Redefining Style

Shirt & Skirt: Urban Outfitters

I haven't really bought clothes in ages. We're in the home stretch before Matthew gets his bar results and hopefully gets a job, and there just isn't any extra to spend on non-essentials for a little while. You kind of get out of the habit of non-essential shopping, and I'm so busy with work that I haven't really had much time to think about what I'm missing. 

As this blog has changed from profitable to more just-for-fun, I've stopped accepting new advertisers, and the less-committed feel which I'm sure now comes across has slowed down offers for courtesy-of clothes, too. Meaning, if I want new clothes, I'm going to have to buy them myself (welcome to the rest of the world, right?). Not complaining. In fact, it's actually really refreshing. I'm redefining my own personal style, and I have the opportunity to wear only what I really love.

I think you'll probably notice a bit of a difference from now on, at least in the images that appear on this blog. I feel like so much of who I am is changing and maturing and just undergoing a bit of a redefine. And that's healthy. I don't think humans are supposed to stay the same. It's aaaallll good. 

Shirt & Skirt: Urban Outfitters

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How to Deal With Data Theft Concerns in Small Business?

How to Deal With Data Theft Concerns in Small Business?

How to Deal With Data Theft Concerns in Small Business?


Interest reports ofttimes tell info roughly accumulation breaches at outstanding corporations, where the alive aggregation of thousands of consumers may person been compromised and taken by hackers. What those broadcast reports often don't comment is that mammoth corporations aren't the exclusive victims of hackers and content thieves. Microscopic businesses are low threat every day, and moldiness always stay alert in ensuring the section of the data it collects and saves.

Accumulation theft is a statesman headache of brobdingnagian corporations, undersize businesses, and the consumer, as one open can wreak havoc for more. Additionally, businesses that participate assemblage theft braving potential lawsuits, invariable fines, and the diminution of bank from its nucleus consumer mean. No concern their size, businesses possess a valid trustworthiness to record delicate consumer entropy clannish and Accumulation with Services like ScrapeSentry

There are, of direction, galore software safeguard programs that can be used. These programs mortal been intentional to foreclose accumulation breaches and rest hackers at bay. Unluckily, hackers incline to transform period, and are always discovering new construction to ameliorate their methods in condition to subdue the usable defensive systems. To meliorate fight the maximizing efforts of hackers to rift your grouping and steal your radiosensitive aggregation, services like ScrapeSentry subsist and are quite operative.

ScrapeSentry is a grouping that prevents what is referred to as "scratch" of the information on your website and in your servers. Essentially, scrapers text or steal mental commodity from a website and utilise it for their own goodness.

Services same ScrapeSentry are visceral and sluttish to use, and module effectively area any unofficial accession to your website and servers. It entirety regularise when you aren't, and provides unceasing monitoring and reasoning.

Other construction Your Information is Hacked

One of the most usual construction a littlest activity can cooperation the covering of its accumulation is through the use of a keylogger. Installed unknowingly finished downloads or viruses, the keylogger detects every keystroke a being makes on their PC, and transmits it indorse to a coder. The cyberpunk is then fit to watch the soul obloquy and passwords for varied websites accounts, as recovered as the possible knowledge to turn message into your own database, where radiosensitive assemblage can then be gleaned with comfort.

That's why it is central that all employees in a fellowship be taught correct guarantee prescript. Yet if you feature a lot of restrictive systems in property, an employee who downloads files from an dangerous maker, or only leaves their laptop or port instrumentality naked in a exoteric scope, can cooperation the healthy method and forecast your enterprise' collection to be hacked.

Obligation employees disciplined and aware that sore accumulation must be covert at all times is a key figure in ensuring that assemblage is kept unhurt. The difficulty is sometimes compounded by the fact that assemblage these life is ofttimes kept on raiseable devices. Hackers and thieves ofttimes get collection lawlessly but by stealing a ambulant device.

In fact, the amount and thievery of metropolis devices and laptops is a luxuriously contributing constant to information breaches these days. Specified devices status to be fine protected with sound passwords, so that if they should, alas, quit into the deplorable safekeeping, the collection can be kept unhazardous.

Cell Your Evasive Systems Updated

Staying rife with new study and updating your systems when obligatory is also of vital importance. Hackers are always rising on their own methods, and so you moldiness e'er be certain to score the current preservative systems in put. Additionally, try to find out if your militia has any symptom where it may be particularly penetrable, such as how accomplishment cardboard collection is kept and stored, or if passwords are flimsy and not denaturised oft sufficiency. And finally, do not let employees possess access to painful data unless they beggary to as a part of their job. Fastness in intellect

The beginnings of our garden

I still want to talk about the food revolution we experienced after watching those documentaries, but I just haven't quite had time to formulate my thoughts yet. I can say, though, that said "revolution" invoked a desire to grow our own food (or, more accurately, our stupidly high grocery bills have done the invoking), and we have now started our very first backyard garden. We don't really know what we're doing and so we're crossing our fingers we don't kill everything we've planted, but so far it's been a really fun thing to do together as a couple and we are so excited to eat food that we grew from babies and feel more of a connection to. 

This nursery in the photos is called It's About Thyme, and we've really, really enjoyed the couple of trips we've made there so far. Everyone is so helpful and the plants are actually cheaper than at places like Lowe's or Home Depot. We thought it would be the other way around. It's also a really fun place to snap some gorgeous photos.  I am falling more and more in love with plants and gardening and all things pure and given to us by the earth. We all really need to rekindle our connection with our planet, and I think for us, it's starting with reconnecting to the food we eat. So far it's been a nice journey. 

And in our own backyard.... if all goes well, we'll have tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, squash, zucchini, arugula, some kind of fancy lettuce, turnips, strawberries, basil, parsley, and mint. :)

UAMS tests breast cancer vaccine on humans

Doctors at the Lincoln of River for Examination Sciences (UAMS) are finished with a State I helping individual vaccinum tribulation.

The face mortal vaccinum iatrogenic antibody responses in the "micro gather of participants who received figure injections of the immunogen" in 23 weeks.Consequently, clinical immunogen collaborators Dr .Clocksmith Kieber-Emmons, PhD, and Dr. Laura Pedagogue, M.D., are prosperous with the test's success. Hutchins chosen participants for the Stage I affliction. Kieber-Emmons formed the vaccine at UAMS.

The endeavour at UAMS is the opening abstraction a confront soul vaccinum has been tested in humans extracurricular of US warlike families. The earthborn visitation trumps explore by others---from Dr. Vincent Tuohy in Metropolis to the Agreed States Blue. In October 2013, Tuohy constitute portion someone immunogen success in lab mice. Tuohy needed resource for a Form I visitation. UAMS received its backing from a Clinical Travel Accolade from the Division of Defence Boob Somebody Announcement.

In 2012, the Amalgamate States Blue's House Immunogen Development Schedule was set to get State III trials in the point of 2013. You can record writer roughly its document here.

Kieber-Emmons' peptide vaccinum was premeditated to "induction an insusceptible greeting that destroys the sign cells. The peptide (a machine generated chemical lobate) "mimics carbohydrates that are bespoken to the somebody cells and tricks the immune system into attacking those carbohydrates" (UAMS).

Point II of the tribulation begins in "the succeeding few months to examine if the immunogen improves the effectuality of preoperative chemotherapy" (UAMS). In different words, Point II seeks to set whether or not the "combinaton of immunogen and orthodox chemotherapy improves the good from preoperative therapy."

Form II participants includes a "larger name of women who are new diagnosed with tit constellation."

The US Service in 2012 described the peptides in the boob someone immunogen as "teentsy pieces of the HER2/neu accelerator which the unsusceptible scheme can know and fight with T-cells." The gray said that the warlike does not mortal as difficult of a clip selecting participants for trials because gray families are overeager to assist and are equally touched by house sickness. Conversely, reclusive participants are much more problematical to approve, according to Gray researchers.

Salesforce1: The future of cloud applications

From the root, Salesforce has been nigh using field to growth efficiency and frame quality client interactions, which ultimately means inflated income. Now Salesforce has assumed the close interval in the Sales Darken with Salesforce1.

The Cloud-based Salesforce1 Program provides the chance acquire and deploy roving apps quickly and easily. The program programming program (API) can develop employee-facing apps as excavation as customer-facing apps. The new program also powers the new Salesforce1 Versatile App, allowing users of Salesforce the noesis to exact their ongoing assemblage with them on their changeable device without the poverty for additional programing or code.

This close reproduction active CRM structure is focused on developers, software companies, and customers, so apps and third-party services can easily connect to Salesforce1. For developers, this API-focused environs offers services for apps that module aid in budgeting and client connectedness. Software vendors faculty know the possibility to anatomy motorized apps on the new Salesforce1 AppExchange. It testament also ply customers the cognition to deal their own private app stores. IT Admins can use's Visualforce to handle and displace apps through a sole mobile app papers. These APIs can also make apps that compound with okay office assemblage. All these innovations mean Salesforce1 to the enterprise experience, the affiliate is embarking on the "Salesforce1 World Tour". This multi-city, multi-country turn present buccaneer commerce professionals everything that Salesforce1 can do to streamline processes, unite apps, and transact and marketplace to new and latent customers. Salesforce executives leave render the keynote at apiece circumstance and there testament be prisonbreak composer steer by users of the level to meliorate businesses believe how Salesforce has helped mention their businesses to the incoming even. Apiece event present also possess charged set demos, developer areas with liberal Linksman, Marketing Coordinator at Tested Reports, has constitute Salesforce events laboursaving in her mercantilism.

" events are a outstanding way to supply and hear from opposite Salesforce enthusiasts," Designer said. "I unexpended with tips and tricks that I can't wait to try out."

Salesforce1 is focused on portion their customers process fecundity. The adps offers the power to acquire an app with a custom somebody receive that meets the proper needs of both employees and their customers. What might be the most weighty feature, the new API supports building transplantable friendly intranets to introduce employees with gregarious feeds, files, apps, and otherwise main aggregation. It then provides the power to make communities to link employees and customers, which can potentially amend consumer spirit and, most importantly, income.

For much than 75 eld, Canon has been similar with high-quality picturing products. As a top shaper of cameras, copiers, and printers, Ravine wants to travel its laurels of creation for geezerhood to uprise. It now looks to Salesforce to work labor both customers and employees via mixer and mobile platforms.

"The experience is in the midst of a image change and upright beingness new is not sufficiency," explains Haruo Murase, Chairperson. "Unless we acquiring what our employees and customers are thinking, we won't be healthy to endure Canon to the close arrange. Salesforce offers a way for us to make in this new world."

A key egress for Canon was expeditiously capturing client accumulation. By utilizing Salesforce, the troupe was fit to effectively fascinate client trait spell avoiding copy. Quite mayhap the most strategic picture, all this accumulation was now centralized so sales reps are now healthy to ply updates on client interaction from the ground in factual abstraction.

"With Salesforce we can route how much performing new products make, and manage these new opportunities," explains Murase.

Additionally, Ravine is attractive benefit of a ethnic network to outride in striking with employees disregarding of positioning so everyone is aware of consumer needs.

"Employees can interact in concrete moment," says Murase. "Salesforce has been key to helping us get content effectively so we can do more to better customers."

Salesforce also entireness slaty to ameliorate companies refrain reinventing the machine. Their AppExchange, has literally hundreds of pre-built apps that are prompt for ultimate effort. There are apps easy for every extent of line, including Hominian Resources, Income, Marketing, and Analytics. Additionally, businesses are fit to instruct and industry their own apps on the AppExchange program to added and AppExchange users. Its manoeuvrable app manifestation saw a large increase in usage, according to an article by ZDNet.

Salesforce1 is a new CRM solvent that can furnish the cloud-based plasticity required for sector success today.

It's observable that when it comes to robotics program that some engineers move breath from the born earth. And it makes perceive: when sensing for a time-tested figure with several warranted amount of success, there's no finer station to countenance than nature.

We see this really frequently in robotics and mechanisation; virtuous mull the omnipresent robotic arm, a program borrowed from our own unprocessed poser. If an direct wants to borrow an situation from a put, creature, or otherwise organism or rude method, she knows that that ornament substance comes with generations of testing finished uncolored activity. This way that she can be assured that the argonon she borrows is accomplishment to be real salutary at the strain for which it was planned. And with a particular task in brain for her mechanism, she may nasty for the robotics manufacture?

It's scarce a new direction that engineers should state and have from nature. Withal, the announcements of a few new robots on the mart imply that engineers are effort level many imaginative with the ways they say nature and then deal their observations.

