Valentine Minis!

Just a little announcement courtesy of j. noel photography, if anyone in town is interested! :) 
(all sessions will be held next Sunday in Southwest Austin - email me at for more details or to book your family!)

Managing behaviour in the digital age

If you ask most teachers, especially newly trained ones, what one of the biggest challenges of teaching is, they would probably say managing student behaviour. Especially as class sizes grow and more students are bringing along potentially distracting digital devices, making sure you are keeping students on task is becoming ever more important. If this is something that concerns you, then read on.

ClassCharts could be the solution to your problem. ClassCharts is a digital management tool which can help you, your students and their parents to track and improve student behaviour across the whole school.

Using ClassCharts you can set up seating charts for every room in your school and create a profile for each student. Teachers can then use ClassCharts to monitor and reward positive behaviour as well as track negative behaviour. As the teacher builds up data across classes they can start to understand how different seating arrangements and student pairing and grouping can impact on behaviour, then generate seating charts for students that group them in ways that help them to work more efficiently and harmoniously.

So how does it work?

Well one of the first things to do is to add seating plans of your rooms. This is easy to do and you can drag the virtual desks around into whatever configuration you have in your classroom.

Then you also need to upload your students. What I really like about ClassCharts is that you can also upload a photograph of each one, and this can be really useful if you have large classes and lots of students names to remember, especially when it comes to writing reports.

You can then either manually assign seats or generate a random seating chart. During the class you can use ClassCharts acknowledge a range of positive and negative behaviours. These behaviours are all customisable so you can create your own or use the default ones.

ClassCharts uses html 5 so should run in any modern browser whether it’s a laptop, iPad or Android tablet, so the teacher can use an tablet during the class to instantly update behaviours.

Either before or during the class the teacher can also shuffle the class seating depending on a number of criteria from things like attainment targets to gender or previous behaviour.

One of the real time-savers of ClassCharts though is when it comes to report writing time. Each students’ behaviour has been tracked through their various classes and teachers can get a detailed report, including dates when different behaviours were recorded.

Both students and parents can also access live reports and monitor progress throughout the term, so students and parents know how they are doing and parents don’t have to wait until the end of term to find out what’s been going on with their child.

This helps to share responsibility and makes it much easier to get parents involved in dealing with any negative behaviour at the earliest possible date.

Although ClassCharts is free and has been designed so that a single teacher can set it up to track their own classes independently, the real power of the platform is its ability to work across the school and track student behaviour in every class. To make this easier ClassCharts also interconnects with a range of other educational management software systems, from simple tools like Edmodo to more complex ones like SIMS and PowerSchool.

What I like about ClassCharts
  • I’m really impressed by the fact that such a powerful and well designed tool is free.
  • It’s great that a system like this and the data it collects can be applied and shared across a whole school.
  • I really like that you can see the student and access a range of information about them from targets, to behaviour and even a little about their background.
  • Great to get parents involved and students monitoring their own progress.

What I’m not so sure about
  • This is quite a complex tool and creates a lot of data, so I think it’s going to take a bit of getting used to for teachers and perhaps a bit of training too.
  • It does produce a lot of data and you can easily get a bit too tied up in this and forget about the person.

Well I hope you find ClassCharts useful and give it a try.

Related links:
Nik Peachey

Snow Day

Overnight we had a light dusting of snow, and basically the whole city has shut down since. And I don't blame them. I almost died trying to get a couple pictures of the "snow" out on my front driveway this morning. Treacherours conditions, indeed. But no seriously. Be careful this morning, fellow Texans! That ice is slick!

Yesterday I took the day "off" to run errands and drive all over tarnation looking for a chest of drawers to put in my office, only to wind up coming home defeated and empty-handed, and so frustrated that there was still so much stuff strewn about my office floor and nowhere to put it, that I forced Matthew to bring the large Pottery Barn buffet cabinet we'd been keeping in the garage (since we downsized, a lot of our old stuff doesn't fit in the new place) into my office so I could have some storage space already, damn it. So now I am utilizing a rather oddly placed dining room buffet that smells faintly of mold from our flooded Pod, and you know what? It's a place to put shit until further notice, and I literally breathed a sigh of relief to see a my tidy office space this morning. Snow day + clean office + tortilla soup in the crock pot + editing & coffee = my idea of a fairly nice Friday. :)

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and I'll see you back here next week!

