Thank you for understanding!
Today's the last day of "5 Days of Giveaways", and we're giving away WINNER'S CHOICE of ONE FREE PAIR OF SHOEMINT SHOES! If you haven't heard of ShoeMint, it's a free, members-only website and the brainchild of Rachel Bilson and stylist Nicole Chavez (all shoes manufactured by Steve Madden, so you know they're good!). The styles are super high quality yet affordable, and new items are added monthly based on newest trends. You answer some fun questions (multiple choice! ha!) to receive your own personalized style recs, and woila! Awesome shoes appear before you. I had the opportunity to pick a pair for this post, and I went with the sweet boots in the photos. I'm still seriously questioning my own judgement for not going for these though. Hrmph.
See below for giveaway details!
because we don't get to see enough badonk-a-donk here in Blogland. And yes, I occasionally wear leggings as pants.
If you'd like to enter for your chance to win one free pair of ShoeMint shoes, the entry requirements are simple. Please visit ShoeMint, sign up for a membership (super easy and free), and come back here and comment on this post with the pair of shoes you'd like to win. If you decide to purchase a pair, you'll receive 20% off through the above link! (for first time purchases/members.)
Giveaway open to U.S. and Canada residents only. GOOD LUCK! :)
Energy Bites (advisory: highly addictive)
We are all completely obsessed with these "energy bites" around here. They are all natural, insanely delicious, and the perfect, quick snack to whip up and keep in your fridge to hold you over between meals or to enjoy with a cup of coffee, tea, or milk. We love them so much, so I figured I'd share the wealth with you all, too. Just be careful - they're addicting! :)
Energy Bites
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup crunchy peanut putter
1/2 cup ground flax
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla
(you could add other things too, if you'd like, such as chia seeds or coconut!)
Mix all together and form into round balls (about half the size of a golf ball). Refrigerate.
(best after refrigerated a couple hours) Enjoy!
5 Days of Giveaways, Day 4: 25 free holiday cards from Minted.com!
It's no secret that Minted.com has THE best holiday card designs, so when I was presented with the opportunity to offer one sweet reader some free Minted cards, I was all over it. Just for fun, I played around with some designs to show you all a couple options, but there are literally a bajillion choices to fit every taste. Did you know Minted has awesome party decor and cute ornament cards, too?! Sweet. I had no idea they had such a variety of adorable stuff until recently.
Enter below for your chance to win, and good luck!
Are you living up to your potential?
Yesterday I wandered downstairs here at good ol’ Mom’s house, like I do several times per day for a coffee break or a lunch break or a potty break (for the dogs), and suddenly the question of living up to one’s potential entered my mind.
I am vaguely aware of the fact that some people in my life, particularly in my past, pre-married life, probably think to themselves things like, “Jenni is so intelligent… had so much potential… and now look at her. A photographer and blogger? What happened??”
’Tis true. I was the brainy one in college - straight A’s across the board, graduated Magna Cum Laude, the whole bit. I was destined for great things, and blah, blah, blah. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I don’t think I’ve done anything worthwhile since college. Quite the contrary, in fact. But I am saying that people’s perceptions of whether or not you’re living up to your potential don’t always match up with reality.
As I was pouring my little cup of french press coffee yesterday, pondering this question of potential and living up to it, I decided quite indefinitely that I am, indeed, living up to my potential, even though some people might not perceive what I’m doing as thus.
I think a lot of people in creative careers face this issue, but the truth of the matter is that owning your own business, whether it’s a successful law practice or a greeting card company or a professional blog, takes brains and skills that not everyone possesses. The same skills that earned me straight A’s in college are building me a successful photography business currently - one that will stand out from the crowd and succeed when so many others fail. For some people, it's just difficult to understand the concept of working for one's self. If you can't say "I work at Such and Such doing Such and Such With My Degree," they're like, "huh? So, you don't have a job, then?"
The point of this post isn’t to toot my own horn, but rather it is to encourage YOU. I know so many of my readers are at a similar place in life as I am, and it’s a place and time when you really start to question this idea of living up to potential. And I guess I just wanted to encourage you to remember that the only standard you must meet is your own - the only path you should follow is the one your heart leads you on. Whether that’s a career in medicine or law or art or PR or writing or photography or being a mom or… or… or… you tell ME.
Just some food for thought. Do you think you’re living up to your potential, and if not, what’s stopping you?
5 Days of Giveaways, Day 3: $40 to Acute Designs
Maybe you remember Gina from the super yummy sweet potato donut recipe she was gracious enough to post for me while I was in Mexico, but did you know she has a beautiful little Etsy shop, too? Today Gina is giving away a $40 Acute Designs shop credit to one lucky SOML reader. Enter below, and good luck! :)
A pretty picture and some words
I am becoming what I hate. One of those people who constantly talks about how busy and overwhelmed they are, and never has much of substance to contribute to society because they're always prattling on about Busy and Overwhelmed.