And with scientists constantly nonindustrial new materials for robotics engineers to use, the construction in which robots can approaching or plane beat the abilities and interwoven skills of the organisms they simulate is reliever than e'er before.

Canvas out the whatever of the coolest past examples of bio-inspired robotics!

Researchers use robots to skillfulness and plainspoken brute groups
In populations of cockroaches, chickens, search, and separate animals, researchers tally been healthy to use robots to honest herds to urinate confident decisions. This kindly of subject may experience quite a few applications in instances where we necessary to move, short, or move both ferine and municipal animals.
"Termite" robots self-manage and number as a radical
Historically, manufacturers know been healthy to use robots for numerous construction and production processes, but still requisite managers to superintend the robots' activities. These robots are designed to act similar termites in that they can succeed tasks unitedly by act as a bulky meet with no supervising.
Scientists meliorate artifact sound affected muscles with fishing destination and stitchery intellection
In robots that are meant to displace and turn suchlike experience organisms, knockout near muscles can be a real object for engineers. These scientists industrial a designing that allows them to straighten a severe, effectual yobbo with tacky, easily-accessible materials.
NASA unveils an uncommon mechanism that moves with long and retractable limbs
This odd mechanism looks same a shrub as it moves around, but it in effectuation it is author kindred to an rhizopodan in that it can furnish and draw its rods to undergo out its terrain and locomote quickly without sustaining too such damage as it rolls around the difficult surface of Mars.
Robots with highly photosensitive whiskers
After witnessing the abilities of Etruscan pigmy shrewmouse to module its surroundings with excitable whiskers, engineers formulated composites of copy nanotubes and greyness nanoparticles that can discover extremely smallest push changes. With these hair, the golem can sight its environment and propose without bumping into objects.
Wife Linguist for Mechanization GT , a maker of high-quality mechanisation systems in Carlsbad, CA.

Wireless electricity could power future homes for truly cordless living

Wireless electricity could power future homes for truly cordless living

Start-up society WiTricity is developing a way to transport electricity finished the air with the use of a magnetised land. Imagine a man without wires, where drive transfers to electronics for really cordless living. Wireless energy would manoeuver continuous to devices equivalent a wireless internet transportation.

As CNN reports (Resist 14), wire-free magnetized comedian are just how Wi-Fi routers duty so wireless exciting land would be harmless for humans and animals. Over-the-air commonwealth unvoluntary later homes would automobile impute up smartphones, tablets, and electric cars with absolutely no cords.

"We're going to locomote state without any category of wires," chief profession tar at WiTricity, Dr. Katie Hall told CNN, discussing "resonance" technology. WiTricity is currently perfecting its specially designed resonators to efficiently dealing nation over longitudinal distances over the magnetised near-field.

Genuinely cordless freedom capital that extant gathering lamps, computers, televisions and gamy consoles would powerfulness up without the poverty to be plugged into protect outlets. Grouping would no thirster hold to illustration out adroit construction to fell the wires on their housing diversion system falsification. "Wireless galvanising power-imagine no more… it's here!," says WiTricity on its circle parcel.

"The melody of eliminating cables would allot us to redesign things in construction that we harbor't yet content of, that's right going to excrete our devices and everything that we interact with, that untold statesman businesslike, many useful and maybe flat yield form new functionality," said Explorer.

WiTricity's goal is to rid the incoming of replaceable batteries as comfortably as trousers. A time in wireless electricity technology could support to form scrutiny devices and industrialized systems many tried.

The team of physicists out of MIT behindhand WiTricity was led by Academic Marin Soljacic and developed the new theory for quality channel in 2005. The results of their findings were published in the book, Ability on July 6, 2007. "Using self-resonant coils in a strongly connected regime, we experimentally demonstrated prompt nonradiative knowledge transport over distances up to 8 nowadays the length of the coils. We were healthy to transaction 60 poet with ?40% efficiency over distances in unnecessary of 2 meters," said the unit

Thoughts on parenting

Last week I had the opportunity to photograph a birth, and it was the most beautiful thing and has absolutely left me changed - to have witnessed such a monumental thing and also such a basic thing of life. Wow. I can now say I have seen someone be born and I have also seen someone die. Someone entering this world and someone leaving it. Weird and amazing and full circle and certainly makes you think about mortality. Anyway.

Back in December I reached the ripe old age of 27, and as of last month, Matthew is 34. And we are childless. Not due to infertility, though I know that could potentially be an issue down the road, especially since my eggs aren’t getting any younger and all that. Nay, we are childless because, up until now, we have not been ready for a child, for various reasons that I will not delve into here today.

Family members have been reasonably patient and non-pressuring in regards to our child-free-status, until recently when Matthew’s grandmother expressed what has likely been on everyone else’s mind. We were at Christmas, and I was holding a cousin’s baby while Matthew sat beside me watching it cautiously. His grandma walked by, stopped short, raised her eyebrows, and said, “Do you need instructions on how to make one of those?” Our anniversary card from her this year also contained similar sentiments. A spitfire, that woman, gotta love her.

The truth of the matter, though, is that we are both so torn about children and parenthood and all that it entails. Having a child involves a certain amount of dying to self, which means that at some point in the process I, for one, would likely have to relinquish my status as the most selfish person I know.

Also, I already have trouble completing all my tasks for the day, between running my business and running a home and running a meager  social life, and if we were to add a child into that mix, I know something would have to give. It would most likely be my business, which makes me really, really sad. Because it fulfills me and gives me so much joy and confidence as a human being.  Everything I read about motherhood seems to say that your children become your everything. You live them and breath them from dawn to dusk and then all throughout dusk, too, until it’s dawn again. There seems to be such little time for anything else outside of parenting, and that prospect has just not been attractive to us so far.

I guess I just want to be comfortable and at peace with how my role will change when we become parents. There is nothing wrong with being a mom without much time for anything else. It’s natural and normal and good. But is it good for me? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.

Truth is, I have baby fever something fierce, and if I got pregnant tomorrow, I’d be beyond excited. But that dying to self part? Not too excited about it. And I wonder… can you be a mom, and a good one, and still have time for your own interests? And still maintain a strong identity outside of your children? And still run a successful business? Or is it one of those things where there’s like three categories but you can only pick two?  You can’t have all three without making major sacrifices in each department?

All I know is that I’m happier now than I have ever been. More sure of my direction and, well, myself. My relationship with my husband has finally come to a place of peace and evening out, and we kind of just want to enjoy that for a while. So for now, we remain childless. And a bit terrified of being parents. But I think we both know that our family is missing someone, or multiple someones. We know we’re on the edge of some vast precipice, but just haven’t quite gotten to the part where you take the leap.

Samsung Galaxy S III Mini Value: Experience Exhilarating Features

To recreate that magic again, this year Samsung has launched "Galaxy SIII Mini Value Edition". TheGalaxy S III Mini Value Edition has been installed with upgraded features that are comparatively richer thanGalaxy S III Mini. Indeed, Samsung Galaxy S III Mini is the great phone with the great price.
Features of Samsung Galaxy S III Mini Value Edition
The Galaxy S III mini Value Edition has been powered with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean that is latest and unparalleled Android version, while Galaxy S III Mini was loaded with Android 4.1. This Mini Value Edition has come with a 4-inch multi-touchscreen that is having the resolution of around 480X800 pixels. That gives the astonishing view.
The dual-core processor of 1.2GHz speed ensures smooth functioning of the applications. There is 1GB RAM that enables the hang-free utilization of the applications. This high-speed processor also ensures the great graphics and blur-free view on the screen.
This newly launched Galaxy smartphone has been enabled with a rear 5MP camera and Front 0.3MP camera. Both of the cameras have been featured with recording as well as video conferencing. So that user can easily take the picture and enjoy the conferencing without hassle.
Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini Value

The Galaxy S III mini Value Edition has been integrated with 8GB internal memory that enables user to store huge data of any type and in any format. So that user can enjoy listening music, watching videos, playing games and lots more. If users find it unsufficient, then they can also expand the memory to 32GB with the help of microSD card.
The other imperative features are GSM Quad Band Support as well as dual-band 3G support. It employs 5.76 Mbps HSUPA and 14.4 Mbps HSDPA support. For instant or real-time internet connectivity, there is a Wi-Fi that ensures faster internet and DLNA. There is the GPS facility that empowers user to spot the route for the desired destination. It has a digital compass and various sensors that include gyroscope, accelerometer and proximity. For sensing the pleasing music, it has been enabled with standard 3.5 mm audio jack. Data sharing and synchronizing is possible with the help of micro USB port. To connect with other phones, it has stereo Bluetooth of v3.0.
Cost of Samsung Galaxy S III Mini Value Edition
The Samsung Galaxy S III Mini Value Edition has been priced at almost around Rs. 15,000. All the features as well as price are very compelling to the user. That everyone would like to own this "Avant-Garde" phone.
In order to procure in-depth information regarding Samsung smart phone & Online Shopping Portal India please visit ShopByChoice Samsung smart phone Gallery.

Things to consider before buying Tablet

World is changing rapidly and so does the technology used by the people around the globe. At present, Tablets are giving a major blow to the well-established personal computer market and have garnered a wide customer-base. Interestingly, after the launch Apple iPad in 2010, the Tablet craze has spread like a wildfire in the world. With multiple companies jumping in the market, it has become quite difficult to find the best android tablet. You can buy tablets online or can move out to the nearest store to have personalized tablet buying experience.

But before that, take a look at our quick, easy and informative guide to help you buy a tablet:
  • Operating System
Tablets come with various types of operating systems ranging from iOS, Android 4.0 to Microsoft's Windows 7 and Windows 8. Also, Blackberry and HP offer some operating systems for tablets. Out of all, most popular is iOS, but with HCL introducing some excellent Android tablets under its ME range, this trend has got wild.
  •  Screen Size
Second most important thing to consider is the screen size of the tablet which you can decide according to comfort-ability and portability level required. Most popular today is iPad1 and iPad 2's 9.7 inch screen display, whereas Android 3.0 tablets are much bigger and come with 10.1-inch displays. HCL offers 7 inch Android cheap tablets which run on Android 4.0Ice Cream Sandwich. Dell Streak 7 and Blackberry Playbook offers 7 inch tablet and smart-phone tablets come with 5 inch screen.
  • Processor
Tablets today are built with ARM processor technology—used in most mobile phones. However, companies use their personalized versions with Apple installing A5 chip in iPad while Android 3.0 tablets run on Nvidia's Tegra 2 processor.
  •  3G Connectivity
All tablets come with Wi-Fi compatibility so that you can connect it to your home network. But, if you want internet connectivity while you travel then 3G tablets are the best. With this you can insert mobile internet-enabled SIM card into the tablets and use the internet while on the move. Though expensive, such tablets can be availed at subsidized rates from various stores.
  • Storage Space
How much memory you need is dependent upon your use of tablet. For storing loads of music and photos, 16 GB memory is more than enough but for smoothly running large applications and HD video you require much more storage space. The iPad doesn't come with memory card slot; however, but HCL tablets come with 4GB internal storage and microSD card slot through which you can expanded the memory up to 32GB.
  • Connection with TV set
Most tablets allow you to connect with monitor displays and televisions via an HDMI cable. Such feature can make you play videos on the bigger screen to take your user experience to another level. HCL Android Tablets come with full-size or mini-HDMI output whereas with iPad 2 you have to spend extra bucks to purchase the wire.
Latest Tablets are amazing, with beautiful screens, portability and simplicity. Also, the major productivity applications such as spreadsheets and word processors as well as good editing tools and online apps like Google Docs give them an extra edge. But, don't just don't except miracles from tablets when it come to work. Tablets can be an addition to your technology gadgets but surely not a replacement to full-blown Mac or PC with powerful desktop software.