Shop Spotlight: Row House 14 for saucy/cute cards

Hey friends! Today I'd like to highlight a shop called Row House 14 just in time for Valentine's Day - if you're looking for a super fun, non-Hallmark card to give your sigO, this shop delivers. Check out their birthday and thank you cards as well (this one is my favorite!). There's a funny/cute card for any occasion over there. :) Use the code MYVALENTINE15 for 15% off your purchase through next Thursday, the 30th!

Have a great day...


The other day I was accused of being a “workaholic,” and while my first instinct was to react (badly, of course), I chose not to really react at all, and instead just sort of let this accusation marinate a bit. Thought about it, weighed it out, asked myself if this was a good or a bad thing, what it means for people in my life… etc, etc. I’ve been thinking about it ever since, so naturally, I had to blog it out. How does anyone without a blog sort out all their feelings? I have no idea. ;)

Lately I have found myself in this strange quandary where I always feel busy, always feel behind, can never fully enjoy being in the moment because my brain is always ten steps ahead of me, pushing me, propelling me forward, causing me a perpetual sense of anxiety and inability to be fully present in anything. I always feel like the crazed rabbit from Alice In Wonderland… “We’re late, we’re late! For a very important date!” and I’d need more than two hands to count all the times I’ve said to someone in my life lately “I’m so BUSY. I’m so BEHIND on work.” In other words, “I don’t have time for you.” 

AND I HATE THAT. I don’t want to be that person. No one likes that person. I think, after mulling it over a while, I’ve decided that being a workaholic isn’t necessarily a bad thing depending on the context, but in my case, I think it IS a bad thing. I need desperately to learn balance. I think it’s especially hard for a young business owner to find balance when there is ALWAYS more to be done. The future of your business is 100% in YOUR hands. Each and every responsibility that comes with running your business (in my case, marketing, communication with clients, packaging design, shipping, contracts, web design and copy, bookkeeping  [or lack thereof], location scouting, shooting, editing, networking, rebranding, blogging sessions, planning for the future, etc, etc, etc - not including ANYTHING to do with running this blog and creating good content here!) falls entirely into YOUR lap, and no one else’s. It really cannot be delegated, unless you hire an intern. You must simply sit down to your work each day, accomplish as much as you can in order of priority, and when it’s time to clock out at 6:00 o’clock or whenever you decide to call it a day, it’s so important to say to yourself “I did all I could today, and I am proud of my work. My work is not finished, but it will never be. And that’s OK. Tomorrow I will chip away at more, and everything will be OK. But now, NOW I will go be present in my home and in my REAL life with people I love.”

So much easier said than done. But today I’m asking myself for grace. And calm. And peace. I want to ENJOY my work. And then I want to ENJOY my life. At the end of this day, my work will not be finished. I will not be “all caught up.” I don’t think “all caught up” will exist for me anymore. But it IS important to understand when work is done for the day. It IS important to stop using the “busy” language.  YOU create the environment you exist in. You create it with your words and with your actions. With how much work you take on, and the price tag you place on your time. So my project now is to be mindful of creating that serenity I so crave in my life. To choose it and embody it and be it, for myself and those around me.

Amen, and amen. 

Plastic industry

You will learn about the subject of the plastics industry on all things related to it , such as:
 Plastic industry
Project plastics industry
Ways plastics industry
How plastics industry
Plastics industry in Egypt
The way the industry and the formation of plastic
Introduction to the plastics industry :

Is the plastics industry of vital industries upon which the rights in various areas of life The products plastics industry starting from the pots in the house to the ceilings to cars to airplanes and enter the plastics industry in many other industries Kalsnaat metal , wood and electricity cables , appliances , electronics and packaging industries , and falls under the the plastics industry a lot of industries.
The plastic or so-called " plastic " material is easy configuration consists of different ways chains called polymers .
Still communities experiencing development since the Stone Age and even the age of the black gold ( oil ) , which contributed to the emergence of new industries and many have appeared plastics industry flourished and became today occupies the top of the current industries as a result of frequent use in everyday life , because the plastics industry interference in the composition of things and tools around .
The plastics industry is of the following materials :
Petroleum .
Natural gas .
Coal .

