‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات sponsors. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات sponsors. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Shop Spotlight: Row House 14 for saucy/cute cards

Hey friends! Today I'd like to highlight a shop called Row House 14 just in time for Valentine's Day - if you're looking for a super fun, non-Hallmark card to give your sigO, this shop delivers. Check out their birthday and thank you cards as well (this one is my favorite!). There's a funny/cute card for any occasion over there. :) Use the code MYVALENTINE15 for 15% off your purchase through next Thursday, the 30th!

Have a great day...

Changes to Story of My Life in 2014

Because this picture makes me chuckle. Gracie is like "no more pictures, ma!"

Happy third of January, my friends! Hope you had a fabulous week-after-Christmas as we're all easing back into regular life. My office is still a bit chaotic here, but I've cleared off a nice little space for myself, and I'm mostly back in business. :)

I've been wanting to outline the changes you'll be seeing here on SOML in the coming months, most notably to how I run my advertising. To cut to the chase, I will be majorly scaling back the advertorial content on this blog - to the tune of no more Friday Features and less sidebar ads in general. The content on this blog will be purely my own, with the exception of a (maybe) weekly giveaway, occasional courtesy-of items worked into style posts as usual, and very occasional reviews if I'm offered an opportunity I think you'll enjoy hearing about. 

Why am I cutting back on advertising, you ask? For a couple main reasons, really. One, my attention has turned a great deal towards my photography business (which has much more income-earning potential than this blog), and I don't feel I have the time and energy to run a really booming blog-business anymore. I don't like to half-ass things, so something had to give. I was previously running giveaways on Tuesdays and Friday Features on Fridays, which put a lot of pressure on me to put up lots of other original content in between those posts. That isn't sustainable for me anymore, as my clients and my business have to be my #1 priority. So, no more Friday Features. 

My second over-arching reason for this is because blogging has not felt fun for me in a long time. I started this blog way-back-when in 2010 because I love to write and I love to connect with people, and then it morphed and changed into something else for a while (more of a business), and that was totally OK while it lasted. I have zero regrets. But that way of running things doesn't work for me anymore, and so I'm changing it. I'm going to get back to my roots a bit and blog because I love to write and I love to create good content that comes from an inspired place - a place I haven't been in far too long.

So what does that mean for you? Not really a whole lot, I guess. You'll just see less advertorial stuff (which, let's face it, no one really loves as much as original content anyway), and probably a little less posting in general. I'm going to aim for about three times per week. 

Also, if you have been thinking about advertising with me, here's a little more info on the changes now in place for my sponsors:

+ there will now be no more than 20 sidebar sponsor ads at a time (where previously there were 30-35)
+ sidebar ads are now more affordable to reflect the fact that blogger-sponsors will no longer receive a   
  "feature," however I didn't drop the prices TOO low because I still expect you'll receive a lot of good 
   traffic since there are about 33% less sidebar ads to compete with on click-throughs. 
+ Shop sponsor ad spots cost a tad bit more because they also come with an individual giveaway, 
   which brings a lot more exposure to your business than just the sidebar ad alone.  

All pricing info and more details HERE. I will be accepting new sponsors beginning in February, as I am still currently phasing out some sidebar ads to bring my tally down to 20. 

On a final note, thank you all for sticking with me as this blog (and me! and my life!) has changed bit by bit. I don't know where I would be right now without this supportive community and how it's helped me to come into myself, so to speak. I am forever grateful and indebted. I am still about two solid months behind on emails, so if you've written me a personal note lately, I WILL respond sometime in 2014. Hehe. Thank you again for your patience.


Some recent work + the last Friday Features ever

I'm so pleased to say that j. noel photography has been booming this season, as you know from my less frequent posting and more frequent admissions of chronic "busy-ness." I've had 17 shoots in just a little over a month, and more coming throughout December! Despite a bit of chaos in my Home life (or should I say Lack of a Home life? Still haven't closed on the dad-gum house!), I honestly feel more professionally and creatively fulfilled than ever. However, as I wrap up December and head into the new year, I plan to do things very differently in both my business and this blog. More on that later. :) 

For now, here's a few samples from some recent photo sessions, as well as what I'm thinking will probably be the last Friday Features to ever grace this blog. Like I said, big changes coming!


and PS - if you'd like to follow my work on the j. noel photography Facebook page, I'd love to see you there! It's the best place to keep up with me lately! :)