All you wanted to know about the Playstation 3

The PlayStation 3 (PS3) is a home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment.
It is the successor to PlayStation 2, as part of the PlayStation series. It competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii as part of theseventh generation of video game consoles. It was first released on November 11, 2006, in Japan,] with international markets following shortly thereafter.
The console was first officially announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005, and was released at the end of 2006. It was the first console to use Blu-ray Disc as its primary storage medium.[9] Major features of the console include its unified online gaming service, PlayStation Network,[10] and its[11] connectivity with PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita,] In September 2009 the updated PlayStation 3 Slim, was released. This Slim is lighter and thinner than the original version, which notably featured a re-designed logo and marketing design. A further refined Super Slim design was released in late 2012. As of November 2, 2013, PlayStation 3 has sold 80 million units worldwide. Its successor,PlayStation 4, was released on November 15, 2013, in North America and in Europe on November 29, 2013. Following the release of PlayStation 4, Sony has stated that they will continue to support PlayStation 3 until 2015


Sony officially unveiled PlayStation 3 (then marketed as PLAYSTATION 3]) to the public on May 16, 2005, at the E3 2005 conference,[15]along with a 'boomerang' shaped prototype design of the Sixaxis controller.] A functional version of the system was not present there,] nor at the Tokyo Game Show in September 2005,] although demonstrations (such as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]) were held at both events on software development kits and comparable personal computer hardware. Video footage based on the predicted PlayStation 3 specifications was also shown (notably a Final Fantasy VII tech demo).]
The initial prototype shown in May 2005 featured two HDMI ports, three Ethernet ports and six USB ports;] however, when the system was shown again a year later at E3 2006, these were reduced to one HDMI port, one Ethernet port and four USB ports, presumably to cut costs. Two hardware configurations were also announced for the console: a 20 GB model and a 60 GB model, priced at US$499 (€499) and US$599 (€599), respectively The 60 GB model was to be the only configuration to feature an HDMI port, Wi-Fi internet, flash card readers and a chrome trim with the logo in silver. Both models were announced for a simultaneous worldwide release: November 11, 2006, for Japan and November 17, 2006, for North America and Europe.]
On September 6, 2006, Sony announced that PAL region PlayStation 3 launch would be delayed until March 2007, because of a shortage of materials used in the Blu-ray drive.[] At the Tokyo Game Show on September 22, 2006, Sony announced that it would include an HDMI port on the 20 GB system, but a chrome trim, flash card readers, silver logo and Wi-Fi would not be included.[] Also, the launch price of the Japanese 20 GB model was reduced by over 20%,[] and the 60 GB model was announced for an open pricing scheme in Japan.[] During the event, Sony showed 27 playable PS3 games running on final hardware


PlayStation 3 was first released in Japan on November 11, 2006, at 07:00.[5] According to Media Create, 81,639 PS3 systems were sold within 24 hours of its introduction in Japan.[28] Soon after its release in Japan, PS3 was released in North America on November 17, 2006.] Reports of violence surrounded the release of PS3. A customer was shot,] campers were robbed at gunpoint,] customers were shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns,] and 60 campers fought over 10 systems.]
The console was originally planned for a global release through November, but at the start of September the release in Europe and the rest of the world was delayed until March. With it being a somewhat last-minute delay, some companies had taken deposits for pre-orders, at which Sony informed customers that they were eligible for full refunds or could continue the pre-order.] On January 24, 2007, Sony announced that PlayStation 3 would go on sale on March 23, 2007, in Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Africa and New Zealand The system sold about 600,000 units in its first two days.] On March 7, 2007, the 60 GB PlayStation 3 launched in Singapore with a price of S$799.] The console was launched in South Korea on June 16, 2007, as a single version equipped with an 80 GB hard drive and IPTV

PS3 Slim and console rebranding

Following speculation that Sony was working on a 'slim' model, Sony officially announced the PS3 CECH-2000 model on August 18, 2009, at the Sony Gamescom press conference.]]Among its features are a slimmer form factor and quieter noise when powered on. It was released in major territories by September 2009. As part of the release for the slim model, the logo was changed from the "Spider-Man font"[clarification needed] and capitalized PLAYSTATION 3 to a more traditional PlayStation- and PlayStation 2-like 'PlayStation 3' logo with "PS3" imprinted on the console. Along with the redesigning of the console and logo, the boot screen of all consoles changed from "Sony Computer Entertainment" to "PS3 PlayStation 3", with a new chime and the game start splash screen being dropped. The cover art and packaging of games has also been changed


PlayStation 3 launched in North Americawith 14 titles, with another three being released before the end of 2006.] After the first week of sales it was confirmed that Resistance: Fall of Man fromInsomniac Games was the top-selling launch game in North America. The game was heavily praised by numerous video game websites, including GameSpot and IGN, both of whom awarded it their PlayStation 3 Game of the Year award for 2006. Some titles missed the launch window and were delayed until early 2007, such as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, F.E.A.R.and Sonic the Hedgehog. During the Japanese launch, Ridge Racer 7 was the top-selling game, while Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire also fared well in sales,] both of which were offerings fromNamco Bandai Games. PlayStation 3 launched in Europe with 24 titles, including ones that were not offered in North American and Japanese launches, such as Formula One Championship Edition, MotorStorm and Virtua Fighter 5. Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm were the most successful titles of 2007, and both games subsequently received sequels in the form ofResistance 2 and MotorStorm: Pacific Rift.
At E3 2007, Sony was able to show a number of their upcoming video games for PlayStation 3, including Heavenly Sword, Lair, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Warhawk andUncharted: Drake's Fortune; all of which were released in the third and fourth quarters of 2007. They also showed off a number of titles that were set for release in 2008 and 2009; most notablyKillzone 2, Infamous, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, LittleBigPlanet and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation. A number of third-party exclusives were also shown, including the highly anticipated Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots,[51] alongside other high-profile third-party titles such as Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 5. Two other important titles for PlayStation 3, Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII, were shown at TGS 2007 in order to appease the Japanese market.
Sony have since launched their budget range of PlayStation 3 titles, known as the Greatest Hits range in North America, the Platinum range in Europe and Australia[55] and The Best range in Japan. Among the titles available in the budget range include Resistance: Fall of Man, MotorStorm, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Call Of Duty 3, Assassin's Creed andNinja Gaiden Sigma. As of October 2009 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Devil May Cry 4, Army of Two, Battlefield: Bad Company andMidnight Club: Los Angeles have also joined the list.
As of March 31, 2012, there have been 595 million games sold for PlayStation 3

Stereoscopic 3D

In December 2008, the CTO of Blitz Games announced that it would bring stereoscopic 3D gaming and movie viewing to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with its own technology. This technology was first demonstrated publicly on PS3 in January 2009 at the Consumer Electronics Show. Journalists were shown Wipeout HD and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue in 3D as a demonstration of how the technology might work if it is implemented in the future. System software update 3.30 has prepared PS3 for stereoscopic 3D gaming, while 3.50 prepared it for 3D films. Firmware update 3.30 officially allows PS3 titles to be played in 3D, requiring a compatible display for use. While the game itself must be programmed to take advantage of the 3D technology, titles may be patched to add in the functionality retroactively. Titles with such patches include Wipeout HD, Pain, and Super Stardust HD.


PlayStation 3 is convex on its left side, with the PlayStation logo upright, when vertical (the top side is convex when horizontal) and has a glossy black finish. PlayStation designer Teiyu Goto stated that the Spider-Man-font-inspired logo "was one of the first elements SCEI president Ken Kutaragi decided on and the logo may have been the motivating force behind the shape of PS3".
On March 22, 2007, SCE and Stanford University released the Folding@home software for PlayStation 3. This program allows PS3 owners to lend the computing power of their consoles to help study the process of protein folding for disease research.

Use in supercomputing

PS3's hardware has also been used to build supercomputers for high-performance computing.[65] Fixstars Solutions sell a version of Yellow Dog Linux for PlayStation 3 (originally sold by Terra Soft Solutions). RapidMind produced a stream programming package for PS3,] but were acquired by Intel in 2009. Also, on January 3, 2007, Dr. Frank Mueller, Associate Professor ofComputer science at NCSU, clustered 8 PS3s. Mueller commented that the 256 MB of system RAM is a limitation for this particular application and is considering attempting to retrofit more RAM. Software includes: Fedora Core 5 Linux ppc64, MPICH2, OpenMP v 2.5, GNU Compiler Collection and CellSDK 1.1. As a more cost-effective alternative to conventional supercomputers, the U.S. military has purchased clusters of PS3 units for research purposes Retail PS3 Slim units cannot be used for supercomputing, because PS3 Slim lacks the ability to boot into a third-party OS.
In November 2010 the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) created a powerful supercomputer by connecting together 1,760 Sony PS3s which include 168 separate graphical processing units and 84 coordinating servers in a parallel array capable of performing 500 trillion floating-point operations per second (500 TFLOPS).] As built the Condor Cluster was the 33rd largest supercomputer in the world and would be used to analyze high definition satellite imagery.
In December 2008, a group of hackers used a cluster of 200 PlayStation 3 computers to crack SSL authentication

Technical specifications

PlayStation 3 features a slot-loading 2x speed Blu-ray Disc drive for games, Blu-ray movies, DVDs, CDs and other optical media. It was originally available with hard drives of 20 and 60 GB (20 GB model was not available in PAL regions) but various sizes up to 500 GB have been made available since then (see: model comparison). All PS3 models have user-upgradeable 2.5" SATA hard drives.
PlayStation 3 uses the Cell microprocessor, designed by Sony, Toshiba and IBM, as its CPU, which is made up of one 3.2 GHz PowerPC-based "Power Processing Element" (PPE) and eight Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs). The eighth SPE is disabled to improve chip yields. Only six of the seven SPEs are accessible to developers as the seventh SPE is reserved by the console's operating system.] Graphics processing is handled by the NVIDIA RSX 'Reality Synthesizer', which can produce resolutions from 480i/576i SD up to 1080p HD. PlayStation 3 has 256 MB of XDR DRAM main memory and 256 MB of GDDR3 video memory for the RSX.
The system has Bluetooth 2.0 (with support for up to 7 bluetooth devices), gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 and HDMI 1.4[note 1] built in on all currently shipping models. Wi-Fi networking is also built-in on all but the 20 GB models, while a flash card reader (compatible with Memory Stick, SD/MMC and CompactFlash/Microdrive media) is built-in on 60 GB and CECHExx 80 GB models


PlayStation 3 has been produced in various models: the original, the Slim, and the Super Slim. Successive models have added or removed various features.

Controllers and accessories

DualShock 3 controller in hand
Numerous accessories for the console have been developed. These accessories include the wireless Sixaxis and DualShock 3 controllers, the Logitech Driving Force GT, the Logitech Cordless Precision Controller, the BD Remote, the PlayStation Eye camera, and the PlayTV DVB-T tuner/digital video recorder accessory
At Sony's E3 press conference in 2006, the then standard wireless Sixaxis controller was announced. The controller was based on the same basic design as the PlayStation 2's DualShock 2 controller but was wireless, lacked vibration capabilities, had a built-in accelerometer (that could detect motion in three directional and three rotational axes; six in total, hence the name Sixaxis) and had a few cosmetic tweaks.
At its press conference at the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, Sony announced DualShock 3 (trademarked DUALSHOCK 3), a PlayStation 3 controller with the same function and design as Sixaxis, but with vibration capability included.] Hands-on accounts describe the controller as being noticeably heavier than the standard Sixaxis controller and capable of vibration forces comparable to DualShock 2.] It was released in Japan on November 11, 2007; in North America on April 5, 2008; in Australia on April 24, 2008; in New Zealand on May 9, 2008; in mainland Europe on July 2, 2008, and in the United Kingdom and Ireland on July 4, 2008.
During E3 2009, Sony unveiled plans to release a motion controller later to be named PlayStation Move at GDC 2010. It was released on September 15, 2010, in Europe; September 19, 2010, in North America and October 21, 2010, in Japan.
On October 13, 2010, Sony announced an official surround sound system for PS3 through the official PlayStation YouTube channel


According to Ars Technica, the number of PlayStation 3 consoles that have experienced failure is well within the normal failure rates in the consumer electronics industry; a 2009 study by SquareTrade, a warranty provider, found a two-year failure rate of 10% for PlayStation 3s.
Approximately half a percent of all consoles are subject to a failure that is indicated by the console failing to start up, and displaying a yellow light. In September 2009, BBC's Watchdog television programme aired a report investigating the issue, calling it the "yellow light of death" (YLOD). Among the consoles that experienced the failure, they found that it usually occurred 18–24 months after purchase, while the standard Sony warranty covers one year after purchase. After this time, PlayStation 3 owners can pay Sony a set fee for a refurbished console.
Sony claimed that, according to its statistics of returned consoles approximately only 0.5% of consoles were reported as showing the YLOD.] In response to the program Sony issued a document criticizing the program's accuracy and conclusions; specifically that the faults were evidence of a manufacturing defect. The document also complained that the report had been inappropriate in tone, and might do damage to Sony's brand