I'm not complaining, though. Really, I'm not. I know I'm lucky to be as busy as I am right now (with photography, if you were wondering. Not with, like, moving into our new house or something similarly crazy. I've pretty much given up on that, and it will just be a pleasant surprise if one day we get a call that says "hey, your house is done! come close now!").
So, since I am so Busy and Overwhelmed today, here's a few awesome/hilarious/informative/interesting articles I've found around the web lately. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
11 things I wish I knew when I started my business - favorite quote: "Do not price your offerings around your personal ability to pay for it - you are not your ideal customer."
The GQ guide to naming your baby - favorite quote: "Are you giving this kid a one-of-a-kind name because you're fishing for cheap compliments? Do you want friends and family to be dazzled by your creativity? That's probably what's going on here, even if you can't admit it. A name shouldn't make a person. A person should make a name for himself. He has to go and earn it by fighting bears and seducing the wives of dictators. On his own. Without your help. So before you fill out that birth-certificate application, think hard about the person who's gonna be carrying around this name for life. Put yourself in the kid's shoes, and maybe, just maybe, you'll have the balls not to name her Brixie."
Justin Timberlake shows us how dumb we sound when we use hashtags.
This guy's wife got cancer, so he did something unforgettable. WARNING: YOU WILL UGLY CRY.
Surviving Whole Foods - favorite quote: "I went on a cleanse once; it was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, I detoxified, I purified, I lost weight. On the other hand, I fell asleep on the highway, fantasized about eating a pigeon, and crapped my pants. I think I'll stick with the whole eating thing."
5 Days of Giveaways, Day 2: $50 worth of Brickyard Buffalo loot
Today's giveaway comes courtesy of an awesome new website called Brickyard Buffalo, an online pop-up market that showcases individual companies and their freshest items. I am always so impressed with BB's fun offerings, which are constantly rotated so customers will consistently find awesome deals to suit their tastes (and discover great new products and companies in the process!).
The winner of this giveaway will receive $50 worth of Brickyard Buffalo loot in a surprise package... and who doesn't love surprise presents arriving in their mailbox?! ;) Enter below for your chance to win!
Does social media make you lonely?
What do you think of this? Do you agree? Do you feel lonelier now that social media interaction is so prevalent? Personally, I feel like I reached a threshold about a year and a half into blogging and heavy social media usage, where I simply could not take on any more online friendships or connections. At least not without my current friendships suffering substantially. I feel that every person you interact with gets a little piece of your cookie, so to speak. Every time you respond to a tweet, every time you answer a comment on Instagram or Facebook, every time you return an email or text, and of course every time you interact in person, you break off a tiny piece of yourself and give it to that other person. Maybe the cookie is replenished every day, maybe it's replenished every week or month, I don't know. But after a certain point, you begin to feel depleted. Or at least I do. I'm curious to hear your thoughts, too! It's such a funny age we live in. We're kind of like pioneers in it, you know?
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Today's featured SOML sponsors are pretty darn awesome, so take a peek at their blogs, too, if you have a chance. I absolutely adore these two girls. Happy weekending...
Hi, everyone! I'm Rachel and I have a lifestyle and travel blog called Postcards from Rachel. I started this blog while living abroad in Scotland and now I write about moving around every 6 months for my husband's job. Sometimes it sucks -- like, really sucks -- but it gives us the unique opportunity to travel all over the place. Right now we're located in Boston so we're taking advantage of everything this area has to offer. Like Jenni, I'm obsessed with photography and hope to start a business sometime soon! I'm interested in everything expat and host a monthly link-up for travel bloggers, I write about anxiety struggles, blogging tips, and I enjoy spending time with my two nuggets, Malcolm and Ollie. I'd love to meet you so stop by and say hello!
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Hi y’all! I’m Dayna over at Princess Burlap, and I blog to inspire (and sometimes offend).
I grew up in a house where The Boogeyman was real and the only rule was No Ouija Boards. I was a wrist cutter and a crier and a dreamer and a throw-myself-at-walls-and- screamer.
One fateful day I tripped and fell into Jenni’s blog; I fell in love with her and her love story, and she gave me the courage to share my own.
So I wrote her a love letter. Bloggers who inspire deserve love letters. Just sayin’.
I’m getting married in three months and my betrothed had a vasectomy. Sad face. And so it has been foretold that we shall enter into our married lives first as lovers, then, as pincushions. But wait! Bad news for me is good news for you! Adventures in infertility will make for a mighty fun blog adventure, being sprinkled as they will between posts about ghosts , confessions to being lost and found, and all the fun crumbles of life as I live it.
Truth is, life can be sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami, sometimes all at once and that is so not delicious. But it’s life and it’s such a wild ride, isn't it? Some days you’ll laugh with me, some days you’ll cry with me, but you’ll always get unbridled, unhinged and unfiltered me. That’s a promise. And a threat.