 * * * * *

Check out these beautiful ladies - like I said, the last ever Friday Features... :)

Hello SOML friends!  I’m Ashton and I play blog over at Landing On Love, where I share a little bit of everything from new recipesfun styledo it your-self projects, and current happenings.  I was raised as a Texas girl and couldn't think of a better place than Austin to settle down with my man friend/husband Tanner after we said “I Do”. I love great fashion and beauty finds that make life stylish and sparkly, but when my heels come off cowboy boots are next in line.  I’ve grown up hunting and fishing and still love a weekend at the ranch when the city gets a little too loud! Cooking is something I attempt daily, mainly because I have a sweet tooth problem,  but I must never get all the butter off my hands due to the amount of oopsies I have. I’m loving the community of friends LOL (Landing on Love; not to be confused with laughing out loudJ) has become, and would enjoy adding a few more to the group, so come over and say hello! 

* * * * *

Hi there! My name is Kym and I blog over at Travel Babbles. I was born and raised in Massachusetts, and I currently live in Denver, Colorado with my husband TJ and our tubby English Bulldog, Brutus. You can learn more about all of us here. I started blogging back in 2010 when we moved to Germany for the first time, and since then I've documented our travels between Massachusetts, New York, Florida, Texas, and a second stop in Germany. Travel Babbles is my creative outlet, my diary, my recipe book, my photo album, and my travel journal. It's a collection of my favorite things, pieces of my heart, our hockey life, our loss, what inspires me, and the many things that make me smile. I hope that you'll stop by Travel Babbles to say hi, and that you'll enjoy my little space on the interwebs as much as I do. 

Let's connect on TwitterInstagram or Facebook, too - I look forward to chatting soon! xo

* * * * *

Hi there! I'm Nicole, the lady behind Treasure Tromp, a blog about discovering life's little treasures one adventure at a time. I've been living and working in Cape Town, South Africa for the last 6 months but am about to make my move back to the great state of California with my fiancéWhen I'm not working on my PhD program, teaching, or working on my research, I like to hike and camp, obsess over hedgehogs, and make a mess in the kitchen. On my blog you can read about my recent travels, learn some organization tips (and blogging tips!), and share in my love of wine. And don't forget to stop by on Thursdays for my Treat Yo Self link-up. In the meantime, you can read more about me, as well as check out some of my most popular posts. Can't wait to meet you!  

So close but yet...

This past week there has been incredible progress on our house... they completed all flooring, put in the master vanity, put in toilets, fixtures, and lights, and the electricity and water are on! It's so exciting to go over there now, but we're still weeks away from closing. Supposedly this last stretch of inspections and last minute fixes can really drag out, so... that should be fun. ;)  It's nice to finally see some real progress though. It's starting to feel like a bonafide HOME over there. It's hard to leave when we go visit. I'll be posting more pics on Instagram, if you're interested!

Hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend to follow. The forecast is super rainy here, so I might finally get a much-needed weekend off from shooting. Doing a happy dance over here. ;)

Check out today's (fabulous) featured SOML sponsor, and have yourself a great day...

* * * * *

Hi everyone! I’m Chelsea and I blog over at Lost in Travels, a blog to spark the adventure in your own life. After getting hitched to my man three years ago, we both started getting cold sweats at the thought of ‘settling down’ in our hometown. Ya know, mini me's, mortgages, full time jobs. We wanted something different, something exciting, something adventurous. So we did the only logical thing; sold all of our belongings and moved half way around the world to teach English in South Korea. Makes sense right? I write about our daily life as expats (where charades is our form of exercise), our world adventurestips on traveling, and how to not break the bank while taking those dream trips. Stop by and follow along on our world travel adventures as we try to figure out newlywed expat life in the land of kimchi and rice. 

Does social media make you lonely?

What do you think of this? Do you agree? Do you feel lonelier now that social media interaction is so prevalent? Personally, I feel like I reached a threshold about a year and a half into blogging and heavy social media usage, where I simply could not take on any more online friendships or connections. At least not without my current friendships suffering substantially. I feel that every person you interact with gets a little piece of your cookie, so to speak. Every time you respond to a tweet, every time you answer a comment on Instagram or Facebook, every time you return an email or text, and of course every time you interact in person, you break off a tiny piece of yourself and give it to that other person. Maybe the cookie is replenished every day, maybe it's replenished every week or month, I don't know. But after a certain point, you begin to feel depleted. Or at least I do. I'm curious to hear your thoughts, too! It's such a funny age we live in. We're kind of like pioneers in it, you know? 