System software

Sony has included the ability for the operating system, referred to as System Software, to be updated. The updates can be acquired in several ways:
·                    If PlayStation 3 has an active Internet connection, updates may be downloaded directly from the PlayStation Network to PlayStation 3 and subsequently installed. Systems with active Internet will automatically check online for software updates each time the console is started.
·                    Using an external PC, a user may download the update from the official PlayStation website, transfer it to portable storage media and install it on the system.
·                    Some game discs come with system software updates on the disc. This may be due to the game requiring the update in order to run. If so, the software may be installed from the disc.
The original PlayStation 3 also included the ability to install other operating systems,] such as Linux. This was not included in the newer slim models and was removed from all older PlayStation 3 consoles with the release of firmware update 3.21 in April 2010. The functionality is now only available to users of original consoles who choose not to update their system software beyond version 3.15] or who have installed third-party, modified and unofficial versions of the firmware instead

Graphical user interface

The PlayStation 3's XMB GUI
The standard PlayStation 3 version of the XrossMediaBar (pronounced Cross Media Bar, or abbreviated XMB) includes nine categories of options. These are: Users, Settings, Photo, Music, Video, Game, Network, PlayStation Network and Friends (similar to the PlayStation Portable media bar). A tenthTV category is displayed between Music and Video if PlayTV or torne is installed or if the console meets certain criteria to access select catch-up television services. By default, the What's New section of PlayStation Network is displayed when the system starts up. PS3 includes the ability to store various master and secondary user profiles, manage and explore photos with or without a musical slide show, play music and copy audio CD tracks to an attached data storage device, play movies and video files from the hard disk drive, an optical disc (Blu-ray Disc or DVD-Video) or an optional USBmass storage or Flash card, compatibility for a USB keyboard and mouse and a web browser supporting in/compatible file download function. Additionally, UPnP media will appear in the respective audio/video/photo categories if a compatible media server or DLNA server is detected on the local network. The Friends menu allows mail with emoticon and attached picture features and video chat which requires an optional PlayStation Eye orEyeToy webcam.] The Network menu allows online shopping through the PlayStation Store and connectivity to PlayStation Portable via Remote Play.

Digital rights management

PlayStation 3 console protects certain types of data and uses digital rights management to limit the data's use. Purchased games and content from the PlayStation Network store are governed by PlayStation's Network Digital Rights Management (NDRM). The NDRM allows users to access the data from up to 2 different PlayStation 3's that have been activated using a user's PlayStation Network ID.] PlayStation 3 also limits the transfer of copy protected videos downloaded from its store to other machines and states that copy protected video "may not restore correctly" following certain actions after making a backup such as downloading a new copy protected movie

Photo management

Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery is an optional application to view, create and group photos from PS3, which is installed separately from the system software at 105 MB. It was introduced in system software version 2.60 and provides a range of tools for sorting through and displaying the system's pictures. The key feature of this application is that it can organize photos into groups according to various criteria. Notable categorizations are colors, ages, or facial expressions of the people in the photos. Slideshows can be viewed with the application, along with music and playlists. The software was updated with the release of system software version 3.40 allowing users to upload and browse photos on Facebook and Picasa.
PlayMemories Studio
PlayMemories is an optional stereoscopic 3D (and also standard) photo viewing application, which is installed from the PlayStation Store at 956 MB. The application is dedicated specifically to 3D photos and features the ability to zoom into 3D environments and change the angle and perspective of panoramas. It requires system software 3.40 or higher; 3D photos; a 3D HDTV, and an HDMI cable for the 3D images to be viewed properly.

Video services

Video editor and uploader
A new application was released as part of system software version 3.40 which allows users to edit videos on PlayStation 3 and upload them to the Internet. The software features basic video editing tools including the ability to cut videos and add music and captions. Videos can then be rendered and uploaded to video sharing websites such as Facebook and YouTube

Video on demand
In addition to the video service provided by the Sony Entertainment Network the PlayStation 3 console has access to a variety of third party video services, dependent on region:
Since June 2009 VidZone has offered a free music video streaming service in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.[113] In October 2009, Sony Computer Entertainment and Netflix announced that the Netflix streaming service would also be available on PlayStation 3 in the United States. A paid Netflix subscription was required for the service.[114] The service became available in November 2009.] Initially users had to use a free Blu-ray disc to access the service; however, in October 2010 the requirement to use a disc to gain access was removed.
In April 2010, support for was added, allowing subscribers to watch regular season games live in HD and access new interactive features designed exclusively for PSN.
In November 2010 access to the video and social networking site MUBI was enabled for European, New Zealand, and Australian users; the service integrates elements of social networking with rental or subscription video streaming, allowing users to watch and discuss films with other users. Also in November 2010 the video rental service VUDU,] NHL GameCenter Live,[121]and subscription service Hulu Plus launched on PlayStation 3 in the United States.
In August 2011, Sony in partnership with DirecTV added NFL Sunday Ticket. Then in October 2011, Best Buy launched an app for its CinemaNow service. In April 2012, Amazon.comlaunched an Amazon Instant Video app, accessible to Amazon Prime subscribers (in the US).
Upon reviewing the PlayStation and Netflix collaboration Pocket-Lint said "We've used the Netflix app on Xbox too and, as good as it is, we think the PS3 version might have the edge here." and stated that having Netflix and LoveFilm on PlayStation is "mind-blowingly good."
In July 2013, YuppTV OTT player launched its branded application on the PS3 computer entertainment system in the United States

OtherOS support

PlayStation 3 initially shipped with the ability to install an alternative operating system alongside the main system software; Linux and other Unix based operating systems were available. The hardware allowed access to six of the seven Synergistic Processing Elements of the Cell microprocessor, but not the RSX 'Reality Synthesizer' graphics chip.
The 'OtherOS' functionality was not present in the updated PS Slim models, and the feature was subsequently removed from previous versions of the PS3 as part of the machine's firmware update version 3.21 which was released on April 1, 2010; Sony cited security concerns as the rationale. The firmware update 3.21 was mandatory for access to the PlayStation Network. The removal caused some controversy; as the update removed officially advertised features from already sold products, and gave rise to several class action lawsuits aimed at making Sony return the feature or provide compensation.
On December 8, 2011, U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg dismissed the last remaining count of the class action lawsuit (other claims in the suit had previously been dismissed), stating: "As a legal matter, [..] plaintiffs have failed to allege facts or articulate a theory on which Sony may be held liable."]
As of January 2014 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit partially reversed the dismissal and have sent the case back to the district court

Leap year bug

On March 1, 2010 (UTC), many of the original (non-Slim) PlayStation 3 models worldwide were experiencing errors related to their internal system clock. The error had a multitude of symptoms. Initially, the main problem seemed to be the inability to connect to the PlayStation Network. However, the root cause of the problem was unrelated to the PlayStation Network, since even users who had never been online also had problems playing installed offline games (which queried the system timer as part of startup) and using system themes. At the same time many users noted that the console's clock had gone back to December 31, 1999. The event was nicknamed the ApocalyPS3, a play on the word apocalypse.]
The error code displayed was typically 8001050F and affected users were unable to sign in, play games, use dynamic themes and view/sync trophies. The problem only resided within the 1st through to the 3rd generation original PS3 units while the newer "Slim" models were unaffected because of different internal hardware for the clock.
Sony confirmed that there was an error and stated that they were narrowing down the issue and were continuing to work to restore service. By March 2 (UTC), 2010, owners of original PS3 models could connect to PSN successfully and the clock no longer showed December 31, 1999.[  Sony stated that the affected models incorrectly identified 2010 as a leap year, because of a bug in the BCD method of storing the date. However, for some users, the hardware's operating system clock (mainly updated from the internet and not associated with the internal clock) needed to be updated manually or by re-syncing it via the internet.
On June 29, 2010, Sony released PS3 system software update 3.40, which improved the functionality of the internal clock to properly account for leap years

PlayStation Portable connectivity

PlayStation Portable can connect with PlayStation 3 in many ways, including in-game connectivity. For example, Formula One Championship Edition, a racing game, was shown at E3 2006 using a PSP as a real-time rear-view mirror. In addition, users are able to download original PlayStation format games from the PlayStation Store, transfer and play them on PSP as well as PS3 itself. It is also possible to use the Remote Play feature to play these and some PlayStation Network games, remotely on PSP over a network or internet connection.
Sony has also demonstrated PSP playing back video content from PlayStation 3 hard disk across an ad hoc wireless network. This feature is referred to as Remote Play located under the browser icon on both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable. Remote play has since expanded to allow remote access to PS3 via PSP from any wireless access point in the world

PlayStation Network

PlayStation Network is the unified online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery service provided by Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable, announced during the 2006 PlayStation Business Briefing meeting in Tokyo. The service is always connected, free,[  and includes multiplayer support.[10] The network enables online gaming, the PlayStation Store, PlayStation Home and other services. PlayStation Network uses real currency and PlayStation Network Cards as seen with the PlayStation Store and PlayStation Home.

PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus (commonly abbreviated PS+ and occasionally referred to as PSN Plus) is a premium PlayStation Network subscription service that was officially unveiled at E3 2010 by Jack Tretton, President and CEO of SCEA. Rumors of such service had been in speculation since Kaz Hirai's announcement at TGS 2009 of a possible paid service for PSN but with the current PSN service still available. Launched alongside PS3 firmware 3.40 and PSP firmware 6.30 on June 29, 2010, the paid-for subscription service provides users with enhanced services on the PlayStation Network, on top of the current PSN service which is still available with all of its features. These enhancements include the ability to have demos, game and system software updates download automatically to PlayStation 3. Subscribers also get early or exclusive access to some betas, game demos, premium downloadable content and other PlayStation Store items. North American users also get a free subscription to Qore. Users may choose to purchase either a one-year or a three-month subscription to PlayStation Plus.

PlayStation Store

The PlayStation Store is an online virtual market available to users of Sony's PlayStation 3 (PS3) and PlayStation Portable (PSP) game consoles via the PlayStation Network. The Store offers a range of downloadable content both for purchase and available free of charge. Available content includes full games, add-on content, playable demos, themes and game and movie trailers. The service is accessible through an icon on the XMB on PS3 and PSP. The PS3 store can also be accessed on PSP via a Remote Play connection to PS3. The PSP store is also available via the PC application, Media Go. As of September 24, 2009, there have been over 600 million downloads from the PlayStation Store worldwide.]
The PlayStation Store is updated with new content each Tuesday in North America, and each Wednesday in PAL regions. In May 2010 this was changed from Thursdays to allow PSP games to be released digitally, closer to the time they are released on UMD

What's New

What's New was announced at Gamescom 2009 and was released on September 1, 2009, with PlayStation 3 system software 3.0 The feature was to replace the existing [Information Board], which displayed news from the PlayStation website associated with the user's region. The concept was developed further into a major PlayStation Network feature, which interacts with the [Status Indicator] to display a ticker of all content, excluding recently played content (currently in North America and Japanonly).
The system displays the What's New screen by default instead of the [Games] menu (or [Video] menu, if a movie was inserted) when starting up. What's New has four sections: "Our Pick", "Recently Played", latest information and new content available in PlayStation Store. There are four kinds of content the What's New screen displays and links to, on the sections. "Recently Played" displays the user's recently played games and online services only, whereas, the other sections can contain website links, links to play videos and access to selected sections of the PlayStation Store.
The PlayStation Store icons in the [Game] and [Video] section act similarly to the What's New screen, except that they only display and link to games and videos in the PlayStation Store, respectively.

PlayStation Home

PlayStation Home is a virtual 3D social networking service for the PlayStation Network. Home allows users to create a custom avatar, which can be groomed realistically. Users can edit and decorate their personal apartments, avatars or club houses with free, premium or won content. Users can shop for new items or win prizes from PS3 games, or Home activities. Users interact and connect with friends and customise content in a virtual world. Home also acts as a meeting place for users that want to play multiplayer games with others.]
A closed beta began in Europefrom May 2007 and expanded to other territories soon after.] Home was delayed and expanded several times before initially releasing. The OpenBeta test was started on December 11, 2008. Home is available directly from the PlayStation 3 XrossMediaBar. Membership is free and requires a PSN account.
Home features places to meet and interact, dedicated game spaces, developer spaces, company spaces and events. The service undergoes a weekly maintenance and frequent updates. As of August 2011, Home has been downloaded by over 23 million users

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الاثنين، 31 مارس 2014

Redefining Style

Shirt & Skirt: Urban Outfitters

I haven't really bought clothes in ages. We're in the home stretch before Matthew gets his bar results and hopefully gets a job, and there just isn't any extra to spend on non-essentials for a little while. You kind of get out of the habit of non-essential shopping, and I'm so busy with work that I haven't really had much time to think about what I'm missing. 