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5 Days of Giveaways, Day 1: $100 to Lulu & Georgia!
You guyssss, I know giveaways sometimes feel like a dime a dozen here in Blog World, but I'm still really excited about the lineup of giveaways I have for you in the next week! Today I'm kicking it off with $100 to Lulu & Georgia, and on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week there will be four more fantastic giveaways designed to introduce you to some great brands in time for holiday shopping. I'll have regular content here as well so it won't be just giveaways, but be sure and check back each day next week to see what else you might win!
Lulu & Georgia is a fantastic online store full of beautiful decor for your home and a gift store now, too, so I am 100% positive you will find some amazing stuff to spend your $100 on if you win. Would it be suspicious if I rigged this so I win? Yes, I suppose it would be. ;)
Enter in the Rafflecopter below, and good luck!!
**PS - please enjoy 10% off your Lulu & Georgia order TODAY ONLY (Nov 14) with the code SOML10**
Reasons why you should probably never build a house/Advice to anyone who is
Matthew and I signed the contract on our new home in early April of this year after being promised a five month build-time, and here we are, seven months later, and our house is still at least a month out from being done. I know it could be worse, but still, this whole process has been incredibly frustrating, and I could never recommend it to anyone.
We chose to build because the homes currently on the market in our price range here in Austin were not nearly as nice as what you can get when you build at the same price point. Due to a very strong seller's market, resale homes are snatched up in hours or days after going on the market, and often for 20% more than asking price. We didn't love what was available when we were looking, so we decided to build. (contrary to what some people seem to believe, building a home is not more expensive than buying one resale. For example, if your price range is a $250,000 home resale, it does not cost a penny more to build a $250,000 home, and often the new-build is nicer and, obviously, new). That's where they get you. They reel you in, butter you up, make false promises, then break your heart over and over again, like a bad boyfriend.
Here's 7 reasons why you should probably never build a house:
1. You will need to multipy every time frame they give you by 3 to 7 times. Oh, they say your floors are going in the 19th? That means they will put in half the kitchen tile on the 23rd, then realize it was the wrong tile (after half a day's work), tear it up, and start over. The kitchen floor tile will be two-thirds finished when the workers leave and do not return for four days. On the fourth day, they will return and finish the kitchen tile, as well as the tile in the hall bathroom shower. They will not complete the other two showers, the bathroom floors, the kitchen backsplash, carpet, or hardwoods for five more weeks.
Mind you, this is after your construction is already three months behind the promised completion date.
2. The builder will find a way to change things you paid for and were promised, and then make you feel like it's your fault and you're being an asshole for asking them about it. This will be emotionally confusing and you will wonder if you're going insane.
3. Sometimes 2 weeks will go by and the only progress will be one light socket. This will make you feel like stabbing someone repeatedly.
4. Your sales consultant and construction manager will continually over promise and under deliver. Don't ever believe them. Don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths. See first point.
5. On a similar note, they tell you what you want to hear, not the truth, every time. When you sign that contract, they will tell you a build time of five and a half months. Budget for eight to ten, and then see if you still feel the same way about the house.
6. Don't bother building a relationship with your construction manager, because you'll go through three of them. Don't be fooled if the first guy gives you delicious, homemade canned pickles and tomatoes. The next day he will quit and you will never see him again.
7. If you're going to live with family during this process, you better really like each other and have a strong relationship. After about four to six months of said living arrangement, it gets old.
Cranberry pants
Shirt and pants: Stitch Fix,
Shoes: c/o Minnetonka,
Necklace: c/o T&J Designs
You know, it's the weirdest thing. These photos were actually shot this morning, during about the two hour window when it was still sunny, breezy, and calm outside. Then in a matter of about 30 minutes, something wild blew in, and it's straight up winter out now. Grey skies, strong winds, and COLD. I absolutely love it. Looking forward to a day of warm flannel, hot coffee, and editing, editing, editing. Seriously, my favorite kind of day. :)
In other news, I haven't talked much about Stitch Fix lately, but can I just say my fixes have been blowing my mind? This whole outfit arrived in my box yesterday, and not only is it my style, but it fits to a T. I really think you have to give them a few tries to really nail your style, and lots of feedback. I've been getting 2-4 items I absolutely love in every box lately! So much fun.
(this post is in no way sponsored by Stitch Fix, but I do get referral credit if you sign up through my link!)
Anyway, have a beautiful day, you guys!
Shirt and pants: Stitch Fix,
Shoes: c/o Minnetonka,
Necklace: c/o T&J Designs
I found fall
Pirouetting Autumn
The tree blushed - a rude blast of air
Betrayed a shapely bough.
My saddened heart aware
That Nature's clock was chiming,
I froze upon the twelfth
Clanging tone, caught alone,
Staring at a creaking door -
Left ajar for dancing, coloured Autumn,
Pirouetting in her leaves,
While agitated summer creatures
Backed away resignedly,
Sighing in protracted breves.