* * * * *

Today's featured SOML sponsors are pretty darn awesome, so take a peek at their blogs, too, if you have a chance. I absolutely adore these two girls. Happy weekending...

Hi, everyone! I'm Rachel and I have a lifestyle and travel blog called Postcards from Rachel. I started this blog while living abroad in Scotland and now I write about moving around every 6 months for my husband's job. Sometimes it sucks -- like, really sucks -- but it gives us the unique opportunity to travel all over the place. Right now we're located in Boston so we're taking advantage of everything this area has to offer. Like Jenni, I'm obsessed with photography and hope to start a business sometime soon! I'm interested in everything expat and host a monthly link-up for travel bloggers, I write about anxiety strugglesblogging tips, and I enjoy spending time with my two nuggets, Malcolm and Ollie. I'd love to meet you so stop by and say hello! 

* * * * *

Hi y’all! I’m Dayna over at Princess Burlap, and I blog to inspire (and sometimes offend).  
I grew up in a house where The Boogeyman was real and the only rule was No Ouija Boards. I was a wrist cutter and a crier and a dreamer and a throw-myself-at-walls-and-screamer. 

One fateful day I tripped and fell into Jenni’s blog; I fell in love with her and her love story, and she gave me the courage to share my own. 
So I wrote her a love letter. Bloggers who inspire deserve love letters. Just sayin’.

I’m getting married in three months and my betrothed had a vasectomy. Sad face. And so it has been foretold that we shall enter into our married lives first as lovers, then, as pincushions. But wait! Bad news for me is good news for you! Adventures in infertility will make for a mighty fun blog adventure, being sprinkled as they will between posts about ghosts , confessions to being lost and found, and all the fun crumbles of life as I live it.

Truth is, life can be sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami, sometimes all at once and that is so not delicious. But it’s life and it’s such a wild ride, isn't it? Some days you’ll laugh with me, some days you’ll cry with me, but you’ll always get unbridled, unhinged and unfiltered me. That’s a promise. And a threat. 

* * * * *

A few recent favorites

Hey hey, happy Friday! Today I thought I'd share a handful of my favorite photos from recent sessions. Maybe I'll do this once a month-ish...? These images sure do impact the "story of my life" at the moment. ;) Visit the j. noel photography website, blog, or Facebook page to see more, if you so desire! Happy Friday!

Please take a moment to check out today's featured SOML sponsors, as well! Some really fantastic bloggers here today....

Hello there, I'm Katie! I blog over at Hope Engaged. A few years ago, my handsome husband Kevin and I began to ask ourselves if our marriage was making the world a lovelier place. This led us to move into an immigrant neighborhood in our native Orange County and open our home and hearts to the families there. It changed our lives. This past year, we were asked to move to Nepal to work at an aftercare home for girls rescued out of sex trafficking. It was an incredible experience to serve together with my best friend (a few thoughts on marriage here), and was equally amazing to watch God use my husband to redeem the view of men for the girls in the home! We just recently got back! Kev and I love to travel and have lived/backpacked/visited friends in almost 40 countries. A few recent travel posts from Thailand can be found here.  I also host aphoto-shoot link-up on the 15th of each month which I'd love to invite you to join! Mostly, I'm just a girl that loves Jesus, people, and a good adventure (like the time we almost died)! Excited to meet you! 

* * * * *

Hello dear friends. Like Ordinary Life is the lifestyle blog of me, Tina, believer in ordinary miracles and cat whisperer extraordinaire (I like dogs, too, promise). I am a first time wifepr professional and social media guru by day, former pre-k teacher, curator of ordinary moments (here's a recent good one), and an okay friend. Though, I hope you can see past that because I love making new friends. Anyway, I'd love for you to visit and say hello. I blog about my rather ordinary adventures with my husband, my nail polish obsession, oh, and Christmas. I'm a Christmas freak so stick around because that's going to be happening sooner than we realize, isn't it? So, anyway, while I plug away at life over here in the DC area (I work in Alexandria, commute through DC, and live in Annapolis- yikes), I'd love to "meet" you online. Come say hello. :)