Composition used in the plastics industry :
Plastic consists of ethylene , one of the derivatives of oil, which is used in the manufacture of polythene because it contains the element carbon , which is the most effective in the industry Albolemar , and added to it the properties of a certain gain Kalliona , flexibility and transparency.
Plastics Industry :
Production of plastic - plastic industry
Includes the manufacture of plastic polymers manufacturing stage and then stage the formation of the final product .
Preparation Albolemar :
The petrochemical plants to convert crude oil to the monomers of cracking through the links , and then linking Almonomirat in long chains called Polymer and be completed in standard units .
Industry and the formation of plastic :
Forming plastic product - the plastics industry
During this stage is the formation of the final product after the addition of plasticizers and Kalmqoyat Alakhaddab to improve its properties , and the product is formed by seven major operations :
Stereotyping any industry template as required for casting or casting it.
Casting or molding .
Extrusion .
Telmas or the formation of polished wafers .
The formation of chips or lamination .
Foam .
Thermoforming .
The plastics industry by molding :
The molding process is divided into a set of other processes :
Bloating : This process is used in the manufacture of bottles hollows , and the process is done through the introduction of a tube of molten resin ( Barison ) in the form of compressed air and pushes or steam , which expands to Albarison resin impetus to all aspects of the template.
Injections: a more thermo-plastic molding processes common , and the process is done by dropping tablets from the resin pot oppressive to the template to be made ​​, and after 30 seconds the plastic solidifies , then opens the template and then is ejected product formed by nail expulsion .
Pressure: This is more of molding processes commonly called Almtsaldat thermal , and surgery is performed by pressing the plastic and then put pressure on the configuration template used in the formation of the final product and the products of this process trusses car handles and utensils.
Rotational force : This is done through the template partially filled resin powder , and then heating the mold and engine management problem at a maximum speed centrifugal force .
After that the force called Force to pay the molten resin to the walls of the mold and then keep it in place until harden.
The plastics industry by casting or molding :
Or casting foundries - Project plastics industry
This process is used in the formation of thermo-plastic material , and is the process by pouring the molten resin in a mold and then left to Atsald , and the most important products of this process : the gears and thick panels .
The plastics industry by extrusion :
Extrusion process - the plastics industry

This process is used in the production of pipes and wire rods and caps , with the introduction of solid particles from gases emerging from the plastic pot into a conical cylinder hot.
Formation of polished wafers :
This process is performed put molten plastic Muscolan between a couple of cylinders and hot This process results in elements such as : playing cards with plastic -covered mattresses and used in the tables , and after adding fiber sheets or metal foils .
The formation of chips or lamination :
That Ptchiq piles of fiberglass , wood, paper , then soak the chips in the resin and the process is put on top of each other and then put it under the machine where this machine pressuring until the resin Ptchiq chips with some strong pressure produced from this process compressed wood panels cover the tables .
The plastics industry by thermoforming :
Thermoforming - Project plastics industry
They process the least expensive in terms of money compared to other processes , and are installed plastic sheet over the mold and heated until soft , then suck the air pump chips soft down to cover all of the mold, then it becomes hardened and appear in the forms and templates are different and the most important products bathtubs .
Kinds of plastic :
There are two basic types of plastic are:
Thermoplastic :
Thermal plastic products - plastics industry
He is soften heat and then changed its shape and therefore can be melted down and re- formed , and this type is the most widely used products are : plastic bags , bottles and plastic .
Plastic Allahrara :
Turns this kind of after -machined plastics material is molten , and can not be re- formed and soften when re-heating , and uses this type of plastic in the packaging of electrical wires and handles pots .