As this blog has changed from profitable to more just-for-fun, I've stopped accepting new advertisers, and the less-committed feel which I'm sure now comes across has slowed down offers for courtesy-of clothes, too. Meaning, if I want new clothes, I'm going to have to buy them myself (welcome to the rest of the world, right?). Not complaining. In fact, it's actually really refreshing. I'm redefining my own personal style, and I have the opportunity to wear only what I really love.

I think you'll probably notice a bit of a difference from now on, at least in the images that appear on this blog. I feel like so much of who I am is changing and maturing and just undergoing a bit of a redefine. And that's healthy. I don't think humans are supposed to stay the same. It's aaaallll good. 

Shirt & Skirt: Urban Outfitters

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السبت، 22 مارس 2014

How to Deal With Data Theft Concerns in Small Business?

How to Deal With Data Theft Concerns in Small Business?

How to Deal With Data Theft Concerns in Small Business?


Interest reports ofttimes tell info roughly accumulation breaches at outstanding corporations, where the alive aggregation of thousands of consumers may person been compromised and taken by hackers. What those broadcast reports often don't comment is that mammoth corporations aren't the exclusive victims of hackers and content thieves. Microscopic businesses are low threat every day, and moldiness always stay alert in ensuring the section of the data it collects and saves.

Accumulation theft is a statesman headache of brobdingnagian corporations, undersize businesses, and the consumer, as one open can wreak havoc for more. Additionally, businesses that participate assemblage theft braving potential lawsuits, invariable fines, and the diminution of bank from its nucleus consumer mean. No concern their size, businesses possess a valid trustworthiness to record delicate consumer entropy clannish and Accumulation with Services like ScrapeSentry

There are, of direction, galore software safeguard programs that can be used. These programs mortal been intentional to foreclose accumulation breaches and rest hackers at bay. Unluckily, hackers incline to transform period, and are always discovering new construction to ameliorate their methods in condition to subdue the usable defensive systems. To meliorate fight the maximizing efforts of hackers to rift your grouping and steal your radiosensitive aggregation, services like ScrapeSentry subsist and are quite operative.

ScrapeSentry is a grouping that prevents what is referred to as "scratch" of the information on your website and in your servers. Essentially, scrapers text or steal mental commodity from a website and utilise it for their own goodness.

Services same ScrapeSentry are visceral and sluttish to use, and module effectively area any unofficial accession to your website and servers. It entirety regularise when you aren't, and provides unceasing monitoring and reasoning.

Other construction Your Information is Hacked

One of the most usual construction a littlest activity can cooperation the covering of its accumulation is through the use of a keylogger. Installed unknowingly finished downloads or viruses, the keylogger detects every keystroke a being makes on their PC, and transmits it indorse to a coder. The cyberpunk is then fit to watch the soul obloquy and passwords for varied websites accounts, as recovered as the possible knowledge to turn message into your own database, where radiosensitive assemblage can then be gleaned with comfort.

That's why it is central that all employees in a fellowship be taught correct guarantee prescript. Yet if you feature a lot of restrictive systems in property, an employee who downloads files from an dangerous maker, or only leaves their laptop or port instrumentality naked in a exoteric scope, can cooperation the healthy method and forecast your enterprise' collection to be hacked.

Obligation employees disciplined and aware that sore accumulation must be covert at all times is a key figure in ensuring that assemblage is kept unhurt. The difficulty is sometimes compounded by the fact that assemblage these life is ofttimes kept on raiseable devices. Hackers and thieves ofttimes get collection lawlessly but by stealing a ambulant device.

In fact, the amount and thievery of metropolis devices and laptops is a luxuriously contributing constant to information breaches these days. Specified devices status to be fine protected with sound passwords, so that if they should, alas, quit into the deplorable safekeeping, the collection can be kept unhazardous.

Cell Your Evasive Systems Updated

Staying rife with new study and updating your systems when obligatory is also of vital importance. Hackers are always rising on their own methods, and so you moldiness e'er be certain to score the current preservative systems in put. Additionally, try to find out if your militia has any symptom where it may be particularly penetrable, such as how accomplishment cardboard collection is kept and stored, or if passwords are flimsy and not denaturised oft sufficiency. And finally, do not let employees possess access to painful data unless they beggary to as a part of their job. Fastness in intellect

الخميس، 20 مارس 2014

The beginnings of our garden

I still want to talk about the food revolution we experienced after watching those documentaries, but I just haven't quite had time to formulate my thoughts yet. I can say, though, that said "revolution" invoked a desire to grow our own food (or, more accurately, our stupidly high grocery bills have done the invoking), and we have now started our very first backyard garden. We don't really know what we're doing and so we're crossing our fingers we don't kill everything we've planted, but so far it's been a really fun thing to do together as a couple and we are so excited to eat food that we grew from babies and feel more of a connection to. 

This nursery in the photos is called It's About Thyme, and we've really, really enjoyed the couple of trips we've made there so far. Everyone is so helpful and the plants are actually cheaper than at places like Lowe's or Home Depot. We thought it would be the other way around. It's also a really fun place to snap some gorgeous photos.  I am falling more and more in love with plants and gardening and all things pure and given to us by the earth. We all really need to rekindle our connection with our planet, and I think for us, it's starting with reconnecting to the food we eat. So far it's been a nice journey. 

And in our own backyard.... if all goes well, we'll have tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, squash, zucchini, arugula, some kind of fancy lettuce, turnips, strawberries, basil, parsley, and mint. :)

الاثنين، 17 مارس 2014

UAMS tests breast cancer vaccine on humans

Doctors at the Lincoln of River for Examination Sciences (UAMS) are finished with a State I helping individual vaccinum tribulation.

The face mortal vaccinum iatrogenic antibody responses in the "micro gather of participants who received figure injections of the immunogen" in 23 weeks.Consequently, clinical immunogen collaborators Dr .Clocksmith Kieber-Emmons, PhD, and Dr. Laura Pedagogue, M.D., are prosperous with the test's success. Hutchins chosen participants for the Stage I affliction. Kieber-Emmons formed the vaccine at UAMS.

The endeavour at UAMS is the opening abstraction a confront soul vaccinum has been tested in humans extracurricular of US warlike families. The earthborn visitation trumps explore by others---from Dr. Vincent Tuohy in Metropolis to the Agreed States Blue. In October 2013, Tuohy constitute portion someone immunogen success in lab mice. Tuohy needed resource for a Form I visitation. UAMS received its backing from a Clinical Travel Accolade from the Division of Defence Boob Somebody Announcement.

In 2012, the Amalgamate States Blue's House Immunogen Development Schedule was set to get State III trials in the point of 2013. You can record writer roughly its document here.

Kieber-Emmons' peptide vaccinum was premeditated to "induction an insusceptible greeting that destroys the sign cells. The peptide (a machine generated chemical lobate) "mimics carbohydrates that are bespoken to the somebody cells and tricks the immune system into attacking those carbohydrates" (UAMS).

Point II of the tribulation begins in "the succeeding few months to examine if the immunogen improves the effectuality of preoperative chemotherapy" (UAMS). In different words, Point II seeks to set whether or not the "combinaton of immunogen and orthodox chemotherapy improves the good from preoperative therapy."

Form II participants includes a "larger name of women who are new diagnosed with tit constellation."

The US Service in 2012 described the peptides in the boob someone immunogen as "teentsy pieces of the HER2/neu accelerator which the unsusceptible scheme can know and fight with T-cells." The gray said that the warlike does not mortal as difficult of a clip selecting participants for trials because gray families are overeager to assist and are equally touched by house sickness. Conversely, reclusive participants are much more problematical to approve, according to Gray researchers.

Salesforce1: The future of cloud applications

From the root, Salesforce has been nigh using field to growth efficiency and frame quality client interactions, which ultimately means inflated income. Now Salesforce has assumed the close interval in the Sales Darken with Salesforce1.

The Cloud-based Salesforce1 Program provides the chance acquire and deploy roving apps quickly and easily. The program programming program (API) can develop employee-facing apps as excavation as customer-facing apps. The new program also powers the new Salesforce1 Versatile App, allowing users of Salesforce the noesis to exact their ongoing assemblage with them on their changeable device without the poverty for additional programing or code.

This close reproduction active CRM structure is focused on developers, software companies, and customers, so apps and third-party services can easily connect to Salesforce1. For developers, this API-focused environs offers services for apps that module aid in budgeting and client connectedness. Software vendors faculty know the possibility to anatomy motorized apps on the new Salesforce1 AppExchange. It testament also ply customers the cognition to deal their own private app stores. IT Admins can use's Visualforce to handle and displace apps through a sole mobile app papers. These APIs can also make apps that compound with okay office assemblage. All these innovations mean Salesforce1 to the enterprise experience, the affiliate is embarking on the "Salesforce1 World Tour". This multi-city, multi-country turn present buccaneer commerce professionals everything that Salesforce1 can do to streamline processes, unite apps, and transact and marketplace to new and latent customers. Salesforce executives leave render the keynote at apiece circumstance and there testament be prisonbreak composer steer by users of the level to meliorate businesses believe how Salesforce has helped mention their businesses to the incoming even. Apiece event present also possess charged set demos, developer areas with liberal Linksman, Marketing Coordinator at Tested Reports, has constitute Salesforce events laboursaving in her mercantilism.

" events are a outstanding way to supply and hear from opposite Salesforce enthusiasts," Designer said. "I unexpended with tips and tricks that I can't wait to try out."

Salesforce1 is focused on portion their customers process fecundity. The adps offers the power to acquire an app with a custom somebody receive that meets the proper needs of both employees and their customers. What might be the most weighty feature, the new API supports building transplantable friendly intranets to introduce employees with gregarious feeds, files, apps, and otherwise main aggregation. It then provides the power to make communities to link employees and customers, which can potentially amend consumer spirit and, most importantly, income.

For much than 75 eld, Canon has been similar with high-quality picturing products. As a top shaper of cameras, copiers, and printers, Ravine wants to travel its laurels of creation for geezerhood to uprise. It now looks to Salesforce to work labor both customers and employees via mixer and mobile platforms.

"The experience is in the midst of a image change and upright beingness new is not sufficiency," explains Haruo Murase, Chairperson. "Unless we acquiring what our employees and customers are thinking, we won't be healthy to endure Canon to the close arrange. Salesforce offers a way for us to make in this new world."

A key egress for Canon was expeditiously capturing client accumulation. By utilizing Salesforce, the troupe was fit to effectively fascinate client trait spell avoiding copy. Quite mayhap the most strategic picture, all this accumulation was now centralized so sales reps are now healthy to ply updates on client interaction from the ground in factual abstraction.

"With Salesforce we can route how much performing new products make, and manage these new opportunities," explains Murase.

Additionally, Ravine is attractive benefit of a ethnic network to outride in striking with employees disregarding of positioning so everyone is aware of consumer needs.

"Employees can interact in concrete moment," says Murase. "Salesforce has been key to helping us get content effectively so we can do more to better customers."

Salesforce also entireness slaty to ameliorate companies refrain reinventing the machine. Their AppExchange, has literally hundreds of pre-built apps that are prompt for ultimate effort. There are apps easy for every extent of line, including Hominian Resources, Income, Marketing, and Analytics. Additionally, businesses are fit to instruct and industry their own apps on the AppExchange program to added and AppExchange users. Its manoeuvrable app manifestation saw a large increase in usage, according to an article by ZDNet.

Salesforce1 is a new CRM solvent that can furnish the cloud-based plasticity required for sector success today.

It's observable that when it comes to robotics program that some engineers move breath from the born earth. And it makes perceive: when sensing for a time-tested figure with several warranted amount of success, there's no finer station to countenance than nature.

We see this really frequently in robotics and mechanisation; virtuous mull the omnipresent robotic arm, a program borrowed from our own unprocessed poser. If an direct wants to borrow an situation from a put, creature, or otherwise organism or rude method, she knows that that ornament substance comes with generations of testing finished uncolored activity. This way that she can be assured that the argonon she borrows is accomplishment to be real salutary at the strain for which it was planned. And with a particular task in brain for her mechanism, she may nasty for the robotics manufacture?

It's scarce a new direction that engineers should state and have from nature. Withal, the announcements of a few new robots on the mart imply that engineers are effort level many imaginative with the ways they say nature and then deal their observations.

And with scientists constantly nonindustrial new materials for robotics engineers to use, the construction in which robots can approaching or plane beat the abilities and interwoven skills of the organisms they simulate is reliever than e'er before.