* * * * *

the first of november

 Pants (in black denim), shirt, and bag: Target, Jacket: Loft, Shoes (in mocha): c/o Minnetonka Moccasins

November 1st. This month is always full of so much excitement and promise for me, though this time around it also promises to quite possibly be the busiest of my professional life yet. Yesterday I was feeling a little panicky as I looked over my schedule for the next few weeks - fifteen photo shoots (one of which involves 52 students at a dance company!) and, towards the end of the month, we might, *MIGHT* be closing on our house (dare we hope?). I found myself physically shaking as I answered client emails yesterday (not sure if this had to do with the panic or all the coffee consumed by that point - probably both), and I had to sort of slow myself down and have a little pep talk... with myself. Jenni, you got this. There is absolutely no reason why you won't have this month in the bag. You are doing something that gives you and others great joy, and what a privilege that is. Slow down... breath... relax... you got this.

November will be a month of busy-ness and, if there's time, also re-evaluating and re-stratigizing. I feel a strong need to take a hard look at how this blog fits into my life, how I'd like to run it in 2014, and I also feel the need to strongly consider changing my pricing strategy for my business. I don't want to spread myself too thin. No one likes a person spread too thin. You lose your potency, in all aspects of life, and I don't want that to happen to me. 

But as for November. Bring it on.  I will kick your ass, November. That's a promise.

In this post and the following two after it, I'll be styling three pairs of Minnetonka moccasins, which, by the way, is one of my absolute favorite brands of shoes. Remember this post where I mentioned feeling tired of wearing clothes that aren't really "me, " and the pact I made with myself not to compromise on that anymore? Well, this is the antithesis of that post. These moccasins are soft, ridiculously comfortable, and if "me" could be a shoe for a day, I'd be these mocs. Of the three I'll be styling, this "deerskin soft" style is the comfiest, but they are all so cute. We'll give away a pair the third day, too! Stay tuned. :)

 Pants (in black denim), shirt, and bag: Target, Jacket: Loft, Shoes (in mocha): c/o Minnetonka Moccasins

Now please take just a moment to show today's featured SOML sponsors some love... Happy FRIDAY! :)

* * * * *

Hi guys, I’m Dee! I am an expat based in Singapore and I work in corporate finance by day and on my blog called Deecoded by night. If I had to describe myself in one word, I guess it would be: STORYTELLER. I like to tell stories through words and pictures (and sometimes, gestures). Some people have said that I tell stories so vividly, in such a way that makes the listener/reader feel as though they were going through my experiences first-hand. And what stories do I tell? Ones that I read from books, or see on television or movies, sometimes, but mostly stuff that happens in my own life – like that time I watched a movie in a luxury cinema all by myself, or that time I played dodge ball and fell into an open pit, or that time I risked leaving my hometown to move to another city with only $50 in pocket money. I enjoy the moments and savor the experiences, good or bad, because they all make good storytelling material. So come read about them! I’d love an audience. :)

Why hello there little jelly beans! My name is Belinda and I am the gal behind the blog Found Love, Now What? My blog is my attempt to make sense of this thing we call life, one cup of Starbucks selfie at a time. Life for me is chalked with adventure, especially since I moved to Wales in the summer of 2012 to be with my British husband. {Read our long distance love story here.} My blog is filled with adventures in the UK from castles to stunning natural wonders, and musings as an expat. I also chat about following your blogging heart, while tackling some honest topics close to my heart. I love nothing more than sharing our imperfectly perfect life on my blog. Hop on over and say hello! 

Hi there! I'm Rachel, the blogger behind With Love, Rachel . I am a Southern California girl through and through, which means you'll likely find me in flip flops year around (unless it gets below 60 degrees, because that is cold, yo!) I'm an adjunct professor of writing at a university in Southern California, but don't worry; I'm not as serious or boring as my job makes me sound. When I'm not teaching, I'm experimenting with healthy recipes or travelling the world, and you can find a whole lot of that on my blog. My recent safari in Africa was a dream come true, because I LOVE animals and can geek out about them all day. In my Weekend Safari series, I share my take on some of my favorite animals, along with a bunch of crazy fun facts. Feel free to geek out or be silly over at With Love, Rachel any time! 