How Pepsi-making

Who among us did not taste the taste of Pepsi ! This drink humidifier , which entered into the 
mouths of millions were left without a corner of it was conquered in 195 countries around the planet .
A simple idea started from the head pharmacist was trying to install a medicine for treatment of dyspepsia , and if it detects a drink savory and non- wetted pattern of eating and drinking in the world , and became great by asking small . How come Caleb Pradhan to this discovery ?
Caleb Pradhan was born in 1876 in Naobern in the United States . Forced to leave the university before graduating from the University of Maryland Medical bankrupt when his father and his business failed .
To earn a living turning Caleb Pradhan to education and studied at school - Oakes Smith - in Naobern to be married - Sarah Charity Chridl - . After leaving teaching work in a pharmacy Pollock , which he bought after he became a master of pharmacology .
Began through his work in the pharmacy mixing prescriptions and medical syrups , and hired through his work as his assistant to be able to blend watching mixture of fruit -flavored syrup with soda water .
In the hot, humid summer day in 1898 AD . In Naobern discovered Caleb Pradhan - aged 22 years - drink delicious moisturizer and submit it to the pharmacy customers . To succeed this drink humidifier unexpected success , and is known as - Pepsi Cola - .
Caleb Pradhan was sure that people would come to his pharmacy if gave them something they love and Anachehem in free days . The Khaltth Alzivh composed of extracts from the plant cola , vanilla and rare oils . He knew the name of this drink - drink Brad - relative to Pradhan .
Caleb Pradhan decided to nominate as the featured drink Pepsi -Cola because he was , in his opinion treats disease dyspepsia , which is known as Dyspepsia.
Enjoyed overwhelming popular drink Pepsi . What payment Caleb Pradhan to advertise this drink invader and humidifier . And defending people 's request and sales began to rise to the point with Caleb Pradhan convinced that opens the company to market the drink featured .
The foundations of the world in 1902 Pepsi -Cola in the back room of his pharmacy , offering patented his invention to score a brand registered .
Initially, it was mixed drink and sells through machines soda water . But since necessity is the mother of invention Caleb Pradhan decided to sell Pepsi in small bottles so he can drink anyone and anywhere .
The evolution of the work significantly , and in the June 16, 1903 Pepsi -Cola got its brand on the registered office of the recording brands and trademarks in the United States . During the same year he sold Caleb Pradhan 7968 gallons of Pepsi , and the propaganda says : '' refreshing , tonic , and peptic '' .
Then he started to sell the franchise rights for Pepsi Bottling in cans and bottles , and the number rose from 2 in 1905 to 15 in 1906 and to 40 in 1907 , and with the end of the year 1910, the Pepsi-Cola has branches in 24 states .
This was the most important achievement of what he did Caleb Pradhan , and his company's sales increased to 100,000 gallons of wine per year .
Pepsi -Cola 's success reached its peak year in 1909 where he opened a new headquarters Caleb Pradhan and prided itself on its great Naobern City , and placed it on postcards of the city. The year before ( 1908 ) is considered one of the first of his company switched from carriages to cars to transport their wares.
Caleb Pradhan became the owner of a very popular thanks to his sense of thanks and delicate business . Was nominated for the post of governor in his state , and his continued success. Thus, Pepsi -Cola , flew internationally with great success for 17 years , did not know failure, and was successful Pepsi slogan put forward by Caleb Pradhan : '' drink Pepsi -Cola , they are inevitably Strdak '' .
After 17 years of success came World War and the first and relapsed Pepsi influenced by what is happening around them , and sugar prices fluctuated seriously influenced the production of Pepsi -Cola .
Was Caleb Pradhan forced to risk some trades so that he can continue to be forced in the end , is 3 years cumbersome , declare bankruptcy after storage of sugar in huge quantities and dropped its price suddenly , dozens of times , and that was the misfortune of Caleb Pradhan , was left of the Pepsi factories are only two ( in 1921 ) .
Caleb Pradhan returned to his pharmacy and put the name of Pepsi For Sale . And already sold it to - Roy Megargl - and that after a succession of four owners of the name of all failed in the delivery of Pepsi to safety and to fly high , that came to a successful chocolate factory named - Charles Relief - . This was a person as a savior for Pepsi , where the company benefited from his experience and his ideas .
After 15 years of failure from the date of the bankruptcy Caleb Pradhan - who died at the age of fifty-eighth , after about 10 years from the date of bankruptcy - and the company stood on her feet again .
During the Second World War, the company returned to the back and suffered from the recession and the economic situation is tense , and people were not paying 5 cents versus drink moisturizer that doubled the size of the relief Pepsi versus the same price that a competitor companies other refreshments .
Pepsi returned to quit again after World War II with new ideas and new logos and ads , including the famous song publicity Nickel, Nickel -.
Pepsi is the world of the best companies in the world ranking and 21 in the first five hundred companies in the United States .
Restaurants and Pepsi owns Pizza Hut , Kentucky Fried Chicken , Taco Restaurants and smooth and even .
And worked for PepsiCo Global about half a million people in its factories and restaurants owned .
A simple idea and a desire modest discovered drink black reached every corner of the globe , and walked around the black water quantities can be filled rivers.

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الاثنين، 3 فبراير 2014

Valentine Minis!

Just a little announcement courtesy of j. noel photography, if anyone in town is interested! :) 
(all sessions will be held next Sunday in Southwest Austin - email me at for more details or to book your family!)