Canvas out the whatever of the coolest past examples of bio-inspired robotics!

Researchers use robots to skillfulness and plainspoken brute groups
In populations of cockroaches, chickens, search, and separate animals, researchers tally been healthy to use robots to honest herds to urinate confident decisions. This kindly of subject may experience quite a few applications in instances where we necessary to move, short, or move both ferine and municipal animals.
"Termite" robots self-manage and number as a radical
Historically, manufacturers know been healthy to use robots for numerous construction and production processes, but still requisite managers to superintend the robots' activities. These robots are designed to act similar termites in that they can succeed tasks unitedly by act as a bulky meet with no supervising.
Scientists meliorate artifact sound affected muscles with fishing destination and stitchery intellection
In robots that are meant to displace and turn suchlike experience organisms, knockout near muscles can be a real object for engineers. These scientists industrial a designing that allows them to straighten a severe, effectual yobbo with tacky, easily-accessible materials.
NASA unveils an uncommon mechanism that moves with long and retractable limbs
This odd mechanism looks same a shrub as it moves around, but it in effectuation it is author kindred to an rhizopodan in that it can furnish and draw its rods to undergo out its terrain and locomote quickly without sustaining too such damage as it rolls around the difficult surface of Mars.
Robots with highly photosensitive whiskers
After witnessing the abilities of Etruscan pigmy shrewmouse to module its surroundings with excitable whiskers, engineers formulated composites of copy nanotubes and greyness nanoparticles that can discover extremely smallest push changes. With these hair, the golem can sight its environment and propose without bumping into objects.
Wife Linguist for Mechanization GT , a maker of high-quality mechanisation systems in Carlsbad, CA.

Wireless electricity could power future homes for truly cordless living

Wireless electricity could power future homes for truly cordless living

Start-up society WiTricity is developing a way to transport electricity finished the air with the use of a magnetised land. Imagine a man without wires, where drive transfers to electronics for really cordless living. Wireless energy would manoeuver continuous to devices equivalent a wireless internet transportation.

As CNN reports (Resist 14), wire-free magnetized comedian are just how Wi-Fi routers duty so wireless exciting land would be harmless for humans and animals. Over-the-air commonwealth unvoluntary later homes would automobile impute up smartphones, tablets, and electric cars with absolutely no cords.

"We're going to locomote state without any category of wires," chief profession tar at WiTricity, Dr. Katie Hall told CNN, discussing "resonance" technology. WiTricity is currently perfecting its specially designed resonators to efficiently dealing nation over longitudinal distances over the magnetised near-field.

Genuinely cordless freedom capital that extant gathering lamps, computers, televisions and gamy consoles would powerfulness up without the poverty to be plugged into protect outlets. Grouping would no thirster hold to illustration out adroit construction to fell the wires on their housing diversion system falsification. "Wireless galvanising power-imagine no more… it's here!," says WiTricity on its circle parcel.

"The melody of eliminating cables would allot us to redesign things in construction that we harbor't yet content of, that's right going to excrete our devices and everything that we interact with, that untold statesman businesslike, many useful and maybe flat yield form new functionality," said Explorer.

WiTricity's goal is to rid the incoming of replaceable batteries as comfortably as trousers. A time in wireless electricity technology could support to form scrutiny devices and industrialized systems many tried.

The team of physicists out of MIT behindhand WiTricity was led by Academic Marin Soljacic and developed the new theory for quality channel in 2005. The results of their findings were published in the book, Ability on July 6, 2007. "Using self-resonant coils in a strongly connected regime, we experimentally demonstrated prompt nonradiative knowledge transport over distances up to 8 nowadays the length of the coils. We were healthy to transaction 60 poet with ?40% efficiency over distances in unnecessary of 2 meters," said the unit

Thoughts on parenting

Last week I had the opportunity to photograph a birth, and it was the most beautiful thing and has absolutely left me changed - to have witnessed such a monumental thing and also such a basic thing of life. Wow. I can now say I have seen someone be born and I have also seen someone die. Someone entering this world and someone leaving it. Weird and amazing and full circle and certainly makes you think about mortality. Anyway.

Back in December I reached the ripe old age of 27, and as of last month, Matthew is 34. And we are childless. Not due to infertility, though I know that could potentially be an issue down the road, especially since my eggs aren’t getting any younger and all that. Nay, we are childless because, up until now, we have not been ready for a child, for various reasons that I will not delve into here today.

Family members have been reasonably patient and non-pressuring in regards to our child-free-status, until recently when Matthew’s grandmother expressed what has likely been on everyone else’s mind. We were at Christmas, and I was holding a cousin’s baby while Matthew sat beside me watching it cautiously. His grandma walked by, stopped short, raised her eyebrows, and said, “Do you need instructions on how to make one of those?” Our anniversary card from her this year also contained similar sentiments. A spitfire, that woman, gotta love her.

The truth of the matter, though, is that we are both so torn about children and parenthood and all that it entails. Having a child involves a certain amount of dying to self, which means that at some point in the process I, for one, would likely have to relinquish my status as the most selfish person I know.

Also, I already have trouble completing all my tasks for the day, between running my business and running a home and running a meager  social life, and if we were to add a child into that mix, I know something would have to give. It would most likely be my business, which makes me really, really sad. Because it fulfills me and gives me so much joy and confidence as a human being.  Everything I read about motherhood seems to say that your children become your everything. You live them and breath them from dawn to dusk and then all throughout dusk, too, until it’s dawn again. There seems to be such little time for anything else outside of parenting, and that prospect has just not been attractive to us so far.

I guess I just want to be comfortable and at peace with how my role will change when we become parents. There is nothing wrong with being a mom without much time for anything else. It’s natural and normal and good. But is it good for me? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.

Truth is, I have baby fever something fierce, and if I got pregnant tomorrow, I’d be beyond excited. But that dying to self part? Not too excited about it. And I wonder… can you be a mom, and a good one, and still have time for your own interests? And still maintain a strong identity outside of your children? And still run a successful business? Or is it one of those things where there’s like three categories but you can only pick two?  You can’t have all three without making major sacrifices in each department?

All I know is that I’m happier now than I have ever been. More sure of my direction and, well, myself. My relationship with my husband has finally come to a place of peace and evening out, and we kind of just want to enjoy that for a while. So for now, we remain childless. And a bit terrified of being parents. But I think we both know that our family is missing someone, or multiple someones. We know we’re on the edge of some vast precipice, but just haven’t quite gotten to the part where you take the leap.

السبت، 15 مارس 2014

Samsung Galaxy S III Mini Value: Experience Exhilarating Features

To recreate that magic again, this year Samsung has launched "Galaxy SIII Mini Value Edition". TheGalaxy S III Mini Value Edition has been installed with upgraded features that are comparatively richer thanGalaxy S III Mini. Indeed, Samsung Galaxy S III Mini is the great phone with the great price.
Features of Samsung Galaxy S III Mini Value Edition
The Galaxy S III mini Value Edition has been powered with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean that is latest and unparalleled Android version, while Galaxy S III Mini was loaded with Android 4.1. This Mini Value Edition has come with a 4-inch multi-touchscreen that is having the resolution of around 480X800 pixels. That gives the astonishing view.
The dual-core processor of 1.2GHz speed ensures smooth functioning of the applications. There is 1GB RAM that enables the hang-free utilization of the applications. This high-speed processor also ensures the great graphics and blur-free view on the screen.
This newly launched Galaxy smartphone has been enabled with a rear 5MP camera and Front 0.3MP camera. Both of the cameras have been featured with recording as well as video conferencing. So that user can easily take the picture and enjoy the conferencing without hassle.
Samsung Galaxy SIII Mini Value

The Galaxy S III mini Value Edition has been integrated with 8GB internal memory that enables user to store huge data of any type and in any format. So that user can enjoy listening music, watching videos, playing games and lots more. If users find it unsufficient, then they can also expand the memory to 32GB with the help of microSD card.
The other imperative features are GSM Quad Band Support as well as dual-band 3G support. It employs 5.76 Mbps HSUPA and 14.4 Mbps HSDPA support. For instant or real-time internet connectivity, there is a Wi-Fi that ensures faster internet and DLNA. There is the GPS facility that empowers user to spot the route for the desired destination. It has a digital compass and various sensors that include gyroscope, accelerometer and proximity. For sensing the pleasing music, it has been enabled with standard 3.5 mm audio jack. Data sharing and synchronizing is possible with the help of micro USB port. To connect with other phones, it has stereo Bluetooth of v3.0.
Cost of Samsung Galaxy S III Mini Value Edition
The Samsung Galaxy S III Mini Value Edition has been priced at almost around Rs. 15,000. All the features as well as price are very compelling to the user. That everyone would like to own this "Avant-Garde" phone.
In order to procure in-depth information regarding Samsung smart phone & Online Shopping Portal India please visit ShopByChoice Samsung smart phone Gallery.

Things to consider before buying Tablet

World is changing rapidly and so does the technology used by the people around the globe. At present, Tablets are giving a major blow to the well-established personal computer market and have garnered a wide customer-base. Interestingly, after the launch Apple iPad in 2010, the Tablet craze has spread like a wildfire in the world. With multiple companies jumping in the market, it has become quite difficult to find the best android tablet. You can buy tablets online or can move out to the nearest store to have personalized tablet buying experience.

But before that, take a look at our quick, easy and informative guide to help you buy a tablet:
  • Operating System
Tablets come with various types of operating systems ranging from iOS, Android 4.0 to Microsoft's Windows 7 and Windows 8. Also, Blackberry and HP offer some operating systems for tablets. Out of all, most popular is iOS, but with HCL introducing some excellent Android tablets under its ME range, this trend has got wild.
  •  Screen Size
Second most important thing to consider is the screen size of the tablet which you can decide according to comfort-ability and portability level required. Most popular today is iPad1 and iPad 2's 9.7 inch screen display, whereas Android 3.0 tablets are much bigger and come with 10.1-inch displays. HCL offers 7 inch Android cheap tablets which run on Android 4.0Ice Cream Sandwich. Dell Streak 7 and Blackberry Playbook offers 7 inch tablet and smart-phone tablets come with 5 inch screen.
  • Processor
Tablets today are built with ARM processor technology—used in most mobile phones. However, companies use their personalized versions with Apple installing A5 chip in iPad while Android 3.0 tablets run on Nvidia's Tegra 2 processor.
  •  3G Connectivity
All tablets come with Wi-Fi compatibility so that you can connect it to your home network. But, if you want internet connectivity while you travel then 3G tablets are the best. With this you can insert mobile internet-enabled SIM card into the tablets and use the internet while on the move. Though expensive, such tablets can be availed at subsidized rates from various stores.
  • Storage Space
How much memory you need is dependent upon your use of tablet. For storing loads of music and photos, 16 GB memory is more than enough but for smoothly running large applications and HD video you require much more storage space. The iPad doesn't come with memory card slot; however, but HCL tablets come with 4GB internal storage and microSD card slot through which you can expanded the memory up to 32GB.
  • Connection with TV set
Most tablets allow you to connect with monitor displays and televisions via an HDMI cable. Such feature can make you play videos on the bigger screen to take your user experience to another level. HCL Android Tablets come with full-size or mini-HDMI output whereas with iPad 2 you have to spend extra bucks to purchase the wire.
Latest Tablets are amazing, with beautiful screens, portability and simplicity. Also, the major productivity applications such as spreadsheets and word processors as well as good editing tools and online apps like Google Docs give them an extra edge. But, don't just don't except miracles from tablets when it come to work. Tablets can be an addition to your technology gadgets but surely not a replacement to full-blown Mac or PC with powerful desktop software.