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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات sponsors. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات sponsors. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الخميس، 23 يناير 2014

Shop Spotlight: Row House 14 for saucy/cute cards

Hey friends! Today I'd like to highlight a shop called Row House 14 just in time for Valentine's Day - if you're looking for a super fun, non-Hallmark card to give your sigO, this shop delivers. Check out their birthday and thank you cards as well (this one is my favorite!). There's a funny/cute card for any occasion over there. :) Use the code MYVALENTINE15 for 15% off your purchase through next Thursday, the 30th!

Have a great day...

الجمعة، 3 يناير 2014

Changes to Story of My Life in 2014

Because this picture makes me chuckle. Gracie is like "no more pictures, ma!"

Happy third of January, my friends! Hope you had a fabulous week-after-Christmas as we're all easing back into regular life. My office is still a bit chaotic here, but I've cleared off a nice little space for myself, and I'm mostly back in business. :)

I've been wanting to outline the changes you'll be seeing here on SOML in the coming months, most notably to how I run my advertising. To cut to the chase, I will be majorly scaling back the advertorial content on this blog - to the tune of no more Friday Features and less sidebar ads in general. The content on this blog will be purely my own, with the exception of a (maybe) weekly giveaway, occasional courtesy-of items worked into style posts as usual, and very occasional reviews if I'm offered an opportunity I think you'll enjoy hearing about. 

Why am I cutting back on advertising, you ask? For a couple main reasons, really. One, my attention has turned a great deal towards my photography business (which has much more income-earning potential than this blog), and I don't feel I have the time and energy to run a really booming blog-business anymore. I don't like to half-ass things, so something had to give. I was previously running giveaways on Tuesdays and Friday Features on Fridays, which put a lot of pressure on me to put up lots of other original content in between those posts. That isn't sustainable for me anymore, as my clients and my business have to be my #1 priority. So, no more Friday Features. 

My second over-arching reason for this is because blogging has not felt fun for me in a long time. I started this blog way-back-when in 2010 because I love to write and I love to connect with people, and then it morphed and changed into something else for a while (more of a business), and that was totally OK while it lasted. I have zero regrets. But that way of running things doesn't work for me anymore, and so I'm changing it. I'm going to get back to my roots a bit and blog because I love to write and I love to create good content that comes from an inspired place - a place I haven't been in far too long.

So what does that mean for you? Not really a whole lot, I guess. You'll just see less advertorial stuff (which, let's face it, no one really loves as much as original content anyway), and probably a little less posting in general. I'm going to aim for about three times per week. 

Also, if you have been thinking about advertising with me, here's a little more info on the changes now in place for my sponsors:

+ there will now be no more than 20 sidebar sponsor ads at a time (where previously there were 30-35)
+ sidebar ads are now more affordable to reflect the fact that blogger-sponsors will no longer receive a   
  "feature," however I didn't drop the prices TOO low because I still expect you'll receive a lot of good 
   traffic since there are about 33% less sidebar ads to compete with on click-throughs. 
+ Shop sponsor ad spots cost a tad bit more because they also come with an individual giveaway, 
   which brings a lot more exposure to your business than just the sidebar ad alone.  

All pricing info and more details HERE. I will be accepting new sponsors beginning in February, as I am still currently phasing out some sidebar ads to bring my tally down to 20. 

On a final note, thank you all for sticking with me as this blog (and me! and my life!) has changed bit by bit. I don't know where I would be right now without this supportive community and how it's helped me to come into myself, so to speak. I am forever grateful and indebted. I am still about two solid months behind on emails, so if you've written me a personal note lately, I WILL respond sometime in 2014. Hehe. Thank you again for your patience.


الجمعة، 13 ديسمبر 2013

Some recent work + the last Friday Features ever

I'm so pleased to say that j. noel photography has been booming this season, as you know from my less frequent posting and more frequent admissions of chronic "busy-ness." I've had 17 shoots in just a little over a month, and more coming throughout December! Despite a bit of chaos in my Home life (or should I say Lack of a Home life? Still haven't closed on the dad-gum house!), I honestly feel more professionally and creatively fulfilled than ever. However, as I wrap up December and head into the new year, I plan to do things very differently in both my business and this blog. More on that later. :) 

For now, here's a few samples from some recent photo sessions, as well as what I'm thinking will probably be the last Friday Features to ever grace this blog. Like I said, big changes coming!


and PS - if you'd like to follow my work on the j. noel photography Facebook page, I'd love to see you there! It's the best place to keep up with me lately! :)