الجمعة، 31 يناير 2014

Managing behaviour in the digital age

If you ask most teachers, especially newly trained ones, what one of the biggest challenges of teaching is, they would probably say managing student behaviour. Especially as class sizes grow and more students are bringing along potentially distracting digital devices, making sure you are keeping students on task is becoming ever more important. If this is something that concerns you, then read on.

ClassCharts could be the solution to your problem. ClassCharts is a digital management tool which can help you, your students and their parents to track and improve student behaviour across the whole school.

Using ClassCharts you can set up seating charts for every room in your school and create a profile for each student. Teachers can then use ClassCharts to monitor and reward positive behaviour as well as track negative behaviour. As the teacher builds up data across classes they can start to understand how different seating arrangements and student pairing and grouping can impact on behaviour, then generate seating charts for students that group them in ways that help them to work more efficiently and harmoniously.

So how does it work?

Well one of the first things to do is to add seating plans of your rooms. This is easy to do and you can drag the virtual desks around into whatever configuration you have in your classroom.

Then you also need to upload your students. What I really like about ClassCharts is that you can also upload a photograph of each one, and this can be really useful if you have large classes and lots of students names to remember, especially when it comes to writing reports.

You can then either manually assign seats or generate a random seating chart. During the class you can use ClassCharts acknowledge a range of positive and negative behaviours. These behaviours are all customisable so you can create your own or use the default ones.

ClassCharts uses html 5 so should run in any modern browser whether it’s a laptop, iPad or Android tablet, so the teacher can use an tablet during the class to instantly update behaviours.

Either before or during the class the teacher can also shuffle the class seating depending on a number of criteria from things like attainment targets to gender or previous behaviour.

One of the real time-savers of ClassCharts though is when it comes to report writing time. Each students’ behaviour has been tracked through their various classes and teachers can get a detailed report, including dates when different behaviours were recorded.

Both students and parents can also access live reports and monitor progress throughout the term, so students and parents know how they are doing and parents don’t have to wait until the end of term to find out what’s been going on with their child.

This helps to share responsibility and makes it much easier to get parents involved in dealing with any negative behaviour at the earliest possible date.

Although ClassCharts is free and has been designed so that a single teacher can set it up to track their own classes independently, the real power of the platform is its ability to work across the school and track student behaviour in every class. To make this easier ClassCharts also interconnects with a range of other educational management software systems, from simple tools like Edmodo to more complex ones like SIMS and PowerSchool.

What I like about ClassCharts
  • I’m really impressed by the fact that such a powerful and well designed tool is free.
  • It’s great that a system like this and the data it collects can be applied and shared across a whole school.
  • I really like that you can see the student and access a range of information about them from targets, to behaviour and even a little about their background.
  • Great to get parents involved and students monitoring their own progress.

What I’m not so sure about
  • This is quite a complex tool and creates a lot of data, so I think it’s going to take a bit of getting used to for teachers and perhaps a bit of training too.
  • It does produce a lot of data and you can easily get a bit too tied up in this and forget about the person.

Well I hope you find ClassCharts useful and give it a try.

Related links:
Nik Peachey

الجمعة، 24 يناير 2014

Snow Day

Overnight we had a light dusting of snow, and basically the whole city has shut down since. And I don't blame them. I almost died trying to get a couple pictures of the "snow" out on my front driveway this morning. Treacherours conditions, indeed. But no seriously. Be careful this morning, fellow Texans! That ice is slick!

Yesterday I took the day "off" to run errands and drive all over tarnation looking for a chest of drawers to put in my office, only to wind up coming home defeated and empty-handed, and so frustrated that there was still so much stuff strewn about my office floor and nowhere to put it, that I forced Matthew to bring the large Pottery Barn buffet cabinet we'd been keeping in the garage (since we downsized, a lot of our old stuff doesn't fit in the new place) into my office so I could have some storage space already, damn it. So now I am utilizing a rather oddly placed dining room buffet that smells faintly of mold from our flooded Pod, and you know what? It's a place to put shit until further notice, and I literally breathed a sigh of relief to see a my tidy office space this morning. Snow day + clean office + tortilla soup in the crock pot + editing & coffee = my idea of a fairly nice Friday. :)

Hope you all have a fabulous weekend, and I'll see you back here next week!