I turned; gave company;
We stood together, watching
Summer slowly blow away.
The one thing I'll never come to terms with about Austin is our lack of a consistent Autumn. In September, when it seems like the rest of the world is buzzing about the dropping temperatures and changing leaves and sweater weather and hot lattes, it's still a bazillion degrees here, and I begin to become extremely perturbed by our location within the hemisphere. Fall is just my favorite season, and we get ripped off a bit here in Texas. Teased with a few chilly days before the temps hike back up for a week. Teased for a few more chilly days, before the temps hike back up for a week. And so on and so forth. It may or may not even be cold on Thanksgiving and Christmas. So annoying!
But the conditions here this fall have made for a bit more leaf-changing, most especially at a little park where I held a photo session over the weekend (Old Settlers Park, for you curious Austinites). It was a hazy, chilly morning, and I drove up to scope out the lay of the land before my clients arrived and was so happily surprised by the beautiful colors I found. Damnit if they didn't make me want to run straight home for a hot bath and some spiced cider.
Enjoy your Monday, whatever part of the world you're in... :)
A few recent favorites
Hey hey, happy Friday! Today I thought I'd share a handful of my favorite photos from recent sessions. Maybe I'll do this once a month-ish...? These images sure do impact the "story of my life" at the moment. ;) Visit the j. noel photography website, blog, or Facebook page to see more, if you so desire! Happy Friday!
Please take a moment to check out today's featured SOML sponsors, as well! Some really fantastic bloggers here today....
Hello there, I'm Katie! I blog over at Hope Engaged. A few years ago, my handsome husband Kevin and I began to ask ourselves if our marriage was making the world a lovelier place. This led us to move into an immigrant neighborhood in our native Orange County and open our home and hearts to the families there. It changed our lives. This past year, we were asked to move to Nepal to work at an aftercare home for girls rescued out of sex trafficking. It was an incredible experience to serve together with my best friend (a few thoughts on marriage here), and was equally amazing to watch God use my husband to redeem the view of men for the girls in the home! We just recently got back! Kev and I love to travel and have lived/backpacked/visited friends in almost 40 countries. A few recent travel posts from Thailand can be found here. I also host aphoto-shoot link-up on the 15th of each month which I'd love to invite you to join! Mostly, I'm just a girl that loves Jesus, people, and a good adventure (like the time we almost died)! Excited to meet you!
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Hello dear friends. Like Ordinary Life is the lifestyle blog of me, Tina, believer in ordinary miracles and cat whisperer extraordinaire (I like dogs, too, promise). I am a first time wife, pr professional and social media guru by day, former pre-k teacher, curator of ordinary moments (here's a recent good one), and an okay friend. Though, I hope you can see past that because I love making new friends. Anyway, I'd love for you to visit and say hello. I blog about my rather ordinary adventures with my husband, my nail polish obsession, oh, and Christmas. I'm a Christmas freak so stick around because that's going to be happening sooner than we realize, isn't it? So, anyway, while I plug away at life over here in the DC area (I work in Alexandria, commute through DC, and live in Annapolis- yikes), I'd love to "meet" you online. Come say hello. :)
* * * * *
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الاثنين، 25 نوفمبر 2013
See you next week!
Happy Monday, my friends! I just wanted to drop in and let you know I've decided to take the rest of the week off blogging and focus on getting photos back to all my clients and, of course, enjoying the holiday with my family. I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving if you're in a part of the world that celebrates it, and I'll see you back here next week! HAPPY TURKEY DAY!! :)
Photography Concentrate Black Friday SALE!
Go on over here and peek through the tutorials offered (amazing giveaway going on over there, too!), and if you've considered getting serious about learning photography, whether for professional use or just so that you can take better photos for your blog or of your family or for fun, NOW IS THE TIME! :) Enjoy!
PS - I learned on Extremely Essential Camera Skills and Super Photo Editing Skills. Both are fantastic.
الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2013
So close but yet...
This past week there has been incredible progress on our house... they completed all flooring, put in the master vanity, put in toilets, fixtures, and lights, and the electricity and water are on! It's so exciting to go over there now, but we're still weeks away from closing. Supposedly this last stretch of inspections and last minute fixes can really drag out, so... that should be fun. ;) It's nice to finally see some real progress though. It's starting to feel like a bonafide HOME over there. It's hard to leave when we go visit. I'll be posting more pics on Instagram, if you're interested!
Hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend to follow. The forecast is super rainy here, so I might finally get a much-needed weekend off from shooting. Doing a happy dance over here. ;)
Check out today's (fabulous) featured SOML sponsor, and have yourself a great day...