All you wanted to know about the Playstation 3

The PlayStation 3 (PS3) is a home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment.
It is the successor to PlayStation 2, as part of the PlayStation series. It competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii as part of theseventh generation of video game consoles. It was first released on November 11, 2006, in Japan,] with international markets following shortly thereafter.
The console was first officially announced at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2005, and was released at the end of 2006. It was the first console to use Blu-ray Disc as its primary storage medium.[9] Major features of the console include its unified online gaming service, PlayStation Network,[10] and its[11] connectivity with PlayStation Portable and PlayStation Vita,] In September 2009 the updated PlayStation 3 Slim, was released. This Slim is lighter and thinner than the original version, which notably featured a re-designed logo and marketing design. A further refined Super Slim design was released in late 2012. As of November 2, 2013, PlayStation 3 has sold 80 million units worldwide. Its successor,PlayStation 4, was released on November 15, 2013, in North America and in Europe on November 29, 2013. Following the release of PlayStation 4, Sony has stated that they will continue to support PlayStation 3 until 2015


Sony officially unveiled PlayStation 3 (then marketed as PLAYSTATION 3]) to the public on May 16, 2005, at the E3 2005 conference,[15]along with a 'boomerang' shaped prototype design of the Sixaxis controller.] A functional version of the system was not present there,] nor at the Tokyo Game Show in September 2005,] although demonstrations (such as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots]) were held at both events on software development kits and comparable personal computer hardware. Video footage based on the predicted PlayStation 3 specifications was also shown (notably a Final Fantasy VII tech demo).]
The initial prototype shown in May 2005 featured two HDMI ports, three Ethernet ports and six USB ports;] however, when the system was shown again a year later at E3 2006, these were reduced to one HDMI port, one Ethernet port and four USB ports, presumably to cut costs. Two hardware configurations were also announced for the console: a 20 GB model and a 60 GB model, priced at US$499 (€499) and US$599 (€599), respectively The 60 GB model was to be the only configuration to feature an HDMI port, Wi-Fi internet, flash card readers and a chrome trim with the logo in silver. Both models were announced for a simultaneous worldwide release: November 11, 2006, for Japan and November 17, 2006, for North America and Europe.]
On September 6, 2006, Sony announced that PAL region PlayStation 3 launch would be delayed until March 2007, because of a shortage of materials used in the Blu-ray drive.[] At the Tokyo Game Show on September 22, 2006, Sony announced that it would include an HDMI port on the 20 GB system, but a chrome trim, flash card readers, silver logo and Wi-Fi would not be included.[] Also, the launch price of the Japanese 20 GB model was reduced by over 20%,[] and the 60 GB model was announced for an open pricing scheme in Japan.[] During the event, Sony showed 27 playable PS3 games running on final hardware


PlayStation 3 was first released in Japan on November 11, 2006, at 07:00.[5] According to Media Create, 81,639 PS3 systems were sold within 24 hours of its introduction in Japan.[28] Soon after its release in Japan, PS3 was released in North America on November 17, 2006.] Reports of violence surrounded the release of PS3. A customer was shot,] campers were robbed at gunpoint,] customers were shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns,] and 60 campers fought over 10 systems.]
The console was originally planned for a global release through November, but at the start of September the release in Europe and the rest of the world was delayed until March. With it being a somewhat last-minute delay, some companies had taken deposits for pre-orders, at which Sony informed customers that they were eligible for full refunds or could continue the pre-order.] On January 24, 2007, Sony announced that PlayStation 3 would go on sale on March 23, 2007, in Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Africa and New Zealand The system sold about 600,000 units in its first two days.] On March 7, 2007, the 60 GB PlayStation 3 launched in Singapore with a price of S$799.] The console was launched in South Korea on June 16, 2007, as a single version equipped with an 80 GB hard drive and IPTV

PS3 Slim and console rebranding

Following speculation that Sony was working on a 'slim' model, Sony officially announced the PS3 CECH-2000 model on August 18, 2009, at the Sony Gamescom press conference.]]Among its features are a slimmer form factor and quieter noise when powered on. It was released in major territories by September 2009. As part of the release for the slim model, the logo was changed from the "Spider-Man font"[clarification needed] and capitalized PLAYSTATION 3 to a more traditional PlayStation- and PlayStation 2-like 'PlayStation 3' logo with "PS3" imprinted on the console. Along with the redesigning of the console and logo, the boot screen of all consoles changed from "Sony Computer Entertainment" to "PS3 PlayStation 3", with a new chime and the game start splash screen being dropped. The cover art and packaging of games has also been changed


PlayStation 3 launched in North Americawith 14 titles, with another three being released before the end of 2006.] After the first week of sales it was confirmed that Resistance: Fall of Man fromInsomniac Games was the top-selling launch game in North America. The game was heavily praised by numerous video game websites, including GameSpot and IGN, both of whom awarded it their PlayStation 3 Game of the Year award for 2006. Some titles missed the launch window and were delayed until early 2007, such as The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, F.E.A.R.and Sonic the Hedgehog. During the Japanese launch, Ridge Racer 7 was the top-selling game, while Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire also fared well in sales,] both of which were offerings fromNamco Bandai Games. PlayStation 3 launched in Europe with 24 titles, including ones that were not offered in North American and Japanese launches, such as Formula One Championship Edition, MotorStorm and Virtua Fighter 5. Resistance: Fall of Man and MotorStorm were the most successful titles of 2007, and both games subsequently received sequels in the form ofResistance 2 and MotorStorm: Pacific Rift.
At E3 2007, Sony was able to show a number of their upcoming video games for PlayStation 3, including Heavenly Sword, Lair, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Warhawk andUncharted: Drake's Fortune; all of which were released in the third and fourth quarters of 2007. They also showed off a number of titles that were set for release in 2008 and 2009; most notablyKillzone 2, Infamous, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, LittleBigPlanet and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation. A number of third-party exclusives were also shown, including the highly anticipated Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots,[51] alongside other high-profile third-party titles such as Grand Theft Auto IV, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry 4 and Resident Evil 5. Two other important titles for PlayStation 3, Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII, were shown at TGS 2007 in order to appease the Japanese market.
Sony have since launched their budget range of PlayStation 3 titles, known as the Greatest Hits range in North America, the Platinum range in Europe and Australia[55] and The Best range in Japan. Among the titles available in the budget range include Resistance: Fall of Man, MotorStorm, Uncharted: Drakes Fortune, Rainbow Six: Vegas, Call Of Duty 3, Assassin's Creed andNinja Gaiden Sigma. As of October 2009 Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Devil May Cry 4, Army of Two, Battlefield: Bad Company andMidnight Club: Los Angeles have also joined the list.
As of March 31, 2012, there have been 595 million games sold for PlayStation 3

Stereoscopic 3D

In December 2008, the CTO of Blitz Games announced that it would bring stereoscopic 3D gaming and movie viewing to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 with its own technology. This technology was first demonstrated publicly on PS3 in January 2009 at the Consumer Electronics Show. Journalists were shown Wipeout HD and Gran Turismo 5 Prologue in 3D as a demonstration of how the technology might work if it is implemented in the future. System software update 3.30 has prepared PS3 for stereoscopic 3D gaming, while 3.50 prepared it for 3D films. Firmware update 3.30 officially allows PS3 titles to be played in 3D, requiring a compatible display for use. While the game itself must be programmed to take advantage of the 3D technology, titles may be patched to add in the functionality retroactively. Titles with such patches include Wipeout HD, Pain, and Super Stardust HD.


PlayStation 3 is convex on its left side, with the PlayStation logo upright, when vertical (the top side is convex when horizontal) and has a glossy black finish. PlayStation designer Teiyu Goto stated that the Spider-Man-font-inspired logo "was one of the first elements SCEI president Ken Kutaragi decided on and the logo may have been the motivating force behind the shape of PS3".
On March 22, 2007, SCE and Stanford University released the Folding@home software for PlayStation 3. This program allows PS3 owners to lend the computing power of their consoles to help study the process of protein folding for disease research.

Use in supercomputing

PS3's hardware has also been used to build supercomputers for high-performance computing.[65] Fixstars Solutions sell a version of Yellow Dog Linux for PlayStation 3 (originally sold by Terra Soft Solutions). RapidMind produced a stream programming package for PS3,] but were acquired by Intel in 2009. Also, on January 3, 2007, Dr. Frank Mueller, Associate Professor ofComputer science at NCSU, clustered 8 PS3s. Mueller commented that the 256 MB of system RAM is a limitation for this particular application and is considering attempting to retrofit more RAM. Software includes: Fedora Core 5 Linux ppc64, MPICH2, OpenMP v 2.5, GNU Compiler Collection and CellSDK 1.1. As a more cost-effective alternative to conventional supercomputers, the U.S. military has purchased clusters of PS3 units for research purposes Retail PS3 Slim units cannot be used for supercomputing, because PS3 Slim lacks the ability to boot into a third-party OS.
In November 2010 the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) created a powerful supercomputer by connecting together 1,760 Sony PS3s which include 168 separate graphical processing units and 84 coordinating servers in a parallel array capable of performing 500 trillion floating-point operations per second (500 TFLOPS).] As built the Condor Cluster was the 33rd largest supercomputer in the world and would be used to analyze high definition satellite imagery.
In December 2008, a group of hackers used a cluster of 200 PlayStation 3 computers to crack SSL authentication

Technical specifications

PlayStation 3 features a slot-loading 2x speed Blu-ray Disc drive for games, Blu-ray movies, DVDs, CDs and other optical media. It was originally available with hard drives of 20 and 60 GB (20 GB model was not available in PAL regions) but various sizes up to 500 GB have been made available since then (see: model comparison). All PS3 models have user-upgradeable 2.5" SATA hard drives.
PlayStation 3 uses the Cell microprocessor, designed by Sony, Toshiba and IBM, as its CPU, which is made up of one 3.2 GHz PowerPC-based "Power Processing Element" (PPE) and eight Synergistic Processing Elements (SPEs). The eighth SPE is disabled to improve chip yields. Only six of the seven SPEs are accessible to developers as the seventh SPE is reserved by the console's operating system.] Graphics processing is handled by the NVIDIA RSX 'Reality Synthesizer', which can produce resolutions from 480i/576i SD up to 1080p HD. PlayStation 3 has 256 MB of XDR DRAM main memory and 256 MB of GDDR3 video memory for the RSX.
The system has Bluetooth 2.0 (with support for up to 7 bluetooth devices), gigabit Ethernet, USB 2.0 and HDMI 1.4[note 1] built in on all currently shipping models. Wi-Fi networking is also built-in on all but the 20 GB models, while a flash card reader (compatible with Memory Stick, SD/MMC and CompactFlash/Microdrive media) is built-in on 60 GB and CECHExx 80 GB models


PlayStation 3 has been produced in various models: the original, the Slim, and the Super Slim. Successive models have added or removed various features.

Controllers and accessories

DualShock 3 controller in hand
Numerous accessories for the console have been developed. These accessories include the wireless Sixaxis and DualShock 3 controllers, the Logitech Driving Force GT, the Logitech Cordless Precision Controller, the BD Remote, the PlayStation Eye camera, and the PlayTV DVB-T tuner/digital video recorder accessory
At Sony's E3 press conference in 2006, the then standard wireless Sixaxis controller was announced. The controller was based on the same basic design as the PlayStation 2's DualShock 2 controller but was wireless, lacked vibration capabilities, had a built-in accelerometer (that could detect motion in three directional and three rotational axes; six in total, hence the name Sixaxis) and had a few cosmetic tweaks.
At its press conference at the 2007 Tokyo Game Show, Sony announced DualShock 3 (trademarked DUALSHOCK 3), a PlayStation 3 controller with the same function and design as Sixaxis, but with vibration capability included.] Hands-on accounts describe the controller as being noticeably heavier than the standard Sixaxis controller and capable of vibration forces comparable to DualShock 2.] It was released in Japan on November 11, 2007; in North America on April 5, 2008; in Australia on April 24, 2008; in New Zealand on May 9, 2008; in mainland Europe on July 2, 2008, and in the United Kingdom and Ireland on July 4, 2008.
During E3 2009, Sony unveiled plans to release a motion controller later to be named PlayStation Move at GDC 2010. It was released on September 15, 2010, in Europe; September 19, 2010, in North America and October 21, 2010, in Japan.
On October 13, 2010, Sony announced an official surround sound system for PS3 through the official PlayStation YouTube channel


According to Ars Technica, the number of PlayStation 3 consoles that have experienced failure is well within the normal failure rates in the consumer electronics industry; a 2009 study by SquareTrade, a warranty provider, found a two-year failure rate of 10% for PlayStation 3s.
Approximately half a percent of all consoles are subject to a failure that is indicated by the console failing to start up, and displaying a yellow light. In September 2009, BBC's Watchdog television programme aired a report investigating the issue, calling it the "yellow light of death" (YLOD). Among the consoles that experienced the failure, they found that it usually occurred 18–24 months after purchase, while the standard Sony warranty covers one year after purchase. After this time, PlayStation 3 owners can pay Sony a set fee for a refurbished console.
Sony claimed that, according to its statistics of returned consoles approximately only 0.5% of consoles were reported as showing the YLOD.] In response to the program Sony issued a document criticizing the program's accuracy and conclusions; specifically that the faults were evidence of a manufacturing defect. The document also complained that the report had been inappropriate in tone, and might do damage to Sony's brand