الخميس، 23 يناير 2014

Shop Spotlight: Row House 14 for saucy/cute cards

Hey friends! Today I'd like to highlight a shop called Row House 14 just in time for Valentine's Day - if you're looking for a super fun, non-Hallmark card to give your sigO, this shop delivers. Check out their birthday and thank you cards as well (this one is my favorite!). There's a funny/cute card for any occasion over there. :) Use the code MYVALENTINE15 for 15% off your purchase through next Thursday, the 30th!

Have a great day...

الثلاثاء، 21 يناير 2014


The other day I was accused of being a “workaholic,” and while my first instinct was to react (badly, of course), I chose not to really react at all, and instead just sort of let this accusation marinate a bit. Thought about it, weighed it out, asked myself if this was a good or a bad thing, what it means for people in my life… etc, etc. I’ve been thinking about it ever since, so naturally, I had to blog it out. How does anyone without a blog sort out all their feelings? I have no idea. ;)

Lately I have found myself in this strange quandary where I always feel busy, always feel behind, can never fully enjoy being in the moment because my brain is always ten steps ahead of me, pushing me, propelling me forward, causing me a perpetual sense of anxiety and inability to be fully present in anything. I always feel like the crazed rabbit from Alice In Wonderland… “We’re late, we’re late! For a very important date!” and I’d need more than two hands to count all the times I’ve said to someone in my life lately “I’m so BUSY. I’m so BEHIND on work.” In other words, “I don’t have time for you.” 

AND I HATE THAT. I don’t want to be that person. No one likes that person. I think, after mulling it over a while, I’ve decided that being a workaholic isn’t necessarily a bad thing depending on the context, but in my case, I think it IS a bad thing. I need desperately to learn balance. I think it’s especially hard for a young business owner to find balance when there is ALWAYS more to be done. The future of your business is 100% in YOUR hands. Each and every responsibility that comes with running your business (in my case, marketing, communication with clients, packaging design, shipping, contracts, web design and copy, bookkeeping  [or lack thereof], location scouting, shooting, editing, networking, rebranding, blogging sessions, planning for the future, etc, etc, etc - not including ANYTHING to do with running this blog and creating good content here!) falls entirely into YOUR lap, and no one else’s. It really cannot be delegated, unless you hire an intern. You must simply sit down to your work each day, accomplish as much as you can in order of priority, and when it’s time to clock out at 6:00 o’clock or whenever you decide to call it a day, it’s so important to say to yourself “I did all I could today, and I am proud of my work. My work is not finished, but it will never be. And that’s OK. Tomorrow I will chip away at more, and everything will be OK. But now, NOW I will go be present in my home and in my REAL life with people I love.”

So much easier said than done. But today I’m asking myself for grace. And calm. And peace. I want to ENJOY my work. And then I want to ENJOY my life. At the end of this day, my work will not be finished. I will not be “all caught up.” I don’t think “all caught up” will exist for me anymore. But it IS important to understand when work is done for the day. It IS important to stop using the “busy” language.  YOU create the environment you exist in. You create it with your words and with your actions. With how much work you take on, and the price tag you place on your time. So my project now is to be mindful of creating that serenity I so crave in my life. To choose it and embody it and be it, for myself and those around me.

Amen, and amen. 

السبت، 18 يناير 2014

Plastic industry

You will learn about the subject of the plastics industry on all things related to it , such as:
 Plastic industry
Project plastics industry
Ways plastics industry
How plastics industry
Plastics industry in Egypt
The way the industry and the formation of plastic
Introduction to the plastics industry :

Is the plastics industry of vital industries upon which the rights in various areas of life The products plastics industry starting from the pots in the house to the ceilings to cars to airplanes and enter the plastics industry in many other industries Kalsnaat metal , wood and electricity cables , appliances , electronics and packaging industries , and falls under the the plastics industry a lot of industries.
The plastic or so-called " plastic " material is easy configuration consists of different ways chains called polymers .
Still communities experiencing development since the Stone Age and even the age of the black gold ( oil ) , which contributed to the emergence of new industries and many have appeared plastics industry flourished and became today occupies the top of the current industries as a result of frequent use in everyday life , because the plastics industry interference in the composition of things and tools around .
The plastics industry is of the following materials :
Petroleum .
Natural gas .
Coal .