* * * * *
Hi everyone! I’m Chelsea and I blog over at Lost in Travels, a blog to spark the adventure in your own life. After getting hitched to my man three years ago, we both started getting cold sweats at the thought of ‘settling down’ in our hometown. Ya know, mini me's, mortgages, full time jobs. We wanted something different, something exciting, something adventurous. So we did the only logical thing; sold all of our belongings and moved half way around the world to teach English in South Korea. Makes sense right? I write about our daily life as expats (where charades is our form of exercise), our world adventures, tips on traveling, and how to not break the bank while taking those dream trips. Stop by and follow along on our world travel adventures as we try to figure out newlywed expat life in the land of kimchi and rice.
الخميس، 21 نوفمبر 2013
Oh look, it's me in a field again. (5 Days of Giveaways, Day 5: Free ShoeMint shoes!)
Howdy friends! How are you liking all the fabulous giveaways the past few days? Some pretty good ones, eh? I have been working like an abused pack mule this week, trying to stay caught up on photo editing/biz running and content for this blog simultaneously, and I'm proud to say that I am KILLING IT. It is absolutely amazing what one can accomplish when one has zero time with which to procrastinate. I work better under the gun, and that's just the way it is. Speaking of procrastinating, did anyone see this hilarious article? I relate, I really do. Or, at least I USED to. Muhahaha.
*side note: if you wrote me an email in the last 30 days, you will receive a reply. Eventually. I've put my SOML inbox on hold until I get all my clients' photos out to them. Thank you for understanding!
Today's the last day of "5 Days of Giveaways", and we're giving away WINNER'S CHOICE of ONE FREE PAIR OF SHOEMINT SHOES! If you haven't heard of ShoeMint, it's a free, members-only website and the brainchild of Rachel Bilson and stylist Nicole Chavez (all shoes manufactured by Steve Madden, so you know they're good!). The styles are super high quality yet affordable, and new items are added monthly based on newest trends. You answer some fun questions (multiple choice! ha!) to receive your own personalized style recs, and woila! Awesome shoes appear before you. I had the opportunity to pick a pair for this post, and I went with the sweet boots in the photos. I'm still seriously questioning my own judgement for not going for these though. Hrmph.
See below for giveaway details!
because we don't get to see enough badonk-a-donk here in Blogland. And yes, I occasionally wear leggings as pants.
If you'd like to enter for your chance to win one free pair of ShoeMint shoes, the entry requirements are simple. Please visit ShoeMint, sign up for a membership (super easy and free), and come back here and comment on this post with the pair of shoes you'd like to win. If you decide to purchase a pair, you'll receive 20% off through the above link! (for first time purchases/members.)
Giveaway open to U.S. and Canada residents only. GOOD LUCK! :)
الأربعاء، 20 نوفمبر 2013
Energy Bites (advisory: highly addictive)
We are all completely obsessed with these "energy bites" around here. They are all natural, insanely delicious, and the perfect, quick snack to whip up and keep in your fridge to hold you over between meals or to enjoy with a cup of coffee, tea, or milk. We love them so much, so I figured I'd share the wealth with you all, too. Just be careful - they're addicting! :)
Energy Bites
1 cup oatmeal
1/2 cup crunchy peanut putter
1/2 cup ground flax
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla
(you could add other things too, if you'd like, such as chia seeds or coconut!)
Mix all together and form into round balls (about half the size of a golf ball). Refrigerate.
(best after refrigerated a couple hours) Enjoy!
5 Days of Giveaways, Day 4: 25 free holiday cards from Minted.com!
It's no secret that Minted.com has THE best holiday card designs, so when I was presented with the opportunity to offer one sweet reader some free Minted cards, I was all over it. Just for fun, I played around with some designs to show you all a couple options, but there are literally a bajillion choices to fit every taste. Did you know Minted has awesome party decor and cute ornament cards, too?! Sweet. I had no idea they had such a variety of adorable stuff until recently.
Enter below for your chance to win, and good luck!
الثلاثاء، 19 نوفمبر 2013
Are you living up to your potential?
Yesterday I wandered downstairs here at good ol’ Mom’s house, like I do several times per day for a coffee break or a lunch break or a potty break (for the dogs), and suddenly the question of living up to one’s potential entered my mind.
I am vaguely aware of the fact that some people in my life, particularly in my past, pre-married life, probably think to themselves things like, “Jenni is so intelligent… had so much potential… and now look at her. A photographer and blogger? What happened??”
’Tis true. I was the brainy one in college - straight A’s across the board, graduated Magna Cum Laude, the whole bit. I was destined for great things, and blah, blah, blah. But don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying I don’t think I’ve done anything worthwhile since college. Quite the contrary, in fact. But I am saying that people’s perceptions of whether or not you’re living up to your potential don’t always match up with reality.
As I was pouring my little cup of french press coffee yesterday, pondering this question of potential and living up to it, I decided quite indefinitely that I am, indeed, living up to my potential, even though some people might not perceive what I’m doing as thus.