 * * * * *

Check out these beautiful ladies - like I said, the last ever Friday Features... :)

Hello SOML friends!  I’m Ashton and I play blog over at Landing On Love, where I share a little bit of everything from new recipesfun styledo it your-self projects, and current happenings.  I was raised as a Texas girl and couldn't think of a better place than Austin to settle down with my man friend/husband Tanner after we said “I Do”. I love great fashion and beauty finds that make life stylish and sparkly, but when my heels come off cowboy boots are next in line.  I’ve grown up hunting and fishing and still love a weekend at the ranch when the city gets a little too loud! Cooking is something I attempt daily, mainly because I have a sweet tooth problem,  but I must never get all the butter off my hands due to the amount of oopsies I have. I’m loving the community of friends LOL (Landing on Love; not to be confused with laughing out loudJ) has become, and would enjoy adding a few more to the group, so come over and say hello! 

* * * * *

Hi there! My name is Kym and I blog over at Travel Babbles. I was born and raised in Massachusetts, and I currently live in Denver, Colorado with my husband TJ and our tubby English Bulldog, Brutus. You can learn more about all of us here. I started blogging back in 2010 when we moved to Germany for the first time, and since then I've documented our travels between Massachusetts, New York, Florida, Texas, and a second stop in Germany. Travel Babbles is my creative outlet, my diary, my recipe book, my photo album, and my travel journal. It's a collection of my favorite things, pieces of my heart, our hockey life, our loss, what inspires me, and the many things that make me smile. I hope that you'll stop by Travel Babbles to say hi, and that you'll enjoy my little space on the interwebs as much as I do. 

Let's connect on TwitterInstagram or Facebook, too - I look forward to chatting soon! xo

* * * * *

Hi there! I'm Nicole, the lady behind Treasure Tromp, a blog about discovering life's little treasures one adventure at a time. I've been living and working in Cape Town, South Africa for the last 6 months but am about to make my move back to the great state of California with my fiancéWhen I'm not working on my PhD program, teaching, or working on my research, I like to hike and camp, obsess over hedgehogs, and make a mess in the kitchen. On my blog you can read about my recent travels, learn some organization tips (and blogging tips!), and share in my love of wine. And don't forget to stop by on Thursdays for my Treat Yo Self link-up. In the meantime, you can read more about me, as well as check out some of my most popular posts. Can't wait to meet you!  

الجمعة، 22 نوفمبر 2013

So close but yet...

This past week there has been incredible progress on our house... they completed all flooring, put in the master vanity, put in toilets, fixtures, and lights, and the electricity and water are on! It's so exciting to go over there now, but we're still weeks away from closing. Supposedly this last stretch of inspections and last minute fixes can really drag out, so... that should be fun. ;)  It's nice to finally see some real progress though. It's starting to feel like a bonafide HOME over there. It's hard to leave when we go visit. I'll be posting more pics on Instagram, if you're interested!

Hope you all have a wonderful Friday and weekend to follow. The forecast is super rainy here, so I might finally get a much-needed weekend off from shooting. Doing a happy dance over here. ;)

Check out today's (fabulous) featured SOML sponsor, and have yourself a great day...

* * * * *

Hi everyone! I’m Chelsea and I blog over at Lost in Travels, a blog to spark the adventure in your own life. After getting hitched to my man three years ago, we both started getting cold sweats at the thought of ‘settling down’ in our hometown. Ya know, mini me's, mortgages, full time jobs. We wanted something different, something exciting, something adventurous. So we did the only logical thing; sold all of our belongings and moved half way around the world to teach English in South Korea. Makes sense right? I write about our daily life as expats (where charades is our form of exercise), our world adventurestips on traveling, and how to not break the bank while taking those dream trips. Stop by and follow along on our world travel adventures as we try to figure out newlywed expat life in the land of kimchi and rice. 

الجمعة، 15 نوفمبر 2013

Does social media make you lonely?

What do you think of this? Do you agree? Do you feel lonelier now that social media interaction is so prevalent? Personally, I feel like I reached a threshold about a year and a half into blogging and heavy social media usage, where I simply could not take on any more online friendships or connections. At least not without my current friendships suffering substantially. I feel that every person you interact with gets a little piece of your cookie, so to speak. Every time you respond to a tweet, every time you answer a comment on Instagram or Facebook, every time you return an email or text, and of course every time you interact in person, you break off a tiny piece of yourself and give it to that other person. Maybe the cookie is replenished every day, maybe it's replenished every week or month, I don't know. But after a certain point, you begin to feel depleted. Or at least I do. I'm curious to hear your thoughts, too! It's such a funny age we live in. We're kind of like pioneers in it, you know? 