Composition used in the plastics industry :
Plastic consists of ethylene , one of the derivatives of oil, which is used in the manufacture of polythene because it contains the element carbon , which is the most effective in the industry Albolemar , and added to it the properties of a certain gain Kalliona , flexibility and transparency.
Plastics Industry :
Production of plastic - plastic industry
Includes the manufacture of plastic polymers manufacturing stage and then stage the formation of the final product .
Preparation Albolemar :
The petrochemical plants to convert crude oil to the monomers of cracking through the links , and then linking Almonomirat in long chains called Polymer and be completed in standard units .
Industry and the formation of plastic :
Forming plastic product - the plastics industry
During this stage is the formation of the final product after the addition of plasticizers and Kalmqoyat Alakhaddab to improve its properties , and the product is formed by seven major operations :
Stereotyping any industry template as required for casting or casting it.
Casting or molding .
Extrusion .
Telmas or the formation of polished wafers .
The formation of chips or lamination .
Foam .
Thermoforming .
The plastics industry by molding :
The molding process is divided into a set of other processes :
Bloating : This process is used in the manufacture of bottles hollows , and the process is done through the introduction of a tube of molten resin ( Barison ) in the form of compressed air and pushes or steam , which expands to Albarison resin impetus to all aspects of the template.
Injections: a more thermo-plastic molding processes common , and the process is done by dropping tablets from the resin pot oppressive to the template to be made ​​, and after 30 seconds the plastic solidifies , then opens the template and then is ejected product formed by nail expulsion .
Pressure: This is more of molding processes commonly called Almtsaldat thermal , and surgery is performed by pressing the plastic and then put pressure on the configuration template used in the formation of the final product and the products of this process trusses car handles and utensils.
Rotational force : This is done through the template partially filled resin powder , and then heating the mold and engine management problem at a maximum speed centrifugal force .
After that the force called Force to pay the molten resin to the walls of the mold and then keep it in place until harden.
The plastics industry by casting or molding :
Or casting foundries - Project plastics industry
This process is used in the formation of thermo-plastic material , and is the process by pouring the molten resin in a mold and then left to Atsald , and the most important products of this process : the gears and thick panels .
The plastics industry by extrusion :
Extrusion process - the plastics industry

This process is used in the production of pipes and wire rods and caps , with the introduction of solid particles from gases emerging from the plastic pot into a conical cylinder hot.
Formation of polished wafers :
This process is performed put molten plastic Muscolan between a couple of cylinders and hot This process results in elements such as : playing cards with plastic -covered mattresses and used in the tables , and after adding fiber sheets or metal foils .
The formation of chips or lamination :
That Ptchiq piles of fiberglass , wood, paper , then soak the chips in the resin and the process is put on top of each other and then put it under the machine where this machine pressuring until the resin Ptchiq chips with some strong pressure produced from this process compressed wood panels cover the tables .
The plastics industry by thermoforming :
Thermoforming - Project plastics industry
They process the least expensive in terms of money compared to other processes , and are installed plastic sheet over the mold and heated until soft , then suck the air pump chips soft down to cover all of the mold, then it becomes hardened and appear in the forms and templates are different and the most important products bathtubs .
Kinds of plastic :
There are two basic types of plastic are:
Thermoplastic :
Thermal plastic products - plastics industry
He is soften heat and then changed its shape and therefore can be melted down and re- formed , and this type is the most widely used products are : plastic bags , bottles and plastic .
Plastic Allahrara :
Turns this kind of after -machined plastics material is molten , and can not be re- formed and soften when re-heating , and uses this type of plastic in the packaging of electrical wires and handles pots .