I think a lot of people in creative careers face this issue, but the truth of the matter is that owning your own business, whether it’s a successful law practice or a greeting card company or a professional blog, takes brains and skills that not everyone possesses. The same skills that earned me straight A’s in college are building me a successful photography business currently - one that will stand out from the crowd and succeed when so many others fail. For some people, it's just difficult to understand the concept of working for one's self. If you can't say "I work at Such and Such doing Such and Such With My Degree," they're like, "huh? So, you don't have a job, then?"
The point of this post isn’t to toot my own horn, but rather it is to encourage YOU. I know so many of my readers are at a similar place in life as I am, and it’s a place and time when you really start to question this idea of living up to potential. And I guess I just wanted to encourage you to remember that the only standard you must meet is your own - the only path you should follow is the one your heart leads you on. Whether that’s a career in medicine or law or art or PR or writing or photography or being a mom or… or… or… you tell ME.
Just some food for thought. Do you think you’re living up to your potential, and if not, what’s stopping you?
5 Days of Giveaways, Day 3: $40 to Acute Designs
Maybe you remember Gina from the super yummy sweet potato donut recipe she was gracious enough to post for me while I was in Mexico, but did you know she has a beautiful little Etsy shop, too? Today Gina is giving away a $40 Acute Designs shop credit to one lucky SOML reader. Enter below, and good luck! :)
الاثنين، 18 نوفمبر 2013
A pretty picture and some words
I am becoming what I hate. One of those people who constantly talks about how busy and overwhelmed they are, and never has much of substance to contribute to society because they're always prattling on about Busy and Overwhelmed.
I'm not complaining, though. Really, I'm not. I know I'm lucky to be as busy as I am right now (with photography, if you were wondering. Not with, like, moving into our new house or something similarly crazy. I've pretty much given up on that, and it will just be a pleasant surprise if one day we get a call that says "hey, your house is done! come close now!").
So, since I am so Busy and Overwhelmed today, here's a few awesome/hilarious/informative/interesting articles I've found around the web lately. Hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
11 things I wish I knew when I started my business - favorite quote: "Do not price your offerings around your personal ability to pay for it - you are not your ideal customer."
The GQ guide to naming your baby - favorite quote: "Are you giving this kid a one-of-a-kind name because you're fishing for cheap compliments? Do you want friends and family to be dazzled by your creativity? That's probably what's going on here, even if you can't admit it. A name shouldn't make a person. A person should make a name for himself. He has to go and earn it by fighting bears and seducing the wives of dictators. On his own. Without your help. So before you fill out that birth-certificate application, think hard about the person who's gonna be carrying around this name for life. Put yourself in the kid's shoes, and maybe, just maybe, you'll have the balls not to name her Brixie."
Justin Timberlake shows us how dumb we sound when we use hashtags.
This guy's wife got cancer, so he did something unforgettable. WARNING: YOU WILL UGLY CRY.
Surviving Whole Foods - favorite quote: "I went on a cleanse once; it was a mixed blessing. On the one hand, I detoxified, I purified, I lost weight. On the other hand, I fell asleep on the highway, fantasized about eating a pigeon, and crapped my pants. I think I'll stick with the whole eating thing."
5 Days of Giveaways, Day 2: $50 worth of Brickyard Buffalo loot
Today's giveaway comes courtesy of an awesome new website called Brickyard Buffalo, an online pop-up market that showcases individual companies and their freshest items. I am always so impressed with BB's fun offerings, which are constantly rotated so customers will consistently find awesome deals to suit their tastes (and discover great new products and companies in the process!).
The winner of this giveaway will receive $50 worth of Brickyard Buffalo loot in a surprise package... and who doesn't love surprise presents arriving in their mailbox?! ;) Enter below for your chance to win!
الجمعة، 15 نوفمبر 2013
Does social media make you lonely?
What do you think of this? Do you agree? Do you feel lonelier now that social media interaction is so prevalent? Personally, I feel like I reached a threshold about a year and a half into blogging and heavy social media usage, where I simply could not take on any more online friendships or connections. At least not without my current friendships suffering substantially. I feel that every person you interact with gets a little piece of your cookie, so to speak. Every time you respond to a tweet, every time you answer a comment on Instagram or Facebook, every time you return an email or text, and of course every time you interact in person, you break off a tiny piece of yourself and give it to that other person. Maybe the cookie is replenished every day, maybe it's replenished every week or month, I don't know. But after a certain point, you begin to feel depleted. Or at least I do. I'm curious to hear your thoughts, too! It's such a funny age we live in. We're kind of like pioneers in it, you know?
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Today's featured SOML sponsors are pretty darn awesome, so take a peek at their blogs, too, if you have a chance. I absolutely adore these two girls. Happy weekending...
Hi, everyone! I'm Rachel and I have a lifestyle and travel blog called Postcards from Rachel. I started this blog while living abroad in Scotland and now I write about moving around every 6 months for my husband's job. Sometimes it sucks -- like, really sucks -- but it gives us the unique opportunity to travel all over the place. Right now we're located in Boston so we're taking advantage of everything this area has to offer. Like Jenni, I'm obsessed with photography and hope to start a business sometime soon! I'm interested in everything expat and host a monthly link-up for travel bloggers, I write about anxiety struggles, blogging tips, and I enjoy spending time with my two nuggets, Malcolm and Ollie. I'd love to meet you so stop by and say hello!