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Today's featured SOML sponsors are pretty darn awesome, so take a peek at their blogs, too, if you have a chance. I absolutely adore these two girls. Happy weekending...

Hi, everyone! I'm Rachel and I have a lifestyle and travel blog called Postcards from Rachel. I started this blog while living abroad in Scotland and now I write about moving around every 6 months for my husband's job. Sometimes it sucks -- like, really sucks -- but it gives us the unique opportunity to travel all over the place. Right now we're located in Boston so we're taking advantage of everything this area has to offer. Like Jenni, I'm obsessed with photography and hope to start a business sometime soon! I'm interested in everything expat and host a monthly link-up for travel bloggers, I write about anxiety strugglesblogging tips, and I enjoy spending time with my two nuggets, Malcolm and Ollie. I'd love to meet you so stop by and say hello! 

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Hi y’all! I’m Dayna over at Princess Burlap, and I blog to inspire (and sometimes offend).  
I grew up in a house where The Boogeyman was real and the only rule was No Ouija Boards. I was a wrist cutter and a crier and a dreamer and a throw-myself-at-walls-and-screamer. 

One fateful day I tripped and fell into Jenni’s blog; I fell in love with her and her love story, and she gave me the courage to share my own. 
So I wrote her a love letter. Bloggers who inspire deserve love letters. Just sayin’.

I’m getting married in three months and my betrothed had a vasectomy. Sad face. And so it has been foretold that we shall enter into our married lives first as lovers, then, as pincushions. But wait! Bad news for me is good news for you! Adventures in infertility will make for a mighty fun blog adventure, being sprinkled as they will between posts about ghosts , confessions to being lost and found, and all the fun crumbles of life as I live it.

Truth is, life can be sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami, sometimes all at once and that is so not delicious. But it’s life and it’s such a wild ride, isn't it? Some days you’ll laugh with me, some days you’ll cry with me, but you’ll always get unbridled, unhinged and unfiltered me. That’s a promise. And a threat. 

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الجمعة، 8 نوفمبر 2013

A few recent favorites

Hey hey, happy Friday! Today I thought I'd share a handful of my favorite photos from recent sessions. Maybe I'll do this once a month-ish...? These images sure do impact the "story of my life" at the moment. ;) Visit the j. noel photography website, blog, or Facebook page to see more, if you so desire! Happy Friday!

Please take a moment to check out today's featured SOML sponsors, as well! Some really fantastic bloggers here today....

Hello there, I'm Katie! I blog over at Hope Engaged. A few years ago, my handsome husband Kevin and I began to ask ourselves if our marriage was making the world a lovelier place. This led us to move into an immigrant neighborhood in our native Orange County and open our home and hearts to the families there. It changed our lives. This past year, we were asked to move to Nepal to work at an aftercare home for girls rescued out of sex trafficking. It was an incredible experience to serve together with my best friend (a few thoughts on marriage here), and was equally amazing to watch God use my husband to redeem the view of men for the girls in the home! We just recently got back! Kev and I love to travel and have lived/backpacked/visited friends in almost 40 countries. A few recent travel posts from Thailand can be found here.  I also host aphoto-shoot link-up on the 15th of each month which I'd love to invite you to join! Mostly, I'm just a girl that loves Jesus, people, and a good adventure (like the time we almost died)! Excited to meet you! 