الجمعة، 17 يناير 2014

How Pepsi-making

Who among us did not taste the taste of Pepsi ! This drink humidifier , which entered into the 
mouths of millions were left without a corner of it was conquered in 195 countries around the planet .
A simple idea started from the head pharmacist was trying to install a medicine for treatment of dyspepsia , and if it detects a drink savory and non- wetted pattern of eating and drinking in the world , and became great by asking small . How come Caleb Pradhan to this discovery ?
Caleb Pradhan was born in 1876 in Naobern in the United States . Forced to leave the university before graduating from the University of Maryland Medical bankrupt when his father and his business failed .
To earn a living turning Caleb Pradhan to education and studied at school - Oakes Smith - in Naobern to be married - Sarah Charity Chridl - . After leaving teaching work in a pharmacy Pollock , which he bought after he became a master of pharmacology .
Began through his work in the pharmacy mixing prescriptions and medical syrups , and hired through his work as his assistant to be able to blend watching mixture of fruit -flavored syrup with soda water .
In the hot, humid summer day in 1898 AD . In Naobern discovered Caleb Pradhan - aged 22 years - drink delicious moisturizer and submit it to the pharmacy customers . To succeed this drink humidifier unexpected success , and is known as - Pepsi Cola - .
Caleb Pradhan was sure that people would come to his pharmacy if gave them something they love and Anachehem in free days . The Khaltth Alzivh composed of extracts from the plant cola , vanilla and rare oils . He knew the name of this drink - drink Brad - relative to Pradhan .
Caleb Pradhan decided to nominate as the featured drink Pepsi -Cola because he was , in his opinion treats disease dyspepsia , which is known as Dyspepsia.
Enjoyed overwhelming popular drink Pepsi . What payment Caleb Pradhan to advertise this drink invader and humidifier . And defending people 's request and sales began to rise to the point with Caleb Pradhan convinced that opens the company to market the drink featured .
The foundations of the world in 1902 Pepsi -Cola in the back room of his pharmacy , offering patented his invention to score a brand registered .
Initially, it was mixed drink and sells through machines soda water . But since necessity is the mother of invention Caleb Pradhan decided to sell Pepsi in small bottles so he can drink anyone and anywhere .
The evolution of the work significantly , and in the June 16, 1903 Pepsi -Cola got its brand on the registered office of the recording brands and trademarks in the United States . During the same year he sold Caleb Pradhan 7968 gallons of Pepsi , and the propaganda says : '' refreshing , tonic , and peptic '' .
Then he started to sell the franchise rights for Pepsi Bottling in cans and bottles , and the number rose from 2 in 1905 to 15 in 1906 and to 40 in 1907 , and with the end of the year 1910, the Pepsi-Cola has branches in 24 states .
This was the most important achievement of what he did Caleb Pradhan , and his company's sales increased to 100,000 gallons of wine per year .
Pepsi -Cola 's success reached its peak year in 1909 where he opened a new headquarters Caleb Pradhan and prided itself on its great Naobern City , and placed it on postcards of the city. The year before ( 1908 ) is considered one of the first of his company switched from carriages to cars to transport their wares.
Caleb Pradhan became the owner of a very popular thanks to his sense of thanks and delicate business . Was nominated for the post of governor in his state , and his continued success. Thus, Pepsi -Cola , flew internationally with great success for 17 years , did not know failure, and was successful Pepsi slogan put forward by Caleb Pradhan : '' drink Pepsi -Cola , they are inevitably Strdak '' .
After 17 years of success came World War and the first and relapsed Pepsi influenced by what is happening around them , and sugar prices fluctuated seriously influenced the production of Pepsi -Cola .
Was Caleb Pradhan forced to risk some trades so that he can continue to be forced in the end , is 3 years cumbersome , declare bankruptcy after storage of sugar in huge quantities and dropped its price suddenly , dozens of times , and that was the misfortune of Caleb Pradhan , was left of the Pepsi factories are only two ( in 1921 ) .
Caleb Pradhan returned to his pharmacy and put the name of Pepsi For Sale . And already sold it to - Roy Megargl - and that after a succession of four owners of the name of all failed in the delivery of Pepsi to safety and to fly high , that came to a successful chocolate factory named - Charles Relief - . This was a person as a savior for Pepsi , where the company benefited from his experience and his ideas .
After 15 years of failure from the date of the bankruptcy Caleb Pradhan - who died at the age of fifty-eighth , after about 10 years from the date of bankruptcy - and the company stood on her feet again .
During the Second World War, the company returned to the back and suffered from the recession and the economic situation is tense , and people were not paying 5 cents versus drink moisturizer that doubled the size of the relief Pepsi versus the same price that a competitor companies other refreshments .
Pepsi returned to quit again after World War II with new ideas and new logos and ads , including the famous song publicity Nickel, Nickel -.
Pepsi is the world of the best companies in the world ranking and 21 in the first five hundred companies in the United States .
Restaurants and Pepsi owns Pizza Hut , Kentucky Fried Chicken , Taco Restaurants and smooth and even .
And worked for PepsiCo Global about half a million people in its factories and restaurants owned .
A simple idea and a desire modest discovered drink black reached every corner of the globe , and walked around the black water quantities can be filled rivers.