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Hi y’all! I’m Dayna over at Princess Burlap, and I blog to inspire (and sometimes offend).
I grew up in a house where The Boogeyman was real and the only rule was No Ouija Boards. I was a wrist cutter and a crier and a dreamer and a throw-myself-at-walls-and- screamer.
One fateful day I tripped and fell into Jenni’s blog; I fell in love with her and her love story, and she gave me the courage to share my own.
So I wrote her a love letter. Bloggers who inspire deserve love letters. Just sayin’.
I’m getting married in three months and my betrothed had a vasectomy. Sad face. And so it has been foretold that we shall enter into our married lives first as lovers, then, as pincushions. But wait! Bad news for me is good news for you! Adventures in infertility will make for a mighty fun blog adventure, being sprinkled as they will between posts about ghosts , confessions to being lost and found, and all the fun crumbles of life as I live it.
Truth is, life can be sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami, sometimes all at once and that is so not delicious. But it’s life and it’s such a wild ride, isn't it? Some days you’ll laugh with me, some days you’ll cry with me, but you’ll always get unbridled, unhinged and unfiltered me. That’s a promise. And a threat.
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الخميس، 14 نوفمبر 2013
5 Days of Giveaways, Day 1: $100 to Lulu & Georgia!
You guyssss, I know giveaways sometimes feel like a dime a dozen here in Blog World, but I'm still really excited about the lineup of giveaways I have for you in the next week! Today I'm kicking it off with $100 to Lulu & Georgia, and on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of next week there will be four more fantastic giveaways designed to introduce you to some great brands in time for holiday shopping. I'll have regular content here as well so it won't be just giveaways, but be sure and check back each day next week to see what else you might win!
Lulu & Georgia is a fantastic online store full of beautiful decor for your home and a gift store now, too, so I am 100% positive you will find some amazing stuff to spend your $100 on if you win. Would it be suspicious if I rigged this so I win? Yes, I suppose it would be. ;)
Enter in the Rafflecopter below, and good luck!!
**PS - please enjoy 10% off your Lulu & Georgia order TODAY ONLY (Nov 14) with the code SOML10**
الأربعاء، 13 نوفمبر 2013
Reasons why you should probably never build a house/Advice to anyone who is
Matthew and I signed the contract on our new home in early April of this year after being promised a five month build-time, and here we are, seven months later, and our house is still at least a month out from being done. I know it could be worse, but still, this whole process has been incredibly frustrating, and I could never recommend it to anyone.
We chose to build because the homes currently on the market in our price range here in Austin were not nearly as nice as what you can get when you build at the same price point. Due to a very strong seller's market, resale homes are snatched up in hours or days after going on the market, and often for 20% more than asking price. We didn't love what was available when we were looking, so we decided to build. (contrary to what some people seem to believe, building a home is not more expensive than buying one resale. For example, if your price range is a $250,000 home resale, it does not cost a penny more to build a $250,000 home, and often the new-build is nicer and, obviously, new). That's where they get you. They reel you in, butter you up, make false promises, then break your heart over and over again, like a bad boyfriend.
Here's 7 reasons why you should probably never build a house:
1. You will need to multipy every time frame they give you by 3 to 7 times. Oh, they say your floors are going in the 19th? That means they will put in half the kitchen tile on the 23rd, then realize it was the wrong tile (after half a day's work), tear it up, and start over. The kitchen floor tile will be two-thirds finished when the workers leave and do not return for four days. On the fourth day, they will return and finish the kitchen tile, as well as the tile in the hall bathroom shower. They will not complete the other two showers, the bathroom floors, the kitchen backsplash, carpet, or hardwoods for five more weeks.
Mind you, this is after your construction is already three months behind the promised completion date.
2. The builder will find a way to change things you paid for and were promised, and then make you feel like it's your fault and you're being an asshole for asking them about it. This will be emotionally confusing and you will wonder if you're going insane.
3. Sometimes 2 weeks will go by and the only progress will be one light socket. This will make you feel like stabbing someone repeatedly.
4. Your sales consultant and construction manager will continually over promise and under deliver. Don't ever believe them. Don't believe a single word that comes out of their mouths. See first point.
5. On a similar note, they tell you what you want to hear, not the truth, every time. When you sign that contract, they will tell you a build time of five and a half months. Budget for eight to ten, and then see if you still feel the same way about the house.
6. Don't bother building a relationship with your construction manager, because you'll go through three of them. Don't be fooled if the first guy gives you delicious, homemade canned pickles and tomatoes. The next day he will quit and you will never see him again.
7. If you're going to live with family during this process, you better really like each other and have a strong relationship. After about four to six months of said living arrangement, it gets old.