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Hello dear friends. Like Ordinary Life is the lifestyle blog of me, Tina, believer in ordinary miracles and cat whisperer extraordinaire (I like dogs, too, promise). I am a first time wifepr professional and social media guru by day, former pre-k teacher, curator of ordinary moments (here's a recent good one), and an okay friend. Though, I hope you can see past that because I love making new friends. Anyway, I'd love for you to visit and say hello. I blog about my rather ordinary adventures with my husband, my nail polish obsession, oh, and Christmas. I'm a Christmas freak so stick around because that's going to be happening sooner than we realize, isn't it? So, anyway, while I plug away at life over here in the DC area (I work in Alexandria, commute through DC, and live in Annapolis- yikes), I'd love to "meet" you online. Come say hello. :)

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الجمعة، 1 نوفمبر 2013

the first of november

 Pants (in black denim), shirt, and bag: Target, Jacket: Loft, Shoes (in mocha): c/o Minnetonka Moccasins

November 1st. This month is always full of so much excitement and promise for me, though this time around it also promises to quite possibly be the busiest of my professional life yet. Yesterday I was feeling a little panicky as I looked over my schedule for the next few weeks - fifteen photo shoots (one of which involves 52 students at a dance company!) and, towards the end of the month, we might, *MIGHT* be closing on our house (dare we hope?). I found myself physically shaking as I answered client emails yesterday (not sure if this had to do with the panic or all the coffee consumed by that point - probably both), and I had to sort of slow myself down and have a little pep talk... with myself. Jenni, you got this. There is absolutely no reason why you won't have this month in the bag. You are doing something that gives you and others great joy, and what a privilege that is. Slow down... breath... relax... you got this.

November will be a month of busy-ness and, if there's time, also re-evaluating and re-stratigizing. I feel a strong need to take a hard look at how this blog fits into my life, how I'd like to run it in 2014, and I also feel the need to strongly consider changing my pricing strategy for my business. I don't want to spread myself too thin. No one likes a person spread too thin. You lose your potency, in all aspects of life, and I don't want that to happen to me. 

But as for November. Bring it on.  I will kick your ass, November. That's a promise.

In this post and the following two after it, I'll be styling three pairs of Minnetonka moccasins, which, by the way, is one of my absolute favorite brands of shoes. Remember this post where I mentioned feeling tired of wearing clothes that aren't really "me, " and the pact I made with myself not to compromise on that anymore? Well, this is the antithesis of that post. These moccasins are soft, ridiculously comfortable, and if "me" could be a shoe for a day, I'd be these mocs. Of the three I'll be styling, this "deerskin soft" style is the comfiest, but they are all so cute. We'll give away a pair the third day, too! Stay tuned. :)

 Pants (in black denim), shirt, and bag: Target, Jacket: Loft, Shoes (in mocha): c/o Minnetonka Moccasins

Now please take just a moment to show today's featured SOML sponsors some love... Happy FRIDAY! :)

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Hi guys, I’m Dee! I am an expat based in Singapore and I work in corporate finance by day and on my blog called Deecoded by night. If I had to describe myself in one word, I guess it would be: STORYTELLER. I like to tell stories through words and pictures (and sometimes, gestures). Some people have said that I tell stories so vividly, in such a way that makes the listener/reader feel as though they were going through my experiences first-hand. And what stories do I tell? Ones that I read from books, or see on television or movies, sometimes, but mostly stuff that happens in my own life – like that time I watched a movie in a luxury cinema all by myself, or that time I played dodge ball and fell into an open pit, or that time I risked leaving my hometown to move to another city with only $50 in pocket money. I enjoy the moments and savor the experiences, good or bad, because they all make good storytelling material. So come read about them! I’d love an audience. :)

Why hello there little jelly beans! My name is Belinda and I am the gal behind the blog Found Love, Now What? My blog is my attempt to make sense of this thing we call life, one cup of Starbucks selfie at a time. Life for me is chalked with adventure, especially since I moved to Wales in the summer of 2012 to be with my British husband. {Read our long distance love story here.} My blog is filled with adventures in the UK from castles to stunning natural wonders, and musings as an expat. I also chat about following your blogging heart, while tackling some honest topics close to my heart. I love nothing more than sharing our imperfectly perfect life on my blog. Hop on over and say hello! 

Hi there! I'm Rachel, the blogger behind With Love, Rachel . I am a Southern California girl through and through, which means you'll likely find me in flip flops year around (unless it gets below 60 degrees, because that is cold, yo!) I'm an adjunct professor of writing at a university in Southern California, but don't worry; I'm not as serious or boring as my job makes me sound. When I'm not teaching, I'm experimenting with healthy recipes or travelling the world, and you can find a whole lot of that on my blog. My recent safari in Africa was a dream come true, because I LOVE animals and can geek out about them all day. In my Weekend Safari series, I share my take on some of my favorite animals, along with a bunch of crazy fun facts. Feel free to geek out or be silly over at With Love, Rachel any time!