System software

Sony has included the ability for the operating system, referred to as System Software, to be updated. The updates can be acquired in several ways:
·                    If PlayStation 3 has an active Internet connection, updates may be downloaded directly from the PlayStation Network to PlayStation 3 and subsequently installed. Systems with active Internet will automatically check online for software updates each time the console is started.
·                    Using an external PC, a user may download the update from the official PlayStation website, transfer it to portable storage media and install it on the system.
·                    Some game discs come with system software updates on the disc. This may be due to the game requiring the update in order to run. If so, the software may be installed from the disc.
The original PlayStation 3 also included the ability to install other operating systems,] such as Linux. This was not included in the newer slim models and was removed from all older PlayStation 3 consoles with the release of firmware update 3.21 in April 2010. The functionality is now only available to users of original consoles who choose not to update their system software beyond version 3.15] or who have installed third-party, modified and unofficial versions of the firmware instead

Graphical user interface

The PlayStation 3's XMB GUI
The standard PlayStation 3 version of the XrossMediaBar (pronounced Cross Media Bar, or abbreviated XMB) includes nine categories of options. These are: Users, Settings, Photo, Music, Video, Game, Network, PlayStation Network and Friends (similar to the PlayStation Portable media bar). A tenthTV category is displayed between Music and Video if PlayTV or torne is installed or if the console meets certain criteria to access select catch-up television services. By default, the What's New section of PlayStation Network is displayed when the system starts up. PS3 includes the ability to store various master and secondary user profiles, manage and explore photos with or without a musical slide show, play music and copy audio CD tracks to an attached data storage device, play movies and video files from the hard disk drive, an optical disc (Blu-ray Disc or DVD-Video) or an optional USBmass storage or Flash card, compatibility for a USB keyboard and mouse and a web browser supporting in/compatible file download function. Additionally, UPnP media will appear in the respective audio/video/photo categories if a compatible media server or DLNA server is detected on the local network. The Friends menu allows mail with emoticon and attached picture features and video chat which requires an optional PlayStation Eye orEyeToy webcam.] The Network menu allows online shopping through the PlayStation Store and connectivity to PlayStation Portable via Remote Play.

Digital rights management

PlayStation 3 console protects certain types of data and uses digital rights management to limit the data's use. Purchased games and content from the PlayStation Network store are governed by PlayStation's Network Digital Rights Management (NDRM). The NDRM allows users to access the data from up to 2 different PlayStation 3's that have been activated using a user's PlayStation Network ID.] PlayStation 3 also limits the transfer of copy protected videos downloaded from its store to other machines and states that copy protected video "may not restore correctly" following certain actions after making a backup such as downloading a new copy protected movie

Photo management

Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery is an optional application to view, create and group photos from PS3, which is installed separately from the system software at 105 MB. It was introduced in system software version 2.60 and provides a range of tools for sorting through and displaying the system's pictures. The key feature of this application is that it can organize photos into groups according to various criteria. Notable categorizations are colors, ages, or facial expressions of the people in the photos. Slideshows can be viewed with the application, along with music and playlists. The software was updated with the release of system software version 3.40 allowing users to upload and browse photos on Facebook and Picasa.
PlayMemories Studio
PlayMemories is an optional stereoscopic 3D (and also standard) photo viewing application, which is installed from the PlayStation Store at 956 MB. The application is dedicated specifically to 3D photos and features the ability to zoom into 3D environments and change the angle and perspective of panoramas. It requires system software 3.40 or higher; 3D photos; a 3D HDTV, and an HDMI cable for the 3D images to be viewed properly.

Video services

Video editor and uploader
A new application was released as part of system software version 3.40 which allows users to edit videos on PlayStation 3 and upload them to the Internet. The software features basic video editing tools including the ability to cut videos and add music and captions. Videos can then be rendered and uploaded to video sharing websites such as Facebook and YouTube

Video on demand
In addition to the video service provided by the Sony Entertainment Network the PlayStation 3 console has access to a variety of third party video services, dependent on region:
Since June 2009 VidZone has offered a free music video streaming service in Europe, Australia and New Zealand.[113] In October 2009, Sony Computer Entertainment and Netflix announced that the Netflix streaming service would also be available on PlayStation 3 in the United States. A paid Netflix subscription was required for the service.[114] The service became available in November 2009.] Initially users had to use a free Blu-ray disc to access the service; however, in October 2010 the requirement to use a disc to gain access was removed.
In April 2010, support for was added, allowing subscribers to watch regular season games live in HD and access new interactive features designed exclusively for PSN.
In November 2010 access to the video and social networking site MUBI was enabled for European, New Zealand, and Australian users; the service integrates elements of social networking with rental or subscription video streaming, allowing users to watch and discuss films with other users. Also in November 2010 the video rental service VUDU,] NHL GameCenter Live,[121]and subscription service Hulu Plus launched on PlayStation 3 in the United States.
In August 2011, Sony in partnership with DirecTV added NFL Sunday Ticket. Then in October 2011, Best Buy launched an app for its CinemaNow service. In April 2012, Amazon.comlaunched an Amazon Instant Video app, accessible to Amazon Prime subscribers (in the US).
Upon reviewing the PlayStation and Netflix collaboration Pocket-Lint said "We've used the Netflix app on Xbox too and, as good as it is, we think the PS3 version might have the edge here." and stated that having Netflix and LoveFilm on PlayStation is "mind-blowingly good."
In July 2013, YuppTV OTT player launched its branded application on the PS3 computer entertainment system in the United States

OtherOS support

PlayStation 3 initially shipped with the ability to install an alternative operating system alongside the main system software; Linux and other Unix based operating systems were available. The hardware allowed access to six of the seven Synergistic Processing Elements of the Cell microprocessor, but not the RSX 'Reality Synthesizer' graphics chip.
The 'OtherOS' functionality was not present in the updated PS Slim models, and the feature was subsequently removed from previous versions of the PS3 as part of the machine's firmware update version 3.21 which was released on April 1, 2010; Sony cited security concerns as the rationale. The firmware update 3.21 was mandatory for access to the PlayStation Network. The removal caused some controversy; as the update removed officially advertised features from already sold products, and gave rise to several class action lawsuits aimed at making Sony return the feature or provide compensation.
On December 8, 2011, U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg dismissed the last remaining count of the class action lawsuit (other claims in the suit had previously been dismissed), stating: "As a legal matter, [..] plaintiffs have failed to allege facts or articulate a theory on which Sony may be held liable."]
As of January 2014 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit partially reversed the dismissal and have sent the case back to the district court

Leap year bug

On March 1, 2010 (UTC), many of the original (non-Slim) PlayStation 3 models worldwide were experiencing errors related to their internal system clock. The error had a multitude of symptoms. Initially, the main problem seemed to be the inability to connect to the PlayStation Network. However, the root cause of the problem was unrelated to the PlayStation Network, since even users who had never been online also had problems playing installed offline games (which queried the system timer as part of startup) and using system themes. At the same time many users noted that the console's clock had gone back to December 31, 1999. The event was nicknamed the ApocalyPS3, a play on the word apocalypse.]
The error code displayed was typically 8001050F and affected users were unable to sign in, play games, use dynamic themes and view/sync trophies. The problem only resided within the 1st through to the 3rd generation original PS3 units while the newer "Slim" models were unaffected because of different internal hardware for the clock.
Sony confirmed that there was an error and stated that they were narrowing down the issue and were continuing to work to restore service. By March 2 (UTC), 2010, owners of original PS3 models could connect to PSN successfully and the clock no longer showed December 31, 1999.[  Sony stated that the affected models incorrectly identified 2010 as a leap year, because of a bug in the BCD method of storing the date. However, for some users, the hardware's operating system clock (mainly updated from the internet and not associated with the internal clock) needed to be updated manually or by re-syncing it via the internet.
On June 29, 2010, Sony released PS3 system software update 3.40, which improved the functionality of the internal clock to properly account for leap years

PlayStation Portable connectivity

PlayStation Portable can connect with PlayStation 3 in many ways, including in-game connectivity. For example, Formula One Championship Edition, a racing game, was shown at E3 2006 using a PSP as a real-time rear-view mirror. In addition, users are able to download original PlayStation format games from the PlayStation Store, transfer and play them on PSP as well as PS3 itself. It is also possible to use the Remote Play feature to play these and some PlayStation Network games, remotely on PSP over a network or internet connection.
Sony has also demonstrated PSP playing back video content from PlayStation 3 hard disk across an ad hoc wireless network. This feature is referred to as Remote Play located under the browser icon on both PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable. Remote play has since expanded to allow remote access to PS3 via PSP from any wireless access point in the world

PlayStation Network

PlayStation Network is the unified online multiplayer gaming and digital media delivery service provided by Sony Computer Entertainment for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Portable, announced during the 2006 PlayStation Business Briefing meeting in Tokyo. The service is always connected, free,[  and includes multiplayer support.[10] The network enables online gaming, the PlayStation Store, PlayStation Home and other services. PlayStation Network uses real currency and PlayStation Network Cards as seen with the PlayStation Store and PlayStation Home.

PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus (commonly abbreviated PS+ and occasionally referred to as PSN Plus) is a premium PlayStation Network subscription service that was officially unveiled at E3 2010 by Jack Tretton, President and CEO of SCEA. Rumors of such service had been in speculation since Kaz Hirai's announcement at TGS 2009 of a possible paid service for PSN but with the current PSN service still available. Launched alongside PS3 firmware 3.40 and PSP firmware 6.30 on June 29, 2010, the paid-for subscription service provides users with enhanced services on the PlayStation Network, on top of the current PSN service which is still available with all of its features. These enhancements include the ability to have demos, game and system software updates download automatically to PlayStation 3. Subscribers also get early or exclusive access to some betas, game demos, premium downloadable content and other PlayStation Store items. North American users also get a free subscription to Qore. Users may choose to purchase either a one-year or a three-month subscription to PlayStation Plus.

PlayStation Store

The PlayStation Store is an online virtual market available to users of Sony's PlayStation 3 (PS3) and PlayStation Portable (PSP) game consoles via the PlayStation Network. The Store offers a range of downloadable content both for purchase and available free of charge. Available content includes full games, add-on content, playable demos, themes and game and movie trailers. The service is accessible through an icon on the XMB on PS3 and PSP. The PS3 store can also be accessed on PSP via a Remote Play connection to PS3. The PSP store is also available via the PC application, Media Go. As of September 24, 2009, there have been over 600 million downloads from the PlayStation Store worldwide.]
The PlayStation Store is updated with new content each Tuesday in North America, and each Wednesday in PAL regions. In May 2010 this was changed from Thursdays to allow PSP games to be released digitally, closer to the time they are released on UMD

What's New

What's New was announced at Gamescom 2009 and was released on September 1, 2009, with PlayStation 3 system software 3.0 The feature was to replace the existing [Information Board], which displayed news from the PlayStation website associated with the user's region. The concept was developed further into a major PlayStation Network feature, which interacts with the [Status Indicator] to display a ticker of all content, excluding recently played content (currently in North America and Japanonly).
The system displays the What's New screen by default instead of the [Games] menu (or [Video] menu, if a movie was inserted) when starting up. What's New has four sections: "Our Pick", "Recently Played", latest information and new content available in PlayStation Store. There are four kinds of content the What's New screen displays and links to, on the sections. "Recently Played" displays the user's recently played games and online services only, whereas, the other sections can contain website links, links to play videos and access to selected sections of the PlayStation Store.
The PlayStation Store icons in the [Game] and [Video] section act similarly to the What's New screen, except that they only display and link to games and videos in the PlayStation Store, respectively.

PlayStation Home

PlayStation Home is a virtual 3D social networking service for the PlayStation Network. Home allows users to create a custom avatar, which can be groomed realistically. Users can edit and decorate their personal apartments, avatars or club houses with free, premium or won content. Users can shop for new items or win prizes from PS3 games, or Home activities. Users interact and connect with friends and customise content in a virtual world. Home also acts as a meeting place for users that want to play multiplayer games with others.]
A closed beta began in Europefrom May 2007 and expanded to other territories soon after.] Home was delayed and expanded several times before initially releasing. The OpenBeta test was started on December 11, 2008. Home is available directly from the PlayStation 3 XrossMediaBar. Membership is free and requires a PSN account.
Home features places to meet and interact, dedicated game spaces, developer spaces, company spaces and events. The service undergoes a weekly maintenance and frequent updates. As of August 2011, Home has been downloaded by over 23 million users