الثلاثاء، 12 نوفمبر 2013
Cranberry pants
Shirt and pants: Stitch Fix,
Shoes: c/o Minnetonka,
Necklace: c/o T&J Designs
You know, it's the weirdest thing. These photos were actually shot this morning, during about the two hour window when it was still sunny, breezy, and calm outside. Then in a matter of about 30 minutes, something wild blew in, and it's straight up winter out now. Grey skies, strong winds, and COLD. I absolutely love it. Looking forward to a day of warm flannel, hot coffee, and editing, editing, editing. Seriously, my favorite kind of day. :)
In other news, I haven't talked much about Stitch Fix lately, but can I just say my fixes have been blowing my mind? This whole outfit arrived in my box yesterday, and not only is it my style, but it fits to a T. I really think you have to give them a few tries to really nail your style, and lots of feedback. I've been getting 2-4 items I absolutely love in every box lately! So much fun.
(this post is in no way sponsored by Stitch Fix, but I do get referral credit if you sign up through my link!)
Anyway, have a beautiful day, you guys!
Shirt and pants: Stitch Fix,
Shoes: c/o Minnetonka,
Necklace: c/o T&J Designs
Stitch Fix
الاثنين، 11 نوفمبر 2013
I found fall
Pirouetting Autumn
The tree blushed - a rude blast of air
Betrayed a shapely bough.
My saddened heart aware
That Nature's clock was chiming,
I froze upon the twelfth
Clanging tone, caught alone,
Staring at a creaking door -
Left ajar for dancing, coloured Autumn,
Pirouetting in her leaves,
While agitated summer creatures
Backed away resignedly,
Sighing in protracted breves.
I turned; gave company;
We stood together, watching
Summer slowly blow away.
The one thing I'll never come to terms with about Austin is our lack of a consistent Autumn. In September, when it seems like the rest of the world is buzzing about the dropping temperatures and changing leaves and sweater weather and hot lattes, it's still a bazillion degrees here, and I begin to become extremely perturbed by our location within the hemisphere. Fall is just my favorite season, and we get ripped off a bit here in Texas. Teased with a few chilly days before the temps hike back up for a week. Teased for a few more chilly days, before the temps hike back up for a week. And so on and so forth. It may or may not even be cold on Thanksgiving and Christmas. So annoying!
But the conditions here this fall have made for a bit more leaf-changing, most especially at a little park where I held a photo session over the weekend (Old Settlers Park, for you curious Austinites). It was a hazy, chilly morning, and I drove up to scope out the lay of the land before my clients arrived and was so happily surprised by the beautiful colors I found. Damnit if they didn't make me want to run straight home for a hot bath and some spiced cider.
Enjoy your Monday, whatever part of the world you're in... :)
Old Settlers Park,
الجمعة، 8 نوفمبر 2013
A few recent favorites
Hey hey, happy Friday! Today I thought I'd share a handful of my favorite photos from recent sessions. Maybe I'll do this once a month-ish...? These images sure do impact the "story of my life" at the moment. ;) Visit the j. noel photography website, blog, or Facebook page to see more, if you so desire! Happy Friday!
Please take a moment to check out today's featured SOML sponsors, as well! Some really fantastic bloggers here today....
Hello there, I'm Katie! I blog over at Hope Engaged. A few years ago, my handsome husband Kevin and I began to ask ourselves if our marriage was making the world a lovelier place. This led us to move into an immigrant neighborhood in our native Orange County and open our home and hearts to the families there. It changed our lives. This past year, we were asked to move to Nepal to work at an aftercare home for girls rescued out of sex trafficking. It was an incredible experience to serve together with my best friend (a few thoughts on marriage here), and was equally amazing to watch God use my husband to redeem the view of men for the girls in the home! We just recently got back! Kev and I love to travel and have lived/backpacked/visited friends in almost 40 countries. A few recent travel posts from Thailand can be found here. I also host aphoto-shoot link-up on the 15th of each month which I'd love to invite you to join! Mostly, I'm just a girl that loves Jesus, people, and a good adventure (like the time we almost died)! Excited to meet you!
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Hello dear friends. Like Ordinary Life is the lifestyle blog of me, Tina, believer in ordinary miracles and cat whisperer extraordinaire (I like dogs, too, promise). I am a first time wife, pr professional and social media guru by day, former pre-k teacher, curator of ordinary moments (here's a recent good one), and an okay friend. Though, I hope you can see past that because I love making new friends. Anyway, I'd love for you to visit and say hello. I blog about my rather ordinary adventures with my husband, my nail polish obsession, oh, and Christmas. I'm a Christmas freak so stick around because that's going to be happening sooner than we realize, isn't it? So, anyway, while I plug away at life over here in the DC area (I work in Alexandria, commute through DC, and live in Annapolis- yikes), I'd love to "meet" you online. Come say hello. :)
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j noel photography,
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